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Pokušat ću s vama podijelit svoje misli i osjećaje o svakodnevnom životu i meni najboljim knjigama Stephenie Meyer - Sumrak, Mladi Mjesec i Pomrčina.

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Hrvatska verzija Breaking dawn (znači Praskozorje) će prvi puta u Hrvatskoj biti dostupna na velikom Algoritmovom partyju u suradnji sa Forks forumom 6.9. 2008. (subota).
Knjiga će na partyju biti dostupna po promotivnoj cijeni od 129 kn, a u trgovinama će biti dostupna već za nekoliko dana po cijeni od 149 kn. Opširnije o tome imate u postu od 27.6. i na prvom hrvatskom Twilight forumu - Forks forumu - ili na Algoritmovoj stranici - link.


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Look After My Heart

Blogovi koje čitam

Općenito, ne čitam ih baš, a ako - onda samo one na koje naletim...
čitam one koji se bave Twilightom

- FIRST TWILIGHT - blog by: Kaia


Službena stranica Stephenie Meyer
Twilight lexicon
Službena Twilight Movie stranica
Prvi hrvatski Sumrak forum - Svakako posjetite!

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subota, 15.12.2007.

Stuff about Robert Pattinson / UPDATE

Evo vam par zanimljivosti koje sam pronašla o Robu (riječi koje su izašle iz njegovih usta)

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About His Childhood

"We didn't have packed lunches at my school. I was a lunch monitor as well - I used to take everyone's chips!"

"Up until I was 12 my sisters used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as 'Claudia'! Twelve was a turning point as I moved to a mixed school and then I became cool and discovered hair gel."

"I started doing a paper round when I was about 10. I started earning ÂŁ10 a week and then I was obsessed with earning money until I was about 15."

"I quite liked Sharkey and George and then there was a cartoon with rapper MC Hammer in it - Hammertime - I loved that cartoon, it was genius! They don't make cartoons like that anymore."

"[My favourite teacher was] probably my English teacher because she got me into writing instead of just answering the question. I used to hand in homework with 20 pages of nonsense and she'd still mark it. She was a really amazing teacher."

"I got expelled from my school when I was 12 - I was quite bad!"

"[School reports] were always pretty bad - I never ever did my homework. I always turned up for lessons as I liked my teachers but my report said I didn't try very hard."

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"[I picked out] the most ridiculous, extravagant clothes - they looked really good in the shop. And then I put them on and I thought: you look such an idiot."

"I read the Variety review and their only comment was rangy. I thought it meant from the range, like a cowboy. But it just means tall and lanky."

"In England if you want to look rough, you go out and get really drunk and come in looking really hungover, but if you do that in America, it's like, have you got a drinking problem?"

"I'm quite immature so that's quite good, so I prefer to be a heart-throb!"

"I still trip over my feet and stuff when I'm not supposed to be doing anything."

"I guess I have this thing for dragons. It is very strange."

"I am in a band at the moment called Bad Girls. The band belongs to my first girlfriend's current boyfriend and he was having an open mic night. He invited me to sing, but it was just a bit of fun - that was about six months ago. I don't know where that's going to go."

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"I have been playing the piano for my entire life - since I was three or four. And the guitar - I used to play classical guitar from when I was about five to 12 years of age. Then I didn't play guitar for like years. About four or five years ago, I got out the guitar again and just atarted playing blues and stuff. I am not very good at the guitar, but I am all right. I am in a band in London as well."

"[The band] is kind of like rocky Led Zeppelin type stuff. We only have done a couple of gigs. We are still trying to figure out its style. It is just a couple of friends of mine and some other people that I have met fairly recently. We just wanted to start a band for something to do. A lot of my friends are actors and we have so little to do all the time, so instead of just being bored, we were like, 'Why not start a band?' So we did!"

"Someone stole my shoelaces once from my shoes. I still wear them and never put laces in them - they're like my trademark shoes now!"

"American’s fine, but I’ve never really been a big one for accents. Whenever I try to do any accents it ends up being a sort of Jamaican-Russian hybrid."

"I went to one of these signing conventions. It was one of the most interesting experiences I’ve had. It was so strange that people would pay for autographs. You keep thinking you should do a little dance for them as well or something."

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inače.. na ovoj stranici možete pronaći informacije o njemu...


Ispričavam se Someone special što mi toliko treba da stavim svoju msn adresu, jednostavno mi comp neće downloadati. Ne znam zašto je tako (!!!) Nadam se da ću se uskoro riješiti ovih virusa i da ću ti moći dati adresu. Držim i dalje do svog obećanja!


Što se tiče Roberta, meni je na neki (ljudski, naravno) način sexy... ima onaj bahati izraz lica.. ima izražajnu čeljust, ali i samo lice. Mišićav je. Zna svirati klavir.. što je big big bonus.
Kao što sam vjerojatno već bila napisala, za Edwarda nisam imala očekivanja, tako da ovim izborom nisam razočarana... dečko mi izgleda hot, iako naravno nitko neće uspjeti pronaći onog Edwarda iz naše mašte.. kao što i u stvarnom životu svi nemamo isti ukus. Nekome je netko sexy, a nekome ljigav. I to je sasvim ok, jer naša mašta ostaje samo naša mašta.



Htjela bih još nešto nadodati što nema veze sa Twilightom niti Robertom.

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E, pa... željela bih nešto (lančano) potaknuti.
Uglavnom, dečko i ja smo nedavno razgovarali o tome što bismo željeli da jedno drugom kupimo za Božić. Pa je meni pala jedna ideja na pamet.

I ja i on imamo sve što želimo, i smatram da je to razbacivanje novcem ako mu ja kupim opet nešto poput parfema, cd-a, majice, prišivki ili nešto deseto, a on meni isto tako nešto.. jer u svakom slučaju, to si on sve možemo kupiti sami.

Tako da mi je sinulo, da umjesto da se on i ja darujemo, darovat ćemo djecu u Domu za nezbrinutu djecu. No, kako baš ne možemo svima kupiti poklon, odlučili smo i druge uključiti u našu akciju... (naše frendove i poznanike) i sakupit novac i, konkretno, sve tamo darovati (primjerice kućnim kinom, ili novim tv-om ili nečim drugim - valjda će nam još nešto pasti na pamet).

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Ok, mnogima će se ova ideja činiti totalnom glupom i bezveze. Ali zamislite si, da vi imate 15, 16 godina i da ste u Domu.. i da su vam jedini pokloni koje dobivate plišanci (ili čak i ništa), biste li se radovali? Naravno da ne. Kao i svaki normalni tinejdžer ili dijete, i oni si žele (ako su cure) neke obične stvari kao što su kozmetika, nakit, odjeća.. ili pak (dečki) playstation, x-box, mp3, mobitele.. mislim, popis stvarno može biti predugačak.. ne bitno koji spol i koje želje. Ionako smo svi puni želja, a kad se ostvare, opet smišljamo nove za sljedeću godinu, Uskrs, rođendan...

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Zato sam sam smatrala, da se vi - koji me čitate - ako vam se sviđa takva pomisao - odlučite na isto, da sakupite poznanike, prijatelje/ice i napravite isto to, ili barem slično, i darujete djecu u Domu; u gradu u kojem se nalazite. Smatram da bi svatko mogao odvojiti (umjesto za brata/sestru ili dečka/curu) 50, ako i ne više kuna.
Mislim, smisao Božića je ljubav, a mi ju svakako nećemo osjetiti još jednim poklonom koji će nam netko darovati, dok će njima to biti znak da i netko misli na njih. Pa makar to bile i nepoznate osobe.

| Twilight (17) | New moon | Eclipse |

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