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Šapći mi nježno...

Opis bloga

Some songs and dreamers lost thoughts...

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~Blog stvoren za objavljivanje pjesama i možda pokoje priče.
Čista poterba za pisanjem...

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

~Dragi čitatelji i blogeri neki od vas me već znaju pod nadimkom
The Devil Herself jer posjedujem još jedan blog.

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Drugi blog kojji mijenja stari snowwhitequeen13 sad je:
Sell me your soul

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~Sanjari sadašnjice izgubljeni u vremenu
~Pjesnici ubiveni vlastitim osijećajima
~Muzičari spaljeni u tišini
~Žrtve nemoralnosti današnjeg svijeta

This down would be me :-)
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O Vlasniku Bloga:
Divi se nevažnim sitnicama,živi tamo gdje smatra da joj je mjesto,a to je u mašti ;)
Pisanje je smiruje u tome uživa i iznosi stavove i emocije,bavi se prozom i poezijom,no također piše i
riječi za pjesme koje se nada da će jednog dana ona sama ili netko drugi uglazbit. Bavi se glazbom
"her first and the last love"...pjeva tj. "trenira" za opernu pjevačicu,svira klavir,malo sklada.
Želi u budućnosti biti uspješna glazbenica i spisateljica. Komplikacije komplikacije...

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FaSciniRa Je:


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Ne VoLi NiPošTo:
Bilo kakvu vrstu diskriminacije
Nacizam,fažizam i te preseranse da prostite
Primitivne ljude
Glupe ljude koji na žalost postoje
Religijozne fanatike...daj molim te saberi se...
Cajke i lošu glazbu a toga ima ohoho...
Preseranse od ljudi:Budi ono što jesi,a ne pretjeruj...
Sve ima svoje mijesto i vrijeme...

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Klasiku,jazz,soul,metal,industrial...filmsku muziku
dobru kvalitetnu plesnu muziku kao funky etc.

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Sumi Jo,Inva Mula,Diana Damrau,Natalie Dessay,Alessandro Safina:pjevanje
Tuomas Holopainen: pisanje poezije i skladanje :)
Caccini,Mozzart(lol),Nobuo Uematsu,Hans Zimmer,Danny Elfman:skladatelji
Bendovi(neki samo):Nightwish,Therion,Raid,Ruins,Epica,
Within Temptation,After Forever,Malice Mizer,Deathstars,
Evanescence,The Creepshow,Lacuna Coil,
Gogol Bordelo,Korn,System of a Down,Metallica,Megadeath...etc.

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OsTaLi UzoRi:
Drakula:jel tu šta triba govorit?
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Elizabeth Kostova:spisateljica...bolesno dobra knjiga "The Historian" :)
Kouta Hirano:mangaka :3 "Hellsing" manga :)

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Once I had dream,once long ago.
When I still knew how to feel.
Once there was a heart,
but now it's torn apart.

Like wild fire raging in my mind,
my place uder stars I can't find.
Now and then I still cry,
When you break my smile.

Remind me for who I was,
My mind,see what it does,
I am the one eating my own wings,
And you are the one taming me forever.

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Suden Joiku
Čovijek od politike,ekologije...Zeleni Zadranin :)

Novi blog one koja stalno mijenja nadimke :3...pogledajte ima tu mudrosti ;)

Witches Cat
Jedna opaljena Wiccanica...sve što vas zanima u vezi Wicce naći ćete ovdje,a ako ne samo pitajte :)

Skužite mu nadimak i dobijete 5 Milki besplatno xD...čovijek od inspiracije :)

Living For Past
Vegetirajuči blog trenutno,no sa vremena na vrijeme iznikne neki post :D Odlične pjesme na Hr. svakako počirite :)

Lady Grenuoille
Uvijek interesantni postovi sa prekrasnim slikama :D

Vrata Percepcije 2
Bez riječi na postove :D Bez daha čitajući ih :) Vrijedno pažnje

Rockerska duša ;)

Nestaje Sunce
Vrlo poetični i lijepi postovi,filmofil kao i ja xD :D

Queen of The Darkness
Dubokoumni postovi,mračni i tužni ali pažnje svakako vrijedni.

Night Heart
Jedan cool Nightwish fan ima najs blog ^^

Nessa N.I.
Odličan blog ali mi se čini da u zadnje vrijeme malo vegetira,no odličan stvarno :)

Jedna osoba sličnog stila pisanja i ukusa kao ja ako vam se sviđa moj blog,a onda će valjda i njen :)

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Video news portal Nove TV

Blog servis


utorak, 27.01.2009.

~Into the red dawn~

Zdravo svima. Evo me sa novim postom,pohvatali smo se ja i inspracija
nekidan lol pa napisah još jedno malo prozno djelo koje je vezano za
prijašnji "My Dying sunrise" i još neke postove. Dakle vrlo mračno,potrudila sam se zaista oko svega ne znam doduše da li sam sve greše ispravila al eto ako ko zamijeti molila bi ga samo da mi u
komentaru kaže da ispravim to i to,samo ne baljezgajte oko nekih gluposti koje na kraju ispadnu točne -.- ...eto sad samo bi molila da se lijepo sjedne i pročita u miru,na kraju krajeva publika je moja kritika :)

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„Staked my heart?!“rumbeling down in their heads came his voice distinguishing the last trace of braveness in their minds. Darkness on the land around was scattered away only when the blinding light from the stormy clouds iluminated bloody earth from time to time.
„How many times is this ridiculous situation going to repeat itself?! Will you fools ever learn that monsters are not possible to kill by other inhumane ignorant filth!!!“he continued madly grunting at them while bleeding from the stake made wound at the place his heart is. Dripping on the ground, dark red blood seemd to turn in the black smoke and dissapear in the air as if it was never shed from the body,as if it was not even real.
„Death. Death! DEATH!! Is that what you all really long for? Truly I am surprised that after all those technological achevments you still find death so fascinanting and yet so frightening. An enigma yes,no?There is nothing to it,nothing!“a tall dark man that bathed in his own blood stood up and pulled a sliver stake out of his flesh without any noise of pain coming out of him. There he was standing up like a tree growing towards heavens but caught with his roots so deep on the ground,tied to the underworld of agonazing,slow and sad life of solitude in the core of darkness itself. Making every heart tremble with his appearance. Seemed that even the night bowed to him out of terror. Men in front of him stood few meters away,shaking and heavily breathing. They could not move,their brain was frozen in fear when they saw mans eyes flicker a hellish red glow in the shadow. It was just like seeing hell itself in his eyes but yet something lost something dreaded because of this world. On step he took forward,there was no more blood on him. All of it has dryed back in his wounds that weren't there as well. Second one the goround shook,third one made men shiver even more. He smiled in the dark,his sharp teeth reflected when sky was torn apart by one bolt.
„The Devil walks the earth tonight.“one of the men said with shaky voice and fell to the ground dull as a marionette. Growly dark laugh quietly crushed from mans mouth as he walked down among the bloody corpses of men that fell before him.. Slowly tapping his feet on the surface of small blood puddels making splashy noises,he walked as a creature making his way to collect a prize,a victory but yet in his situation a new fall.
„Why is it always like this?“a smile got lost from his face and now formed into a frown. His mouth twisted angrily showing off a bit just the top of his two sharp fangs. Warm wind started lazily to blow all around the tortured landscape twirling and messing his long black hair around his pale face which looked as carved from the white stone,giving out now no emotion just patheticly looking down at the terrorized humas that can't even run away out of fear.
„Why do you always make me do this?“sentence ended with a deep breath and continued with a new one,“Make a monster act like a monster even when it doesn't need to. Is that your goal? Or you all are just plain ignorant and not knowing in what you've all got into.“he stoped shortly and then even more darkly stated,“Funny is it not,of how your so called mortal life can end up so quickly.“in that moment he snatched the nearest man fastly with his hand by his throat and lifted him up to the level of his eyes,“Brave soldier but a fool just as the rest.“and the in the glimps of an eye burried his fangs into the mans neck. Blood rushed down the neck,soaking the collar of the jacket,man squealed few times but died very fastly. He dropped the soldier on the ground as if it was just a bag of trash and looked with his red eyes the others. Few of them screamed,few of them threw themselves on the goround and shoot their head others tryed to run away but couldn't move. He had them. He had them in his hands,there was no escape now. He is to collect his „prize“ and once again fall deeper in his sins. Eating his own salvation making himself be tamed in his own world of darkness.

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I? Što mislite,konstruktivne kritike,pohvale,komentari,Pitanja? Samo dajte ;)...ako netko nešto ne razumije nek me isto pita nije sramota lol
Eto to bi bilo to za sada. Odoh ja u krevet,boli me sve :(
Pozdrav od Almost Human ~Yoruichi~

|Šapati 19| Sijećanja| #|

utorak, 13.01.2009.

Majka svih frustracija se vratila!!!

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Dobra vam večer svima i malima i velikima i ljudima i ne ljudima zar je važno ma kakvi važno je to da su praznici gotovi te da su se majka frustracija i otac stres se vratili! :D :D Sretno vamo 2.polugodište xD...dakle,ajme šta volim onog like gore iznad na slici :3 mmmh...ok,dakle evo mene natrag,više
mrtva nego živa od ovih praznika al šta ćeš heh,bila sam u Rijeci kod oca,koji je to majko mila -.- ...bili smo u Trstu jedan dan,izgubili smo se normalna stvar,i to ono na izlazu nismo se moglu snać pa je nako dobrih 20 minuta shvatio da vozi u krivom smjeru tj.put Venecije -.-...kasnije se nismo mogli izvuć na autocestu pa sam skontala da kružimo cijelo vrijeme tek nakon što sam po 4. put vidila neku glupu fontanu...eh i tako...nakupovala sam se robe ko stoka kakva i jesam >=)...kupila sam si dugo očekivani kaput iz X-ntiona,dugi CRVENII <333 me loves it! :3 ...i još puno robe...dani lumpovanja,spavanja,nesanice iz zabave,ispijanja galona espressa,ruma i spritea su završili šmrc :(...Nova Godina je bila katastrofalno dobra :D dobijem ja ubrzo slikice pa dam možda ode pokoju smiješnu ^^ bilo je odlično,izgorila sam ko petarda kasnije malo se cvrcnila brandyem ajme to mi nije bilo baš dobro jer mi je ujutro bila muka al oke osim toga bilo je savršenstvo uz 98765 tona hrane,pića i dobre muzike! :D
Oke dakako sad je sve gotovo,lagano bacam u 2. brzinu da vidim što se to događa po školi i jednoj i drugoj,moram priznat da mi nije previše falila osim nekih ljudi i zbora xD...sad se ovdje davim,krepajem,nerviram skaču živci vamo tamo ne znam ni zašto,al nema veze našla sam novu zanimajciju...postala sam ovisnik ali u potpunosti OVISNIK o mangi i animeu "Hellsing" to je nešto bolesno morbidno savršeno dobro!!! Ah da Drakula sa dva mega ogromna pištolja kolje nazie mmm netko mi čita misli xD...stavit ću vam ode jedan link mali trailer animea MUST SEE jer je WOOOOOW!!!! :)
*na rubu sam ludila xD*

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Uskoro ću ja objavit normalan post sa normalnim stvarima tipa nova pjesma,video ili možda kratka pričica ili pak nastavak na ono prijašnje :D
Uskoro lol pa eto živi bili pa vidili ;)
Pozdrav od vaše ~Yoruichi~

|Šapati 17| Sijećanja| #|

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