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Šapći mi nježno...

Opis bloga

Some songs and dreamers lost thoughts...

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~Blog stvoren za objavljivanje pjesama i možda pokoje priče.
Čista poterba za pisanjem...

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

~Dragi čitatelji i blogeri neki od vas me već znaju pod nadimkom
The Devil Herself jer posjedujem još jedan blog.

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Drugi blog kojji mijenja stari snowwhitequeen13 sad je:
Sell me your soul

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~Sanjari sadašnjice izgubljeni u vremenu
~Pjesnici ubiveni vlastitim osijećajima
~Muzičari spaljeni u tišini
~Žrtve nemoralnosti današnjeg svijeta

This down would be me :-)
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O Vlasniku Bloga:
Divi se nevažnim sitnicama,živi tamo gdje smatra da joj je mjesto,a to je u mašti ;)
Pisanje je smiruje u tome uživa i iznosi stavove i emocije,bavi se prozom i poezijom,no također piše i
riječi za pjesme koje se nada da će jednog dana ona sama ili netko drugi uglazbit. Bavi se glazbom
"her first and the last love"...pjeva tj. "trenira" za opernu pjevačicu,svira klavir,malo sklada.
Želi u budućnosti biti uspješna glazbenica i spisateljica. Komplikacije komplikacije...

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FaSciniRa Je:


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Ne VoLi NiPošTo:
Bilo kakvu vrstu diskriminacije
Nacizam,fažizam i te preseranse da prostite
Primitivne ljude
Glupe ljude koji na žalost postoje
Religijozne fanatike...daj molim te saberi se...
Cajke i lošu glazbu a toga ima ohoho...
Preseranse od ljudi:Budi ono što jesi,a ne pretjeruj...
Sve ima svoje mijesto i vrijeme...

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Klasiku,jazz,soul,metal,industrial...filmsku muziku
dobru kvalitetnu plesnu muziku kao funky etc.

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Sumi Jo,Inva Mula,Diana Damrau,Natalie Dessay,Alessandro Safina:pjevanje
Tuomas Holopainen: pisanje poezije i skladanje :)
Caccini,Mozzart(lol),Nobuo Uematsu,Hans Zimmer,Danny Elfman:skladatelji
Bendovi(neki samo):Nightwish,Therion,Raid,Ruins,Epica,
Within Temptation,After Forever,Malice Mizer,Deathstars,
Evanescence,The Creepshow,Lacuna Coil,
Gogol Bordelo,Korn,System of a Down,Metallica,Megadeath...etc.

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OsTaLi UzoRi:
Drakula:jel tu šta triba govorit?
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Elizabeth Kostova:spisateljica...bolesno dobra knjiga "The Historian" :)
Kouta Hirano:mangaka :3 "Hellsing" manga :)

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Once I had dream,once long ago.
When I still knew how to feel.
Once there was a heart,
but now it's torn apart.

Like wild fire raging in my mind,
my place uder stars I can't find.
Now and then I still cry,
When you break my smile.

Remind me for who I was,
My mind,see what it does,
I am the one eating my own wings,
And you are the one taming me forever.

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Suden Joiku
Čovijek od politike,ekologije...Zeleni Zadranin :)

Novi blog one koja stalno mijenja nadimke :3...pogledajte ima tu mudrosti ;)

Witches Cat
Jedna opaljena Wiccanica...sve što vas zanima u vezi Wicce naći ćete ovdje,a ako ne samo pitajte :)

Skužite mu nadimak i dobijete 5 Milki besplatno xD...čovijek od inspiracije :)

Living For Past
Vegetirajuči blog trenutno,no sa vremena na vrijeme iznikne neki post :D Odlične pjesme na Hr. svakako počirite :)

Lady Grenuoille
Uvijek interesantni postovi sa prekrasnim slikama :D

Vrata Percepcije 2
Bez riječi na postove :D Bez daha čitajući ih :) Vrijedno pažnje

Rockerska duša ;)

Nestaje Sunce
Vrlo poetični i lijepi postovi,filmofil kao i ja xD :D

Queen of The Darkness
Dubokoumni postovi,mračni i tužni ali pažnje svakako vrijedni.

Night Heart
Jedan cool Nightwish fan ima najs blog ^^

Nessa N.I.
Odličan blog ali mi se čini da u zadnje vrijeme malo vegetira,no odličan stvarno :)

Jedna osoba sličnog stila pisanja i ukusa kao ja ako vam se sviđa moj blog,a onda će valjda i njen :)

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četvrtak, 19.02.2009.

~Rule The Will~

Lijepo molim da se postovi ČITAJU!!!...i da se onda komentira,ako ne
onda budite bar smisleni bez nekih nebuloznih ispada i upada jer ću
probijesnit...hvala na razumijevanju.
Evo promijenih dizajn opet,ovaj mi se jako svidio,pa stavih i nobu muziku
valjda se i vama sviđa. Because I love it! ehehe
Dakle,nakon dugo vremena evo i pjesma. Imam još u arhivu njih novih
kako nisam objavljivala al evo krenimo polako...

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Time is slipping through our hands,
We are running out of salvation,
Night is waiting ahead,
Blood and tears are to be shed.

I want to feel the friction,
You want this game to start,
The night with no distriction,
Darkness overuned the heart.

Our destiny to dwell between,
The fine line of life and death,
Madness is our ally,
Our eyes can tell no lie.

Should we be dying,
Should we be crying,
Come over next to me,
No one can now flee!

Your heart,your mind
To my will you will bind,
Your soul festerd on my arms,
Fell did your sanity for my charms.

Now lets cross the river,
What do you see now beliver?
Is it the devil climbing over?
Or is it god coming down from his tower?

No one hearing our screams,
Lights from afar dimming away,
Nothing but fear it seems,
Listen to it sing,this darkened day.

Should we be dying,
Should we be crying,
Come over next to me,
No one can now flee!

Wasteland of their despair,
Weight on our shoulders to inheir,
Life to death,death to life,
The beginning all over…

Should we be dying,
Should we be crying,
Come over next to me,
No one can now flee!

Your heart,your mind
To my will you will bind,
Your soul festerd on my arms,
Fell did your sanity for my charms.

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Loše,dobro,sviđa,ne sviđa...?...Ugl. la la la sve ono.
Pozdrav od ~Yoruichi~

|Šapati 16| Sijećanja| #|

petak, 13.02.2009.

I return to You

Dobra večer i "Sretan" vam Petak 13. :)...dakle evo objavljujem novi post svakako zasluge idu hm sutrašnjem danu na datum 14...taj dražesan blagdan na koji se čak i ljubav prodaje ah krasote komercijalne...živjeo 1. Maja...bar nema škole >_>...dakle prilikom sutrašnje divote,prekrasote,dražesnoće i sveopćeg kaosa predstavljam vam moje novo prozno djelo i po prvi put u životu u njemu ima romance *gasp* O_O...da,da eto vam pa se jedite tu ne znam već nešto xD...
isto tako ovom posebnom prilikom pozdravljam i nazdavljam za moju imaginarnu osobu(šta ja znam možda i nije)..."Živio ti meni dok god ja ne crknem! Ma i dalje..." posvećujem ovo djelo njemu xD...tko god to bio lol
Ok i ne nisam poludila...ja sam ispalila već od rođenja samo pozdravljam svoju inspiraciju,mora i ona malo dobit slave i zahvalnosti :D...
eto vas vi valjda imate planova za sutra manje više sad tko...ja ću se s druge strane zakljućat u wc sa nešto hrane i radiom i neću izlazit cili dan radi određenih terorizatora -.-...ne pitajte to su pretragične priče da bi se ponavljale *sigh...dakle da ne odužujem ČITAJTE:

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"Dream...it was just a dream."he opened his eyes to once again face the darkness of the room he was in. A small movement on his mouth made it clear that the dream he has just woken up from wasn't pleasent at all. His pale hand wiped off a sliding drop of blood from his cheek but not entirely away.
"Hmph..."unpleasent sound made its way out of him when he realised what the bloody drop was,a tear,one single bloody tear. Coldness wraped around his face,there is no breath to make that small cloud when the warm breath meets the cold air from the dark room. The only thing that reflected from time to time in the dark were his two red eyes seeking for something over the big room.
But what has caught his attention was the music that has awaken him from dreadful dreaming. Through the stone walls a bit farther, sound of the piano came crushing in his ears making him tangle between a dream and reality. Something beautiful,melancolic but yet pasionate, a mix between pure jazz and clasic acords combined into something new,dark,painful but so warm,so very special. He listened carefuly the deep tones coliding with the high ones into perfect harmony and then something in between giving it a special touch of which he knew only one person can make. It made him smile,smirk actually.
Like obssesed he stood there listening caught within some other world. Music has stopped he opened his eyes and widened his smile a bit. "She is here."it seemd like he whispered that sentence in the chrisp air only to himself. Now something more cheerful begane to play,more jazzy and more playful. He made his way to the room he knew that held a big black concerto piano. Slowly walking down the hall with nothing but moonlight to lit it up. It was a warm summer night outside of his room. Moon was full and brightly shining over the black forest that seemd to be sleeping soundlessly. Something made him feel pleasent at the time,maybe the thought that he was not alone in that place or maybe just the thought that he is not alone anymore now at this moment,tonight. Still,there were many things that bothered him deeply inside although he did want to confes them to himself he didn't. He was strugleing every time he closed his eyes alone in that dark and cold room,but now he didn't want to think about those painful things. There was a beautiful night ahead,moonlit and calm but all that matters is that she is here for some reason now and that made him feel ecstatic so he hurried with his walk down the hallway towards the half closed door. Music was louder,much louder and clearer. "Wonderful."he thought to himself while slowly going into the big room in which in the middle was standing that big concerto piano and over it in the wall was a enourmous window with curtains pulled to sides so the moonlight can enter the room gently carresing old and dusty furniture made out of the oak tree. She was there,sitting by the piano in a not much elegant but pretty summer dress with some white elements of roses sawn on. Her hands went all over the piano,playing so perfectly. Her face was almost always in a half smile until there comes a wave of dispeakable memoryes drawn into her music and playing. Her face would turn sad her gaze lost somewhere far away in the past or maybe the upcoming future.
She stopped playing and stared at the floor but then she turned her head towards him and looked in his eyes that still had a red glow. Suprisingly at her look he just smiled for some time and then said. "Good evening."as simple as he could. She stood up from the chair on her feet and smiled back lightly,"Good evening to you as well." He walked slowly to her,"I am so very glad to see you again."he paused and continued bit nervous with his deep and low voice,"What brings you back if I may ask? It is a bit surprising to se you here again."a smirk formend on his lips but she just stared at his face not answering the question she just plainly said,"You have blood on your cheek,from your eye."he frowned at the thought that he forgot to wipe it all off,now she caught him in a very unpleasent situation,he the darkness itself cryed a bloody tear,no she can't know that and she won't. He was nervous and that annoyed him. Why is he nervous in front of her,why. She saw his facial expression and said,"It's ok. Don't feel so,so unreachable,Vlad."the first time he heard her saying his true human name which almost made him shiver in a weird way but as always he has chosen to smile at her. He smiled not for his pride but because hearing her saying his name made him feel as a person."I came back here because,well I am not that sure myself but I think I came back because I want to talk to you."she gave out now a weak smile,"And maybe find out during that talk why I had came back,to you."she looked away from him."It is such a weird feeling but flattering in the same time upseating..."he interupted or better yet continued on her sentence,"inside of me,aching and pleeding,wanting and carving pleasent yet so upseating. I know."he walked next to her,"Isn't it a beautiful night tonight."he stated it more than actually asked."It truly is."she said and looked with him the moon high above. Silence. His eyes went back to his normal deep green colour,his black hair falling over his shoulder on the dark red shirt. On the moments he looked at her and then the moon again,she was silent as mezmerized by the night but bothered by something inside.
"Why am I here?"she looked him again and sighed."I don't know,I thought you might tell me that but non the less I am very pleased to have you tonight here."he turned to her and looked her,"It has been very long scince a living soul walked trhough this in time held castle,heh..."Silence again,piercing silence lasted for some time. "You may not say you love me to..."it was just a thought in his head,it doesn't want to go out,that song she always sang and now he really thought of it. He couldn't get his eyes off her it was such a torture but then she started quietly singing while looking away through the window,"How can I be alone with your moon shining,you may not say you love me to,and how can I live in the dark when I can not say you love me to..."it was a moment of complete dumbness in his head for the first time in so many lonesome centuryes. Shock stroke him when he realised they share the same thoughts over the situation. In that small minute of shock and surprise he smiled but really smiled and sang with her very silently,"...I can not say you love me to."they both stoped."It must be a dream again."he said.
"I hope it is not or if it is I will be pissed off."they both smiled to each other. "You know,you are such a strange lady."he grabed her hand into his and gave the most gentle smile which revealed top of his deadly two fangs.
"And you look weird when you smile specially with those accessorises poking out of your mouth."she laughed a bit,"but I like it,you should smile more often,if of course that won't ruin your fierced reputation,Count."a small creepy laugh broke out of him but then he lingered slowly over and pulled her closer to him grabbing her hand thightly and with other around the waste."I can smile,but only for you."he whispered softly and layed his lips very gently against hers. She felt amazingly pleasent in his grip which was surprising of how nervous she was before but she didn't want the moment to ever end nor did he,it was warm and good when he felt her agains him. She grabed his hands as well tightly and didn't want to let go. It was a moment to last forever,they were happy. Moon was above them a bit of wind cureld up their hair and the trees moved in the rythm of the wind. He moved a bit from her,"It really is such a beautiful night."

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Kako vam se svidilo? Kritike,komentari,pohvale...štagod...ima grešaka
ofc al me nemojte samo pilat kao što su nekad davno postojale neke određene osobe lol...eto pozdrav od ~Yoruichi~

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