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Šapći mi nježno...

Opis bloga

Some songs and dreamers lost thoughts...

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~Blog stvoren za objavljivanje pjesama i možda pokoje priče.
Čista poterba za pisanjem...

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

~Dragi čitatelji i blogeri neki od vas me već znaju pod nadimkom
The Devil Herself jer posjedujem još jedan blog.

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Drugi blog kojji mijenja stari snowwhitequeen13 sad je:
Sell me your soul

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~Sanjari sadašnjice izgubljeni u vremenu
~Pjesnici ubiveni vlastitim osijećajima
~Muzičari spaljeni u tišini
~Žrtve nemoralnosti današnjeg svijeta

This down would be me :-)
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O Vlasniku Bloga:
Divi se nevažnim sitnicama,živi tamo gdje smatra da joj je mjesto,a to je u mašti ;)
Pisanje je smiruje u tome uživa i iznosi stavove i emocije,bavi se prozom i poezijom,no također piše i
riječi za pjesme koje se nada da će jednog dana ona sama ili netko drugi uglazbit. Bavi se glazbom
"her first and the last love"...pjeva tj. "trenira" za opernu pjevačicu,svira klavir,malo sklada.
Želi u budućnosti biti uspješna glazbenica i spisateljica. Komplikacije komplikacije...

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FaSciniRa Je:


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Ne VoLi NiPošTo:
Bilo kakvu vrstu diskriminacije
Nacizam,fažizam i te preseranse da prostite
Primitivne ljude
Glupe ljude koji na žalost postoje
Religijozne fanatike...daj molim te saberi se...
Cajke i lošu glazbu a toga ima ohoho...
Preseranse od ljudi:Budi ono što jesi,a ne pretjeruj...
Sve ima svoje mijesto i vrijeme...

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Klasiku,jazz,soul,metal,industrial...filmsku muziku
dobru kvalitetnu plesnu muziku kao funky etc.

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Sumi Jo,Inva Mula,Diana Damrau,Natalie Dessay,Alessandro Safina:pjevanje
Tuomas Holopainen: pisanje poezije i skladanje :)
Caccini,Mozzart(lol),Nobuo Uematsu,Hans Zimmer,Danny Elfman:skladatelji
Bendovi(neki samo):Nightwish,Therion,Raid,Ruins,Epica,
Within Temptation,After Forever,Malice Mizer,Deathstars,
Evanescence,The Creepshow,Lacuna Coil,
Gogol Bordelo,Korn,System of a Down,Metallica,Megadeath...etc.

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OsTaLi UzoRi:
Drakula:jel tu šta triba govorit?
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Elizabeth Kostova:spisateljica...bolesno dobra knjiga "The Historian" :)
Kouta Hirano:mangaka :3 "Hellsing" manga :)

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Once I had dream,once long ago.
When I still knew how to feel.
Once there was a heart,
but now it's torn apart.

Like wild fire raging in my mind,
my place uder stars I can't find.
Now and then I still cry,
When you break my smile.

Remind me for who I was,
My mind,see what it does,
I am the one eating my own wings,
And you are the one taming me forever.

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Suden Joiku
Čovijek od politike,ekologije...Zeleni Zadranin :)

Novi blog one koja stalno mijenja nadimke :3...pogledajte ima tu mudrosti ;)

Witches Cat
Jedna opaljena Wiccanica...sve što vas zanima u vezi Wicce naći ćete ovdje,a ako ne samo pitajte :)

Skužite mu nadimak i dobijete 5 Milki besplatno xD...čovijek od inspiracije :)

Living For Past
Vegetirajuči blog trenutno,no sa vremena na vrijeme iznikne neki post :D Odlične pjesme na Hr. svakako počirite :)

Lady Grenuoille
Uvijek interesantni postovi sa prekrasnim slikama :D

Vrata Percepcije 2
Bez riječi na postove :D Bez daha čitajući ih :) Vrijedno pažnje

Rockerska duša ;)

Nestaje Sunce
Vrlo poetični i lijepi postovi,filmofil kao i ja xD :D

Queen of The Darkness
Dubokoumni postovi,mračni i tužni ali pažnje svakako vrijedni.

Night Heart
Jedan cool Nightwish fan ima najs blog ^^

Nessa N.I.
Odličan blog ali mi se čini da u zadnje vrijeme malo vegetira,no odličan stvarno :)

Jedna osoba sličnog stila pisanja i ukusa kao ja ako vam se sviđa moj blog,a onda će valjda i njen :)

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Video news portal Nove TV

Blog servis


srijeda, 24.12.2008.


Možete pretpostavit što slijedi u postu xD...evo dakle jedno uber super
kratko javljanje. Sutra tj.već je poćeo Badnjak tako da sutra je Božić...uhu.
Tako da želim vam svima bez obzira koje ste religioznosti i u što vjerujete
jedan miran,lijep i sa obitelji i MASU hrane Božić!!!:D :D: :D
Eto gaaa...ugl. ja sutra pjevam na ponoćku u Splitu u crkvi Samostana
"Gospe od srca" ja mislim da se tako zove xD...ugl. tko je u St.ako hoće
nek dođe lol to je kraj velike crkve "Gospe od zdravlja" :)...eto.
Inaće onako stvarni nekako idu,praznici nisu i najbolje krenuli,al idu.
Ja najavljujem jednu stanku na blogu. Mala će biti iz razloga što odlazim
nakon Nove godine kod oca pa ćemo malo putovati stoga neću bit nešto
prisutna online ;) tako da kad se vratim očekujte svašta :D
Još jedan post možda za Novu će uletit ako ne,onda što mi drugo preostaje
nego da vam i Sretnu Novu zaželim i da je porvedete uz prijatelje bez nekih
drastičnih opijanja ;)
Pozdravlja vas vaša ~Yoruichi~

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|Šapati 8| Sijećanja| #|

utorak, 16.12.2008.

~Forgivness is not for sale nor is the will to forget~

Uh...osijećam se...?
Glupo,debilno,očajno na par naćina,kretenski,budalasto...život me jebe
iz svih kantuna -.- ...*aplauz*...karma me tuče nogom u dupe...
*još veći aplauz*...dobrodošli na moje jadikovanje...*treći pa najveći
aplauz*...pun mi je kurac(propjevala i izgorila) svih i svega! Jedva čekam
odmaknut se za 10ak dana sa ocem negdje u pripizdinu...razvalid filmske
maratone do 5 ujutro,prežderavat se ko svinjetina koja i jesam,putovat
uokolo na razna mjesta uživat u prirodi i povijesti bez previše ljudi oko
mene sa par knjiga ispod ruke,posvetit se samoj sebi,napisat i dovršit
neke stvari,nadoknatid vježbanje opernog što nisam mogla radi sinusa,
svirat opet klavir 2,3 sata jer imam vremena,i uživat sama sa sobom bez
ikoga. Živčana sam iz par razloga. Život me opet iznenadio neugodno.
Nema veze ok sam osim svega gore navedenog jer slijede praznici.
Pod pritiskom sam bila još bolesna pa ljuta pa razočarana. Nema veze
slavim novu i bit će tulum! Ne zanima me ništa više nego samo kako da
se odmorim i sredim i oživim...kažem pun mi je kurac...eh...ja i moj
komplicirani mozak...jao...ovim postom pozdravljam svoj život i osobe u
njemu,POZDRAV!!! sad odi i zatvori dobro vrata -.- (da svom životu se
obraćam da se izjasnim odmah) -.-...
Ugl. dosta bi bilo...

Novi video,eto na to sam barem ponosna jer mislim da je dobro ispalo...
cijenila bih da polgedate i prokomentirate:

I naravno jedna moja pjesma koju sam baš nekidan dovršila ...
Ah ta karma...jeben joj mater -.-

Welcome to my Hell:

Wish I could show you the way,
To my eternal Hell ,
Where choirs greet with their song,
There my soul bounded for so long.

And the violins playing with flame,
Where you hear the sound of rain,
Coming from place far away,
Do you hear what the drops say?

Wild dance of pain,
Minds gone insane,
And the song is lauder,
Drums beat harder.

My place above the clouds,
But belove the blooded earth,
The rain now is gone,
With this life now I am done.

My eternal Hell will freez,
Bitter scent of a black kiss,
Only in darkness I feel a bliss,
For where I belong I will grow strong.

Bow down to the ground,
Kiss the earth and hear its sound,
Soak up in the bloody rivers,
We are no more like those belivers!

On and on goes this music,
You and I will loose it,
Play wtih me eternaly,
Now you can see more clearly.

Binded to my Hell,
On your knees you fell,
Fear in your eyes,
Scent of hope dies!

Cryes and the lies!
Cryes and the lies!
I am deaf to them,
I am dead to them.

You are no one,
You are nothing!
You will always be,
To blind to see!

Bilo bi lijepo da ste sve ovo pročitali i poslušali i da sad komentirate xD...
ugl. eto odo ja laganini. Pozdrav od ~Yoruichi~
P.S. Forgivness is not for sale nor is the will to forget...

|Šapati 10| Sijećanja| #|

nedjelja, 07.12.2008.

~My dying sunrise~

Evo meee! Sa novim postom jeej :) dakle evo napokon nešto sam naškrabalaod proze lol a ima i nova pjesma doduše nećemo sve odjednom prvo jednopa drugo :)...
Moram samo spomenuti ako niste čuli o samoubojstvu u Splitu prije 5 dana.Umrla je jedna jako mlada osoba koju sam poznavala. Bacila se u centru grada. Tako da nemam što posebno komentirat jer ionako previše pričam irazmišljam o tome osim da me na jedan način jako potreslo i navelo na intezivno razmišljanje o nekim stvarima. Pale su odluke od kojih neću odustati nadam se da će se ostvarit sve to...počivala u miru daleko od ovog smradazvanog ljudi.A sad ide naškrabano ono,pročitajte i komentirajte. Cijenim sve u što želite
u komentaru napisat osim gluposti.

(Da ovo ispod sam ja,i ne nije photoshopirano,znam zabrinjavajuće je lol)
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~My dying sunrise,unpleasent surprise,black is the sky,this time I'll die,in my own thoughts,my own loaths...~

The world is black. I was cold. I was so cold,alone lying in the snow. Alone shivering,pleeding for someone to come pleeding for some warmness. A hand to reach for me,a face to see me,but I was all alone in the dark,in the cold. The world is black. Snow is red. I am dead. Again.

~ * * * ~

Breeze rushed down my naked knees. I shivered. It was silence but I was lying on something smooth and soft. My mind was confused. The bliss I felt in one small second when I ran my hand on the smooth surface of that something I lyed on,dissapeared like a candle fire on wind as I thought that it must be a dream,or maybe even worse…reality. Was I dead? I slowly opened my eyes and couldn't shake the feeling of gore inside me. The sight was blury yet kind of dark. Air was still,chrispy. Silence piercem my mind so strongly I skipped few breahts.
The sight became more clear now and I realised I was in a huge dark room enlightened only by cold blue moon light coming from the big french window next to the gigantic old bed I was sitting on. Covered in red silk like a sea of deep red blood,at first I thought it was my own blood and that made me feel sick. My head was dizzy,but I saw it was nothing more but a bed sheet.What a strange emotion ran through me. Something made out of fear,confusion but yet so pleasent inside.
I threw myself back on the bed. As I sank in the sea of blood a picture appeared in front of my eyes. My entire body wen't dumb as I lost my breath on the sight of dead body,masacared,lying in a puddle of its own blood and over it a black siluete of a mad man,a monster with red eyes that burned like hell itself,so full of hatered,so cold but yet so dreaded.
The sickness found its was from my stomach and I felt like I will throw up every second but then i felt something cold on my shoulder sliding fastly into my arm then strongly graspind it and pulling me up. In schock I opened my eyes trying not to scream,I felt frightened at the moment but the fear just went away as I felt dull for some reason. I faced a pair of deep,dark eyes looking at me very closly. There I was completly frozen outsied and inside. I couldn't move,speak,almost breath. Silence show.
„Why are you so silent?“ his deep but quiet voice almost like a whisper broke the silence and pierced the air around us. I couldn't talk,still shocked I stood there stoned to the bed.
„Scared?“he asked with a little smirk on the side of his pale mouth.
„Who are you?“ Finally I got hold of myself and asked whispering because I lost my voice on the cold.
„Does it matter? Does it really matter?“ he seemd to be amused by my reactions so he pulled his hand away, standing up taking one steep away from the bed. My hand felt relifed when he left it. I felt released somehow. He looked me with a small smile,but then his perfect,pale face frowned. My eyes widened at him like willing for him to say something but he just turned his head towards the window and putting his hands on the back. Chill breeze rushed down my spine,I gulped and let a big amount of air that was helded in my chest for some time, out through my mouth then slowly breathing and waking up from this fierced illusion.
„Will you kill me?“ I asked quietly,with somehow clam yet shaky voice. There was no answer,silence. He was deep in his thoughts,looking through the window somewhere beyond the dark horizont. I placed my eyes on him,I wanted to ask more but I just couldn't.
He sighed and turned again towards me.
„No.“he said lauder,like giving an order to someone,then continuing with a calmer tone,
„What is the point of saving someone if you will kill him later?“he asked almost like he enjoyed my ignorance about the situation. I was still confused,my mind setting me a millions of frustrating questions of which I knew only in blur how to answer. I shook my head like I agreed with him. There was silence for few minutes then I decided to keep the conversation going and find out at least some of my questions to keep my mind satisfied.
„You saved me?“I asked more confident,“Why?“ I continued bravishly. He was looking at me with a eerie sparkle in his mezmerizing eyes. I found something familiar in his look but couldn't figure out what,it was strange, that feeling that creeped from the back of my mind.
„I didn't save you. I just gave your life a little bit more time. Why!? You ask.“he stoped there for a moment, took a breath and said darkly,“I don't know.“his gaze was out of the window again.

* * *

The sky turned apocalipticaly red,bolts tearing it apart, thretening the earth beneath. Dark and black was the landscape from the frozen, blury window. I could see how few drops of blood shaped a little puddle on the cold stone floor in the enormously big hall. Drops of my own blod coming from my own body,the smell of it filled the air aroudn us. I shaked once,I shaked twice but then my muscles became dumb to my brains reactions when his fangs sank deeper in my skin. All I could feel was his freezingly cold hand holding mine tightly. Sky was rumbeling. I breathed harder and slower,when life started abandoning me. Few crimison drops scrolled over my neck to my sholder then to the end of my fingers and then on the floor in the small puddle. Suddenly I felt pain everywhere,like it was eating me,specially my heart which screamed in silence so loud. It wanted to tear me apart,kill my soul but then I saw something through the window. I was so frightened,there was a siluette of a woman with pair of black wings,stearing at me from shadows,she was unreal,she wasn't really there ,it was not possibe because…because,it was me…but I was here dying, gripping his pale hand. Time seemd to be frozen,everything was silent and still. We were watching each other,I felt cold so,so cold inside but I could feel my heartbeat no more. I froze like time in horror while my own mind went black.She was standing there as if she was lost,it felt like entire small eternity but suddenly she dissapeared and my vision went black,every scent faded,my minf fell asleep,my heat froze,my sould broke…and I died in his arms. The end of this reality.

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A/N: Isprike na pravopisnim i gramatičkim greškama.
POZDRAVLJAM VAS SVIH! Nadam se da vam se svidilo i recite ako
želite još :) ~Yoruichi~

|Šapati 21| Sijećanja| #|

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