Zivot u Dubai-u

nedjelja, 12.06.2005.

Druga strana medalje - 2. dio

Eh, da, zaboravih napisati i dodati:

- nemojte se slucajno "igrati" hackera, ne isplati se

- Evo i citata nedavno pustene zene - slucaj s kodeinom

Codeine is a banned substance in the United Arab Emirates, and it is an offence not only to possess the substance but to have it in the bloodstream, and punishable by a maximum jail sentence of four years. - ponavljam, ima ga u sirupima za kasalj a dovoljno je da vam ga nadju u krvi.

"You try and think, 'I'm going home tomorrow', which they promised me since virtually the third day I arrived there," she said. "In the end you think, 'Who's kidding who here. Are you ever actually going to go home?'

"At one point, because they thought I was difficult, they handcuffed me in this tiny cell with one arm hung up, so I was dangling and couldn't reach the floor.

''I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I thought, 'I'm going to die'.''

Even after being cleared, she was told she might have to wait up to another 15 days for prosecutors to decide whether they would appeal, but on Wednesday the prosecution waived its right to appeal.

Mrs Wilkinson had been to Dubai at least 40 times before her arrest, but vowed never to return.

"They promised to let me go if I said I'd come back to Dubai but I said no. It's not worth the risk. People should just not be going to these countries.

''You assume being British that they will read you your rights or someone will tell you why they are holding you or stopping you. And the more you stand there and ask them to explain they don't."

A tu je i par korisnih savjeta:

Criminal Penalties

While in a foreign country, U.S. citizens are subject to that country's laws and regulations, which sometimes differ significantly from those in the United States and may not afford the protections available to the individual under U.S. law. Penalties for breaking the law can be more severe than in the United States for similar offenses. Persons violating the U.A.E laws, even unknowingly, may be expelled, arrested, or imprisoned.

Illegal Substances
The penalties for possession, use, or trafficking in illegal substances are strict in the U.A.E, and convicted offenders can expect jail sentences and heavy fines. Legislation enacted in January 1996 imposes the death sentence for convicted drug traffickers. A number of drugs normally taken under a doctor's supervision in the United States are classified as narcotics in theU.A.E. A doctor's should be carried along with any medication that is brought into the country.
In addition, the U.A.E's tough anti-narcotics program also includes poppy seeds, widely used in other cultures, including the U.S., for culinary purposes, on its list of controlled substances. The importation and possession of poppy seeds in any and all forms is strictly prohibited. Persons found to possess even very small quantities of the controlled substances listed by the U.A.E are subject to prosecution by the authorities and may be given lengthy prison terms of up to 15 years. Travelers with questions regarding the items on the list of controlled substances should contact the U.S. Embassy in Abu Dhabi or the U.S. Consulate General in Dubai.
If suspected of being under the influence of drugs, individuals may be required to submit to blood and/or urine tests.U.A.E authorities have been known to arrest travelers upon their arrival into the U.A.E and, based on recent prior drug use, to prosecute these travelers.

Crimes of fraud, including passing bad checks and non-payment of bills (including hotel bills), are regarded seriously in the U.A.E and can result in imprisonment and/or fines. Bail generally is not available to non-residents of theU.A.E who are arrested for fraud crimes.
Drinking or possession of alcohol without a Ministry of Interior liquor permit is illegal and could result in arrest and/or fines and imprisonment. Alcohol is served at bars in most major hotels but is intended for guests of the hotel. Persons not staying at the hotel who come in to use the bar technically are required to have their own personal liquor license. Liquor licenses are issued only to non-Muslim persons who possess U.A.E residency permits. Drinking and driving is considered a serious offense. Penalties generally are assessed according to religious law.

While individuals are free to worship as they choose, and facilities are available for that purpose, religious proselytizing is not permitted. Persons violating this law, even unknowingly, may be imprisoned.

Driving Violations
Country-wide traffic laws impose stringent penalties for certain violations, particularly driving under the influence of alcohol. Penalties may include hefty jail sentences and fines, and, for Muslims (even those holding U.S. citizenship), lashings. Persons involved in an accident in which another party is injured automatically go to jail until the injured person is released from the hospital. Should a person die in a traffic accident, the driver of the other car is liable for payment of compensation for the death (known as "dhiyya"), usually the equivalent of 41,000 U.S. dollars. Even relatively minor accidents may result in lengthy proceedings, during which both drivers may be prohibited from leaving the country.

Toliko za sada i pamet u glavu!

- 22:51 - Komentari (17) - Isprintaj - #

Druga strana medalje - nastavak...

Dakle, ako se odlucite otici u neke dalje krajeve nadasve je uputno raspitati se o pravilima igre koja tamo vladaju. Ono sto je nama ovdje logicno, na nekom drugom kraju svijeta moze biti kaznjivo i dovesti vas u gadne neprilike. Odlazite li u tudju zemlju, nepoznavanje propisa i zakona vam nece pomoci ako "zaglavite".

Svaka zemlja ima svoj nacin zivota i svoja pravila. Uvijek mozete odluciti da li vam ta pravila odgovaraju ili ne. Medjutim, ako se odlucite na putovanje - upoznajte se s pravilima koja su na snazi. Kasnije isprike NE POMAZU!!

Jedna narodna poslovica kaze da "pametan uci na tudjim greskama".

Turisticke agencije ce ovakve podatke skrivati kao zmija noge i govoriti vam kako su to sve gluposti. Njihovo je da prodaju aranzman Medjutim za ljude na nizim linkovima zivot se u trenu pretvorio u nocnu moru:

- lijek za kasalj ili pain killer moze biti fatalan - kodein se nalazi navodno u sirupima za kasalj. Pa recimo budete promukli, odete na put, oni vam izvade krv na aerodromu i eto vraga.....

- financije takodjer

- kao i voznja automobilom

- Bali bas i nije neko mjesto ako vam se ovako nesto dogodi

- unosenje lijekova je vrlo riskantno

- ima dosta i namjestaljki - ako mozete putovati sa rucnom prtljagom i to dobro zatvorenom bilo bi uputno. Slucaj sa Balija je navodno namjestaljka, ali zena je ipak osudjena na 20 godina.

U svakom slucaju, odlucite li se za bilo kakvo putovanje, sluzbeno ili turisticki, u takve krajeve svijeta, DOBRO SE RASPITAJTE ZA ZAKONE koji tamo vladaju.

Takodjer, bilo bi dobro nazvati i zaraznu bolnicu i provjeriti da li postoje kakve preporuke.

- 18:29 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 11.06.2005.

Porn, Dubai and Bluetooth phone hacking...

Danas naletih na ovo:

Porn, Dubai and Bluetooth phone hacking...

Ako se tko sprema na ljetovanje dolje, dobro pogledajte sto imate na diskovima i mobitelima, da nebi poslije bilo: "nisam znao".

Kao sto rekoh u prethodnom postu - postoji i druga strana medalje......

Takodjer, dobro je imati prtljagu na oku tijekom putovanja kao i sve sto imate uza sebe kao torbice i sl.
Ima saljivdjija koji se zabavljaju da vam stogod ubace iza ledja.

Nadju li vam nesto unutra (trava, sedativi, bilo sto recimo na bazi kodeina i sl..) ne gine vam "buksa" u Jumeirahu. Tesko cete objasniti da nemate pojma o cemu se radi a kazne su rigidne.

- 18:07 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 07.06.2005.

E, imamo i drugu stranu medalje, vodite racuna o ovome ako idete dolje...

Dakle, nije ovo jedini slucaj, znam ih XX ali iz odredjenih razloga cu ih preskociti ovaj puta. Idete li u arapski svijet, pravila su gotovo svugdje vrlo slicna. Shvatite ovo kao ozbiljno upozorenje bilo da je u pitanju bilo koja zemlja na Bliskom Istoku ili pogotovo Bali i slicno:


- 19:56 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #