Dana_O'Hara https://blog.dnevnik.hr/danaohara

subota, 26.01.2008.

...:::IF GOD WAS ONE OF US:::...

Ne razmišljam baš često o nekim dubokoumnim temama, ali zadnjih par dana sam imala i više nego dovoljno vremena i prepustila sam se nekim razmišljanjima , razmišljanjima koja dolaze toćno iz mene, moje duše, srca ili kako se već kaže.Ne želim sad nešto sentimentalno pisat, ali....
Uglavnom, kad si sam onda imaš i vremena za neka razmišljanja , vremena za okrečat neke teme sam sa sobom. Npr. prisjećat se nekih situacija i toćno u detalje ih rekonstruirat, analizirat i zakljućit nešto iz toga,što prije nismo mogli. Zapravo nikad nemožemo odmah procjennit neki događaj, tek nakon nekog vremena , kada prođu oni poćetni jaki, usplahireni osječaji možemo racionalno i razumno razlućit istinu iz svega toga...a ne sanjat u oblacima, kako to biva svakom od nas..
Dugo vremena nisam ništa ovako pisala, pisala sam neke amo reć površne teme, šta zapravo uopće nije moj stil., i kada uđem na ovaj svoj blog i pogledam ga, ne prepoznajem tu više sebe, to nisu moje misli, to je nedostatak vremena, zbrka u glavi i nemogućnost prepoznavanja nekih unutanjih signala.
Ali evo sad sam se opet vratila sebi samoj, gdje mi je i mjesto. Kad bi me svi napustili, svi oni koji mi trebaju, koji mi znaće vratila bih se sebi, ne da bi tugovala i jadala se sama sebi, nego bi napokon našla vremena za svoju dušu...a to mi je tako falilo..Volim analizirat svoju glavu, svoje srce i sve ostale unutarnje čimbenike, koji su za druge nevidljivi..
Nekako me ti zakljućci koji su možda krivi , a možda i pravi ohrabre i daju snage da iz vanka postanem nedodirljiva, a zapravo je tako mala pregrada između te površine moga tijela i unutarnjih organa...
Da si samo malo domišljatiji, osvojio bi cijeli moj svijet, ali toga se nikad nebi sjetio, ne zamjeram ti, nije ni nitko prije tebe, upoznat nekoga je vrlo teško. Sve to izgleda tako jednostavno, ali ako ne osječate isto što i taj netko, nemožete ga poznavat..
Samo dvije iste/slićne duše se mogu razumjeti, a kada ne postoji takva osoba, uvijek se možete obratit svom vlastitom Isusu, on svakoga razumije. A taj Isus ste vi sami, i samo vi, zato pričajte sami sa sobom, uđite u svijet unutrašnjosti i razradite do najsitnijeg detalja svoje psihičko stanje...i sve podvrste psihićkog stanja...
Imala sam priliku da upoznam Isusa u osobi, onog mog umnog Isusa utjelovljenog u čovjeku. I sa sigurnošću mogu tvrditi da me poznaje i te kako me poznaje...
Ponekad me to straši, a ponekad veseli...
Mala je granica između Isusa i Marije Magdalene.
Ta granica se pomakla, u smjeru u kojem možda nije trebala...
Ali što godi našem hramu, godi i stanovnicima u njemu...
Hm..jedan je život...treba mu se prepustit i nikad, nikad, nikad ne razmišljat bit ću sretna kad završim školu, bit ću sretna kad završim faks, bit ću sretna kad se udam, bit ću sretna kad budem imala unuka itd..
Jer naš cijeli život je sreća , svaki i teški trenutak, jer to je čar svega.
Jednoga dana ćemo tako i tako odgovarat pred posljednjim sudom i zato se ikreno nadam da Bog ne postoji jer u oći mu pogledati neću moći, kao ni većina ljudi...ili ako postoji, da ga taj dan glava boli , pa da nas pušta ovako kroz vrata vjećnosti...
Ljudi smo , griješimo...reklo bi se..
Milostiv je Otacsretan

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If God Was One of Us

If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with him in all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home

If God had a face what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and in jesus and the saints and all the prophets

And yeah yeah god is great yeah yeah god is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
He's trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if god was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome

26.01.2008. u 15:44 • 14 KomentaraPrint#^

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ja sam: Marina Tomaš
idem u:4e Htt
imam:18 godina i nešto miseci
hobi mi je: odbrojavanje dana, sati, minuta, sekunda
volim: jednu biljku, Lunu, Minnie, svoju klupu, dugu kosu, piercinge, koncerte,msn,dugo spavat, i muške i ženske...
obožavan: Sonatu Arcticu
ne volin: puno obaveza, buru, i kad je ladno
naj crtić:nemo, brother bear, shrek, izbavitelji, garfield,ice age, madagaskar, over the hedge...
naj film: romeo&julia


volin pogledat:

Istina koja je glupost

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moja abeceda
A-akcija, ponekad je potrebna
B-brod, nekako me to uvik prati
C-crta,treba je znat povuć ponekad
D-dobri ljudi, ima ih malo, ali ima ih
E-elipsa, ma još uvik mi nije jasna
F-fer, triba uvik biti fer
G-gitara, volin zvuk gitare
H-havaji, posjtit ću ih kad-tad
I-ivan,prečesto ime
J-Juda, izdajica
K-Kakko, Tony
L-lipo, volim kad mi je lipo
LJ-ljubav, ipak ponekad vjerujem u nju
M-muzika, bez nje nikad nebi mogla
N-nitko, ponekad mi nije potreban nitko
Nj-njemaćki, zabavan jezik
O-oprosti, rijeć koju ponekad triba znat reć
P-pismo, lipo ga je pročitat
R-radit, još mi se neda
S-subjekt, ponekad je nebitan
Š-škola, a šta se mora, mora se
T-ti, i ti si netko
U-učit, u životu triba učit
V-važno, triba znat šta je važno, a šta ne
Ž-život, triba ga živit

Emina&Ja poziramo u sexy kali
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A šta reć....sve se vidi...zadnja ološ...
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..like Spice Girls....
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..prije izlaska...
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...prvi put vidila ananas...
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Sponge Bob & Ja
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..bilo bi dobro da ne sidim na grobu...
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..štrajk željeznica u Francuskoj, dugaaaa 3 sata....
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Letter To Dana

Dana, my darling, I'm writing to you.
'Cause your father passed away, it was a beautiful day
And I don't want to bother You anymore,
I used to hope you'd come back
But not anymore Dana.

My eyes might have betrayed me, but I have seen
Your picture on the cover of a filthy magazine
And I think my heart just cannot handle that
Dana, my darling, would be so bad.

Dana my darling I'm writing to you
'Cause your mother passed away it was a really rainy day
And I didn't mean to bother you anymore
Your mother wished... Come visit your fathers grave, Dana

Your father disowned you because you have sinned
But he did forgive you in condition he was in
And I hope you won't do those things anymore
Dana My darling I'm waiting for

Little Dana O'Hara oh, oh Dana my dear,
How I wish that my Dana was here
Little Dana O'Hara decided one day
to travel away, far away

No, you can't surprise me anymore, oh oh
I've seen it all before
But it seems I cannot let you go
Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana

And I think that I told you, I'd wait for you forever
Now I know someone else's holding you,
so, for the first time in my life - I must lie
Lie's a sin, mess that I am in,
Love is not the thing I feel know
I promise you... I won't write again 'til the sun sets
behind your grave

Dana, oh, Dana I'm writing to you, I heard you passed
away it was a beautiful day
I'm old and I feel time will come for me, my diary's
pages are full of thee

Oh Dana O'Hara oh, Dana my dear,
How I wish that my Dana was here
Little Dana O'Hara decided one day
to travel away, far away

Little Dana O'Hara oh, Dana my dear,
How I wish that my Dana was here
Little Dana O'Hara decided one day
to travel away, far away

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I can see how you are beautiful, can you feel my eyes on you,
I'm shy and turn my head away
Working late in diner Citylite, I see that you get home alright
Make sure that you can't see me, hoping you will see me

Sometimes I'm Wondering why you look me and you blink your eye
You can't be acting like my Dana
I see you in Citylite diner serving all those meals and then
I see reflection of me in your eye, oh please

Talk to me, show some pity
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see

Obsessed by you, your looks, well, anyway "I would any day die for you",
I write on paper & erased away
Still I sit in diner Citylite, drinking coffee and reading lies
Turn my head and I can see you, could that really be you

Sometimes I'm wondering why you look me and you blink your eye
You can't be acting like my Dana?
I see your beautifull smile and I would like to run away from
Reflections of me in your eyes, oh please

Talk to me, show some pity
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see

I see, can't have you, can't leave you there 'cos I must sometimes see you
But I don't understand how you can keep me in chains
And every waken hour, I feel your taking power From me and I can't leave
Repeating the scener over again

Sometimes I'm wondering why you look me and you blink your eye
You can't be acting like my Dana?
I see your beautifull smile and I would like to run away from
Reflections of me in your eyes, oh please

Talk to me, show some pity
You touch me in many, many ways
But I'm shy can't you see

Still Loving You

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will be there, I will be there

I'll fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can break down the walls someday
I will be there, I will be there

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I'm loving you

Try, baby, try
To trust in my love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, our love
Just shouldn't be thrown away
I will be there, I will be there
If we'd go again

All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you

I'm still loving,
I need your love
I'm still loving you

Last Drop Falls

When I'm looking in your eyes
Everything seems to fade away
After all these years we had do I know you now
Have I trusted blindly in your love, too many times

You said: "hey, my love, I'm sorry but we can't go on 'cause
I'm in love with someone else"
Tell me, what do you want me to say
When you treat me this way

Oh I love you, maybe
And I hope it goes away
Oh, how I want you daily
I know it's gonna stay

You are so self satisfied
Always ready for a ride
Double crossing, lousy cheat, love you anyway
You have warm and tender devils soul, you are so low

I can hear you say: "I'm sorry, should we still go on,
I'm not in love with that someone else"
Tell me, what do you want me to say
When you treat me this way

Oh I love you, maybe'
And I hope it goes away
Oh, how I want you daily
Tell me now that...

I have found the whore in you
Why can't I tell you no
Time will show, the last word is for me
If you fail to see the problem we have, one room full of walls
Jar of love isn't dry until the last drop falls

The moment I will step aside, you're ready for another ride
Walking in the cool night air without underwear
You have red light burning in your soul, I've seen the glow

In every dream I have I say: "I'm not in love with you"
But every day I say I do
You have messed with my head so many times
Forced me to love you [spoken]

Now that...
I have found the whore in you
Why can't I tell you no
Time will show, the last word is for me
If you fail to see the problem we have, one room full of walls
I will try until the last drop falls






Like a queen

In a town far from the city
was a girl just a child
she grew up to a beautiful dream

And she walked like a queen
when she walked down the street
all the men turn around
to see her high heels

she walked like a queen
when she walked down the street
all the men turn around
to see her go on

Jealousy wasn't a stranger
everywhere she would be
so she cried for someone to help

I wanna know is anybody gonna
help me when I'm down
I wanna know will anybody really
help me when I'm down

and at last a fire was burning
as a man held her hand
and held her warm...