Odriješenje u smrti...

Željeli ste tragičan završetak, izvolite sad čitat smijeh. Znam...znam opet sam malko pretjerao s veličinom posta, al tu nema pomoći. kad počnem pisat ne mogu stat (čak sam i skraćivao)
Nemojte se ljutit ak vam ne odgovorim odmah na vaše komentare. Slijedećih dana nisam doma. Uživajte, pozdrav! wave

Ležao sam s licem u blatu, umoran… promrzao. Hladna kiša pljuštala je po meni, bilo mi je tako hladno. Pokušao sam ustati, nisam imao snage. Ruke su mi se izmakle i ja sam pljusnuo natrag u grimiznu lokvu blata i krvi. Snažna bol presijecala me u grudima gdje je svijetla oštrica bila zabodena. Nekoliko centimetara nalijevo i zasigurno više ne bih disao. Nisam znao što se dogodilo, sjećanje mi je bilo pomućeno. Ponovno sam pokušao ustati, ovaj put s malo više uspjeha i ostao sjediti u blatu. Tri muškarca, nepomično su ležala nešto dalje od mene. Dopuzavši do jednog ugledao sam veliku posjekotinu kako mu zjapi na vratu. Umalo mu je netko odsjekao glavu. Ostala dvojica također su bili mrtvi. Bio sam zbunjen, nisam znao gdje se nalazim…
Korak po korak, lagano sam krenuo ne znajući kuda idem. Sve mi se nekako činilo poznato, nisam znao zašto. Putem sam naišao na jednu staricu, vrisnula je i pobjegla ugledavši me. Nisam joj želio ništa nažao...
Hodajući naišao sam na visoke zidine. Grad… tiho sam šapnuo čvršće ogrnuvši svoj tamni kaput, kako nitko ne bi vidio krv kojom sam bio obliven. Osjećao sam se kao u polusnu, uhvaćen između iluzije i jave. Samo me tjelesna bol podsjećala na to da ovo nije san. Moje umorne noge dovele su me do jedne sive kuće. Crni mačak sjedio je na prozoru umilno me gledao svojim zelenim očima.
Izvukavši ključ iz džepa, otključao sam vrata i ušao unutra. Mjesto je izgledalo napušteno, kao da su stanari naglo otputovali. Sve je bilo razbacano. Lagano teturavši svalio sam se u naslonjač ugledavši na zidu iznad kamina, portret dvoje ljudi, muškarca i žene. Zadnjom snagom sam ustao i prišao bliže, zacijelo su bili ljubavni par. Izgledali su tako sretni i bezbrižni.
Dvije suze kliznule su mojim prljavim licem. Nisam znao zašto plačem, ali pogled na ovo dvoje u meni je nešto uznemirio. Kao u transu odvukao sam se do ogledala zureći u blijedu sliku što se pojavila pred mnom. Mladić sa portreta, samo nekoliko godina stariji gledao je u mene svojim tamnim očima. Počeo sam se tresti, naglo mi je pozlilo. Komadići sjećanja počeli su mi navirati u glavu. Starac s bičem u ruci kako stoji pred mnom vičući zapovijed… djevojka s plavim očima umire od moje ruke na svijetlu mjesečine… moja voljena Faith kako nježno pjevuši prolazeći svojim vještim prstima kroz moju kosu… smrt... svugdje samo smrt... tri muškarca kako padaju oboreni gušeći se u vlastitoj krvi…
Uz glasan udarac, pao sam na drveni pod. Plava porculanska vaza, koju sam zacijelo povukao za sobom, razletjela se uz glasan prasak na stotinu sitnih komadića. Bio sam slab, izgubio previše krvi… ipak, sjetio sam se. Sjećanje koje zacijelo do smrti neću moći izbrisati iz svoje glave.
Držao sam ju u naručju dok je posljednji dah prelazio preko njenih blijedih usana šapućući moje ime. Njene tamne oči izgubile su svoj sjaj, njeno lijepo lice bilo je obilježila je velika plava masnica. Pronašle su ju dvije žene, izranjavanu i na samrti. Vraćala se iz susjednog grada dok su ju napala tri muškarca. Ona trojica koja su sad ležala na cesti. Stražari sa gradskih zidina… krvnici. Nisam imao snage misliti na sve što su joj učinili. Bila je mrtva, jedina koju sam ikad volio, sada je ležala u svojoj hladnoj postelji na vječnost. Moja Faith, moja prekrasna voljena Faith umrla je od njihove ruke, a ja sam ju osvetio… Ipak, ništa nije moglo izbrisati bol koju sam osjećao dok sam ležao na hladnom podu u lokvi vlastite krvi prisjećajući se sretnih trenutaka koje smo proveli zajedno. Želio sam usnuti i nikad više ne otvoriti oči…
Glasan prasak prenuo me iz sna. Petorica stražara grubo su uletjela u moj dom…naš dom. Bio sam previše slab da bih ustao. Dvojica su me grubo podigla na noge i odvukla sa sobom. Žena na koju sam putem naišao zacijelo me prijavila.
Bacili su me u malu vlažnu tamnicu gdje sam trebao čekati svoju presudu. Znao sam već tada kako će glasiti. Moje rane strašno su me boljele. Nakon nekoliko sati samoće, dva su redovnika ušla u moju ćeliju, pobrinuvši se za moje rane prije nego što su me izveli pred suca. Pričali su nešto o vjeri, nisam ih slušao. Mislio sam samo na nju... njen nježan dodir, miris njene duge kose...
Sudac je bio star, sijed čovjek hladnih plavih oči bez milosti. Sat vremena trajala je cijela tragedija. Pitanja… toliko pitanja, a na nijedno nisam znao odgovora. Samo sam sjedio ruku sklopljenih na krilu čekajući svoju osudu. Sve sam izgubio, svoju ljubav i volju za životom, nisam vidio razloga da ih spriječim u njihovom naumu. Kada je sudac napokon izgovorio svoj monolog, osjećao sam olakšanje… nisam želio živjeti.
Natrag u svojoj ćeliji sjeo sam na hladan kamen sa svijećom, perom i listom papira odlučivši zapisati svoje posljednje misli, u tišini…
Zora je svanula, smrt je pokucala na vrata koja su se s treskom otvorila. Došao je moj čas, moj život će se ugasiti. Vješala su čekala, nisam se bojao. Sa smiješkom na licu koraknuo sam naprijed u svoju propast i odriješenje.
Čekaj me moja jedina, jer u smrti ćemo ponovno biti zajedno...

23.04.2007. u 17:58 |

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My blog

This is a mirror to my dreams. Enjoy...

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Moj blog s besplatnim dizajnima. Zavirite ako vas zanima wink

Hall of fame

Ljudi, vampiri i druga stvorenja vrijedna pažnje thumbup

Taken by storm
vicious vampire
Beatiful Death


Lucifer's Curse

†-×° BŁaCk Go†hIc Sis†€r S€p†€mb€r °×-†
-Lonely Death-
Countess Dementia di Santi
no angel


Zoe Jane
Violent Beauty

The black butterfly


Croatian underground metal/rock/punk
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Trapped in my nightmares

Svakim danom, svakim satom sve se više gubim u ovoj iluziji koju nazivamo svojim postojanjem. Kao sjena bježim pred svijetlom natrag u tamu. Život prolazi pored mene, ne mogu ga zaustaviti. Mogu samo žuriti s vremenom kako ne bi zaostao, zaboravljen. Sve što ostaje iza mene, to su sjećanja. Ona lijepa, ali i ona koja bi svatko od nas najradije zaboravio. Čovjek je smrtan, a time sam i ja. Jednog dana hladna će ruka smrti sve nas povući u grob. Postoji samo jedna stvar koju stvarno moramo, a to je umrijeti...
Gledajući kroz nevina stakla djetinjstva, život nam se čini toliko lijep, pun sreće i radosti, novih avantura... Ali kako odrastamo ta se iluzija polagano raspada i mi počinjemo shvaćati stvarnost. Svi se mi vječno borimo kako bi sebi i svojim voljenima osigurali što ljepši i lakši život. Živimo, patimo i umiremo i za najmanji za trenutak sreće. A ja vas sad pitam, je li vrijedno toliko se boriti za jedan maleni trenutak zadovoljstva? Zar mi moramo toliko patiti, da bismo bili sretni? Na to pitanje još uvijek ne znam dati dovoljan odgovor...
Ipak, nešto sam shvatio. Tek u trenutku spoznaje svoje prolaznosti, čovjek počinje cijeniti ono što ima. Tek u trenutku kad se pomirimo s onim neizbježnim, mi zaista možemo biti sretni.

more information about me (my msn): dark_sword_dancer@hotmail.com


Disturbed: Prayer

Another dream that will never come true
Just to compliment your sorrow
Another life that I've taken from you
A gift to add on to your pain and suffering
Another truth you can never believe
Has crippled you completely
All the cries you're beginning to hear
Trapped in your mind, and the sound is deafening

Let me enlighten you
This is the way I pray

Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside
Living my life's not hard enough
Take everything away

Another nightmare about to come true
Will manifest tomorrow
Another love that I've taken from you
Lost in time, on the edge of suffering
Another taste of the evil I breed
Will level you completely
Bring to life everything that you fear
Live in the dark, and the world is threatening

Let me enlighten you
This is the way i pray


Return to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, leave me no one
Turn to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, cast aside
Return to me, return to me, return to me, turn to me, leave me no one
Turn to me, return to me, return to me, you've made me turn away

[Chorus Variant:]
Living just isn't hard enough
Burn me alive, inside
Living my life's not hard enough,
They take everything from you


Iced Earth: Melancholy

Make the sadness go away
Come back another day
For years I've tried to teach
But their eyes are empty
Empty too I have become
For them I must die
A sad and troubled race
An ungrateful troubled place

I see the sadness in their eyes
Melancholy in their cries
Devoid of all the passion
The human spirit cannot die
Look at the pain around me
This is what I cry for
Look at the pain around me
This is what I'll die for

Make the sadness go away
Come back another day
The things I've said and done
Don't matter to anyone
But still, you push me to see
Something, I can never be
Why am I their shattered king?
I don't mean anything

I see the sadness in their eyes
Melancholy in their cries
Devoid of all the passion
The human spirit cannot die
Look at the pain around me
This is what I cry for
Look at the pain around me
This is what I'll die for.

Korn: Alone I Break

Pick me up
Been bleeding too long
Right here, right now
I'll stop it somehow

I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone

Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesn't seem so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?

Cut me off
I'm ready, heart stops
I stand alone
Can't be on my own

I will make it go away
Can't be here no more
Seems this is the only way
I will soon be gone
These feelings will be gone
These feelings will be gone

Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesn't seem so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?

Am I going to leave this place?
What is it I'm running from?
Is there nothing more to come?
(Am I gonna leave this place?)

Is it always black in space?
Am I going take its place?
Am I going to win this race?
(Am I going to leave this race?)

I guess God's up in this place?
What is it that I've become?
Is there something more to come?

More to come

Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesn't seem so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?

Now I see the times they change
Leaving doesn't seem so strange
I am hoping I can find
Where to leave my hurt behind
All the shit I seem to take
All alone I seem to break
I have lived the best I can
Does this make me not a man?

Iced Earth: The Phantom Opera Ghost

[Y:] I feel you, from beyond the walls you speak to me
[M:] Christine my love Paris now will worship you
You will star soon I'll kill to make it sure for you
[Y:] Oh my love, won't you please show yourself to me
[M:] Soon I'll take you in my kingdom you're the queen.
It's dark and peaceful but my face you'll never see, no

[M:] Oh Christine on this eve I will come for you
[Y:] Erik my love, I've waited all my life for you
Please just take me I need to be with you
[M:] Take my hand, through the catacombs my lair awaits
[Y:] Caverns, mazes, the underworld and the blackest lake.
Enticing danger, your passion feeds me I'm your slave

[Y:] Now I've bathed in fear. I will not leave here
[M:] Breathe deep the darkness. Breathe deep the madness
[Y:] I'm so cold inside. Mental suicide
[M:] Breathe deep the darkness. Breathe deep the sadness

[M:] Oh Christine don't you know it's all for you
Carlotta's head and the other death's I planned.
All for you, to have your night in the spotlight.
From now on forevermore you will only sing for me

[Y:] So you are, you are the legend. The Phantom Opera Ghost
[M:] I am what man has made me. With his hate and cruel ways
[Y:] Why are you?
[M:] Why am I?
[Y&M:] The Phantom Opera Ghost
[Y:] I have to see
[M:] You'll never see
[Y&M:] What's behind the mask

[Y:] I'm so torn between love, death, life, and hate
[M:] Don't you doubt me, what we have is just our fate.
I now own you from this day forth; you'll be my slave
[Y:] Oh Dear God for this life I've lost the will
[M:] No this can't be I'd rather you die than spoil my dream.
Myself I'll kill if I can't have you no one will

Disturbed: Hell

Ahh, Ahhh
Burning now I bring you Hell!

Ahh, Ahhh
Oh, burning now I bring you Hell!

Read me tonight, when the warnings said leave a shudder upon you
Running from all that you feared in your life
Soul of the night, when the sun mislead paint a horror upon you
Marking the moment, displaying in my ghost of a life!
And I can't get round the way you left me out in the open
To leave me to die!
So how can I, forget the way you lead me through the path into Heaven
To leave me behind!

Now I can't stay behind
Save me, from wreaking my vengeance
Upon you, to killing more than I can tell
Burning now I bring you Hell!

[Repeat Post-Chorus]

Free me tonight, as the animal kings breathe their terror upon you
Caught in the moment, engaging in my
Bloodlust tonight, now I can't control my venom's flow
Get back from me demon, or be exorcised!

[Repeat Chorus]

All my emotion and all my integrity
All that you've taken from me
All my emotion and all my integrity
All that you've taken from me

Now I can't stay behind
Save me, from wreaking my vengeance
Upon you, to killing more than I can tell
Soul of the night, I know
Now I can't stay behind
Save me, from wreaking my vengeance
Upon you, to killing more than I can tell
Burning now I bring you Hell!

Iced Earth: I Died for You

I can't belive this now
This isn't what I planned
I lived and died and now
I just can't understand
With all the love I feel
I could never leave her
No matter what the cost
My soulds the price to see her

Oh how I love you
The pain won't go away
Oh when I need you
You're always so far away
I cry for you
Leaving myself to blame
I died for you
I gave up everything

The pain was just to much
When I finally saw her
She's happy and in love
In love with my best friend
What makes it hurt so bad
Is that I love them both
And they will never know
For love I sold my soul

Repeat Chorus

HIM: Poison Girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

A prey she was for the cruelty of love
While its serpent inside crawled straight towards her heart
The coldest kiss love ceased to exist
While we grew apart like never before

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

the fire in her eyes
grew dim and then died
as the poison inside
reached her heart

And the coldest kiss
faith ceased to exist
as we grew apart
like never before

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

And the taste of the poison on her lips is of a tomb

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love wants us dead
Just me and my poison girl

I did it all just for her
I did it all just for her
And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl

Poison girl [4X]

And love's heart is death
For me and my poison girl
In this poison world...

Iced Earth: Last December

The howling winds blow
On this moonlit night
Eyes locked in fear
With a dark embrace
The bitter cold winds
Freeze the tears that fall
Hands held in grace
As we take the final step

Obsessed with our love
Here is our fate
To need the final call
On this special winter day
A message to our elders
They surely won't forget
Our love must last forever
In death we shall not part

It seems like only yesterday
Our lives together planned
They say it's just a passing phase
We're damned by our youth
Why does no one understand
What we have is real

This is not your average love it's forever

Last December
Mother you have forced us here
Last December
Father now we'll disappear
Last December
One last step we fade away

So we take the final step
Heed the final call
Together we are strong
Divided we must fall
Teenage suicide
Our only way out
Together we might live
Divided we must fall

Last December
Mother you have forced us here
Last December
Father now we'll disappear
Last December
One last step we fade away

Billy Talent:Pins And Needles lyrics

Never understood how she could,
Mean so little to so many
Why does she mean everything to me?

Is it worth the pain, with no one to blame?
For all of my insecurities
How did I ever let you go?

Questioning her good intention
Jealousy's a bad invention
When you push on glass, it's bound to break

Even when she was defensive,
It just gave me more incentive
The more you squeeze, the more it slips away

I never walked so far on a lonely street
With no-one there for me
Is it worth the pain, with no one to blame?
For all of my insecurities
How did I ever let you go?

Accept this confession!
...I'm walking on pins and needles
You're not my possession!
...I'm walking on pins and needles
My conscience is vicious!
...I'm walking on pins and needles
And I'm begging forgiveness!
...I'm walking on pins and needles

I never walked so far on a lonely street,
With no one there for me
It took too long to see her in misery
And now it's clear to me

That it's worth the pain, always take the blame
For all your own insecurities
How did I ever let you go?

Lovex: Anyone anymore

I’m another king and robber
I’m a brother trampling on your dreams
Before they stand in the way of mine

He’s a fighter with a hunger for disaster
A decider chained to the fate of the world
But words are left unheard

Feel the weight on your shoulders
Is there anyone anymore
To slow our fall, yeah
All those people, all that power
Is there anyone anymore
Is there anyone anymore

She’s a lover a true-love mocker
And every dollar she earned at the cost of those
Who believed enough to let it show

In your mirror you will see a winner
A celebrated sinner standing in line with the vain
Those self-appointed modern day saints

Feel the weight on your shoulders
Is there anyone anymore
To slow our fall, yeah
All those people, all that power
Is there anyone anymore
Is there anyone anymore

It’s not about conformity
It’s abuse of individuality
It’s insanity, it’s reality
It’s the promised land of hypocrisy

Feel the weight on your shoulders
Is there anyone anymore
To slow our fall, yeah
All those people, all that power
Is there anyone anymore
Is there anyone anymore...