Kako je Grinč ukrao Božić/How the Grinch Stole Christmas

19 studeni 2008

Tekst prenešen sa Index.hr-a

"DOGOVORILI smo se da smo se dogovorili da ćemo se dogovoriti. To je veliki napredak", rekao je između ostalog premijer Ivo Sanader na konferenciji za novinare nakon završetka maratonskog sastanka s predstavnicima sindikata te Hrvatske udruge poslodavaca koji je završio nakon 4 i pol sata sa zaključkom kako će biti novi sastanak!

Djeca će dobiti darove

Naime, Sanader je govoreći o najavljenim mjerama, koje bi uključivale i zamrzavanje plaća za sljedeću godinu, najavio daljnje razgovore s predstavnicima sindikata koji bi u konačnici trebali dovesti do novog socijalnog partnerstva u novim socijalnim uvjetima globalne financijske krize.

Možda pod utjecajem svjetskih, ali i domaćih medija, a posebice "facebook zajednice" koja sve češće Sanadera uspoređuje s Grinchom, danas se šef hrvatske vlade posebno očitovao o svojim novogodišnjo-božićnim darovima.

"Kada sam govorio o božićni darovima, nisam govorio o darovima koji bi se odnosili na djecu. Govorio sam o poslovnim partnerima u javnim i državnim tvrtkama. Rekao sam kako nema darova i nema troškova reprezentacije. Božićnice i darovi se ne diraju", naglasio je Sanader.

Pakt ili rat?

"Plaće su bile samo jedna od tema razgovora. Bitno je naglasiti kako su nove mjere 'Pakt za sve ili ih neće biti'. Naime, mi tek trebamo obavijestiti gradove, općine i županije da zauzdaju rast plaće te posebice da prate nove mjere u smislu da ne bude podizanja cijena komunalnih usluga, kao što je bio primjer na početku godine", rekao je Sanader.

Podsjetimo, premijer Sanader najavio je prije tjedan dana stezanje remena, proračunsku štednju, zamrzavanje plaća te neisplatu božićnica i novogodišnjih darova koje je upakirao u mjere protiv nadolazeće globalne financijske krize.

Sindikati neumoljivi

Treba naglasiti kako su do sada, a reagirajući na Sanaderove mjere, negodovali predstavnici sindikata SSSH-a, HUS-a, NHS kao i Sindikata zaposlenika u hrvatskom školstvu Preporod, komentirajući kako su plaće dogovorene kolektivnim ugovorima kao i dogovorom među socijalnim partnerima te se jedino tako mogu i mijenjati. Također, sindikati već danima upozoravaju kako Vlada ne odustaje od megalomanskih i teško isplativih projekata poput Pelješkog mosta, pa u tom svijetlu stopiranje božićnice, kao i domjenaka ne može se smatrati mjerom štednje, već pukim zavaravanjem.

Hrvatska stranka umirovljenika je pak najavila izlazak iz koalicije s HDZ-om zbog božićnice budući da je božićnica dio potpisanog koalicijskog ugovora između HDZ-a i HSU-a. No, danas je Sanader bio neumoljiv.

Priznao da je kriza stigla

Premijer Sanader govoreći nakon sastanka najavio je kako se osniva posebni savjetodavni odbor Vlade i socijalnih partnera u koji će ući šest ekonomskih stručnjaka među kojima se nalazi i Ljubo Jurčić, ali kao predstavnik udruge ekonomista. Znakovito je kako je danas, premijer Sanader, više puta u svojem uvodnom govoru hrvatskim novinarima, naglasio kako je kriza stigla u Hrvatsku, što je posebno zanimljivo, budući da je do sada retorika vladajućih bila kako je Hrvatska izbjegla taj udar, a koji se tek očekuje sljedeće godine.

Također, premijer Sanader danas je govorio i o proračunu za sljedeću godinu, kojeg je nazvao proračun "deficit nula".

Proračun "nula deficit"

"Vlada će pripremiti prijedlog za novi proračun do kraja godine, a koji bi se trebao izglasati do kraja redovnog zasjedanja Sabora a to je 15. prosinca. Ono što je dogovoreno je kako bi proračun trebao ići s deficitom nula, jer Vlada mora voditi računa o aktualnoj financijskoj situaciji i ne treba se dodatno zaduživati u ovakvim vremenima", naglasio je Sanader dodajući kako će hrvatski prioritet biti da se vremenu kada svijet pada u recesiju, očuva gospodarska aktivnost, zadrže radna mjesta, plaće i gospodarski rast.

"Uštede će ići u svim segmentima. Naime, ministarstva su imala prijedlog za 15 milijardi kuna više nego što možemo podnijeti. Početkom rujna, sagledavajući stanje na svjetskim tržištima, shvatili smo kako to neće moći. U sljedećoj 2009. godini bit će samo povećanje za mirovine, zdravstvo i socijalna davanja", naglasio je Sanader.

Foto: Facebook

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Što dalje misliti o ovome svemu?

Očito naš vrli dr. Grinč ne shvaća da on nije tu zbog nas nego da služi nama te da ako itko treba stezati remen onda je to njegovo gospodstvo a i kao ogledni primjer je brkajlija malo dalje desno od njega koji brat bratu ima 150 kila žive vage. Predragi dr. Grinč (Sanader) lijepo Vi prodajte te silne satove i odreknite se Saborske plaće te na taj način smanjite pritisak na proračun te će se naći novca i za božičnice za one koji nešto rade a ne putuju da im guza vidi puta.

Što se tiče nas koji smo potekli još iz onih crvenih vremena kad su vladali bonovi, par-nepar, razne inflacije, šokovi uzrokovani raznim Neretvama i Sutjeskama (filmovi koji su svaki puta prikazivani prije kakve velike inflacije ili poskopljenja) probat će mo preživit ovu krizu kao što smo preživjeli i one prije a da nećemo morati posegnuti za dodatnim rebalansom proračuna i sličnim smicalicama da se dokopamo novca jer se pokrivamo onoliko koliko nam je pokrivač veliki za razliku od Vlade RH.

Text transposed from Index.hr

"We agreed that we have agreed that we will agree. This is great progress," said among other things, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader at a news conference after the end of maratonskog meeting with representatives of trade unions and the Croatian Association of Employers, which ended after 4 1 hours with conclusion that will be a new meeting!

Children will receive gifts

Specifically, he said, saying the announced measures, which would include freezing wages for the next year, announced further talks with representatives of trade unions, which would ultimately should lead to a new social partnership in the new social conditions of global financial crisis.

Perhaps influenced World, as well as domestic media, especially the "Facebook community," which more than ever Sanader compared with Grinchom, today, the head of the Croatian government, especially revealed about their Christmas-New Year gifts.

"When I talked about Christmas gifts, I have not talked about the gifts that in relation to the children.'m Talking about business partners in public and state companies. I said that there are no gifts and no representation. Christmas bonus and gifts do not touch," said Sanader.

Pact or war?

"Wages were the only one of the topics of talks. It is important to emphasize that the new measures' Pact for all or they will not be '. Namely, we only need to notify cities, municipalities and counties to curb wage growth and in particular to watch the new measures in terms of not to be raising the prices of utility services, as was the example at the beginning of the year, "Sanader said.

Recall, Prime Minister Ivo Sanader announced the week before clamping strap, budget savings, pay freeze as well as non-payment Christmas bonus and New Year's gifts by the upakirao of measures against the upcoming global financial crisis.

Unions implacable

It should be noted that so far, and in response to Prime Minister Sanader measures, representatives of trade unions protest SSSH a Hus, a NHS as well as the union of employees in Croatian schools movement, commenting that the agreed-upon collective wage agreements as well as an agreement among the social partners and is the only so can edit it. Also, unions, but the days warn that the government does not give up the megalomans difficult and cost-effective projects such as Pelješkog bridge, so in that light hitchhike Christmas bonus, as well as the Reception can not be considered an austerity measure, but just a hoax.

Croatian Party of Pensioners has announced exit from the coalition with the HDZ-om because of Christmas bonus since the Christmas bonus part of the coalition agreement signed between the HDZ and the HSU-a. However, today said he was steely.

Admitted that the crisis reached

Prime Minister Sanader saying after the meeting announced that establishing a special advisory committee the government and social partners in who will enter six of economic experts, among which is located and Ljubo Jurčić, but as the representative Economists Association. It is especially marked as today, Prime Minister, several times in his introductory speech to Croatian reporters, stressed that the crisis arrived in Croatia, which is particularly interesting, since it is so far rhetoric ruling was that Croatia avoid this attack, and that is still expected next year.

Also, the Prime Minister today spoke about the budget for next year, which is called the budget "zero deficit".

The budget "zero deficit"

"The government will prepare a proposal for a new budget by the end of the year, and who should vote by the end of regular sessions of Parliament and that is Dec. 15. What has been agreed to the budget should go with a zero deficit, because government must take account current financial situation and needs no additional Directing in these times, "Sanader said, adding that the Croatian priority will be to the time when the world falls into recession, preserve economic activity, retain jobs, wages and economic growth.

"Savings will go through all segments. Specifically, the ministry had a proposal for 15 billion kunas more than it can bear. In early September, sagledavajući situation on world markets, we understand that it will not be able to. The following 2009. Will only increase for pensions, health and social benefits, "Sanader said.

Photo: Facebook

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What continues to think about this all?

Obviously our brave dr. Grinch does not understand that he was not there for us but to serve us and that if anyone needs to tighten belt it is his lordship and a sample mustacheble example is a little further right than he who has a brother, the brother of 150 kilograms live scales. Dear dr. Grinch (Sanader) fine and sell Vi mighty watches and renounce the Sabor wages and thus reduce the pressure on the budget and will find money for Christmas bonus for those who are doing something and not travel to see their buttocks times.

What concerns us is that we issue from the red time when they ruled coupons, match-odd, various inflation, caused by a variety of juices and Neretva Sutjeska (films that are shown each time before the kind of big inflation or price increases) will try may want a small or big this crisis as we have survived and those before and that we will not have to reach out for additional amending budget and similar cheating to get to the money because the cover as much as we were covering large as opposed to the Government RH.

Zaboravilo se, jer politika je ipak samo kurva .../Forget, for politics is still only a prostitute ...

18 studeni 2008

Sjećam se tog grada na rijeci Vuki koji me je ljubazno i gordo dočekivao, s jedne strane bogata gazdinstva sa urednim travnjacima i cvijećem a sa druge strane Borovo i Vupik te nešto od čega ti ljudi žive. Jutra su se budila sneno i ljeno a šum rijeke Vuke davao je tome jedan poseban ugođaj no došli su 'oni' kojima snena jutra ništa nisu značila i proparali zrak metalom rušeči ljepotu i mir u kojem su mngoi Vukovarci uživali.

Sve to me vratilo u sjećanje 2005 godine kad sam napisao post DNEVNIK RATNIKA - VUKOVAR, BOL SJEĆANJA i kad ovaj dan se osjećam teško, na srcu težak kamen dok u oku suza koja samo što ne kane a znam da nisam Vukovarac no volim svoj Vukovar i volim one ljude tamo a u srcu nosim one svoje znane kojih više nema.

Događanje, 21.11.2005 godine.
Sjedih tako prije tri dana pred telkom kod sestrične u Brešću pored Osijeka jer bijah na službenom putu i slušah prepucavanja naših predragih političara te pametnih komentara naših televizijskh novinara kako nije u redu da nitko od vodećih nije došao na godišnjicu pada grada heroja. Razmišljah kako su mi se zgadile te priče oko Vukovara koje iz godine u godinu postaju iste samo su oni koji ih prenose drugog imena.

Sjećam se jednog imena koje je kada je to bilo najpotrebnije i kad je svaka sekunda bila jedan život prenosio tu strahotu događanja, nažalost ostao je samo u sjećanju za godišnjice i za kočoperenje malih bezidejnih novinarčića koji njegovim imenom žele sebi dići slavu.

Eto me danas 18.11.2005 na groblju dok mi suze same klize niz lice, a mozak para na sjećanje jutra 17.11. koje je bilo magleno u blatnom polju dok su zrak parale detonacije a miris baruta se širio nosnicama a srce kucalo ludo dok je strah ludo jurio mozgom i tijelom. Danima boravismo ovdje bez pomaka ikuda naprijed u išćekivanju ulaska u grad koji više se od dima baruta je jedva nazirao sa mislima da se nećemo više vratiti i da pismo koje pišem majci i ocu je zadnje što će od mene dobiti. Pomirih se sa smrću koja me čeka na jednom od ulaza grada. Nas 23-ojca ljudi velika srca uzesmo ono malo sebe, namirnica i nešto streljiva spremni spasiti ono nama najdraže.

Noć nisam prospavao jer zvuk detonacija tresao je cijelo vrijeme zemlju i zrak a i od nas na koji kilometar palo ih je 50-tak a pogled na grad koji je bio osvjetljen od vatre što je gorila pretvarao je noć u dan. 4:32 je i stigla je zapovjed - povlačenje prema Slavonskom Brodu, ipak zakopati i ostaviti zalihe hrane i streljiva.

Krećemo gorka okusa u ustima okrenuti prema gradu koji je u plamenu dok napad na njega ne jenjava. Srce mi je neka teška ruka stegla a u grlu mi knedla ne dopušta da dišem jer tamo negdje je Tomo a i Braco i još par mojih prijatelja. Plačem u sebi kao i mnogi od nas dok se suze njemo spuštaju niz moje lice a srce me neizmjerno boli, znam da ih više neću vidjeti i vrača mi se sjećanje od prije 5-6 dana kada smo zajedno u Našicama se glupirali i igrali belu.

U Brodu nas je dočekala vijest da je Vukovar pao, te me naš zapovjednik pozvao u stranu i rekao da cijeli vod vjerojatno nije preživio ja više nisam imao snage, probudio sam se na podu 150-desetke dok je Zagi me pitao da li sam dobro. Neznam što sam rekao ali sve oko mene nije više bilo isto.

Danas eto me tu i izgubljen sam u ovome trenutku te pokušavam upaliti svijeću ali mi ruke toliko drhte. Ipak upalih nekako i ostah tako valjda pola sata i isplakah iz sebe dušu. Zbogom prijatelji!

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Zbog svega toga Vas molim političari i novinari ostavite nam Vukovar na miru, ne sramotite nam ga i ne sramotite ta nama posebna sjećanja i te divne trenutke jer ne trebate nam ni jedni ni drugi tamo. Tamo su naši osjećaji i naša sjećanja te ne želimo da nam ih skrnavite a posebno ne zbog svih onih koji su sebe vječno zadužili da ga štite i brane.

Forget, for politics is still only a prostitute ...

I remember this town on the river Vuka me who is kind and dignified welcome, on the one hand the rich farms with neatly meadows and flowers and, on the other side of Borovo and Vupik and something of which these people live. The morning awakening dreamily and ljeno a noise Vuka river that gave it a special atmosphere but they came 'they' who dreamily morning were not meant nothing and proparali air metal destroying the beauty and peace in which many Vukovars enjoyed.

All this came back to me memories of the year 2005 when I wrote the post DIARY WARRIORS - VUKOVAR, PAIN MEMORIES and when this day I feel difficult, at the heart of heavy stone while in the eye of tears that you not only henna and I know that I did not Vukovars but I love her and Vukovar I love those people over there in the heart of wearing one of his known which is no more.

The event, 21.11.2005 year.
Sitting so three days before television when the cousin Brešću next Osijek because I was on a business visit and heard pointless argument of our beloved politicians and smart comments of our television journalists how wrong that no one did not come leading to the anniversary of the fall of the town heroes. Think that we sicken and stories around Vukovar that year became only the same people who are carried by other names.

Behold me today 18.11.2005 at the cemetery until my tears glide down the same face, and passes through the brain remembering the morning 17.11. that was fog in the Mud field while the air echoed explosion and the smell of gunpowder spread the nostrils a heart beating madly while fear is crazy chase brain and body. Days we stayed here without a shift anywhere forward in expectation of entering the city, which is more than smoke powder is hardly perceive the thoughts that the more we will not go back and to write a letter to his mother and father is the last thing will get from me. Reconciled with the death that awaits me at one of the entrances of town. Our 23 big hearts of people we took it a bit myself, foods and some ammunition ready to deliver it to us favorite.

I did not oversleep night because the sound of explosion shaking the whole time land and air and one of us on that one kilometer fall were 50 and the view of the city that was illuminated by fire as the gorilla to convert the night to day. 4:32 arrived and he was commanded - to the withdrawal of Slavonski Brod, however, bury and leave stockpiles of food and ammunition.

We will have bitter taste in the mouth facing the city, which is in flames, while the attack on him, do not let up. My heart is a heavy hand of discipline in my soul dumpling does not allow to breathe because there is somewhere Tomo and Braco and even a couple of my friends. Wages in itself, as well as many of us until it tears down my face a range of a heart hurts me immensely, I know that they will not see more and returns to me the memory of the 5-6 days prior to when we are together in Nasice and the buffoon played Bela.

In Brod, we welcomed news that the Vukovar fell, and I called our commander in the side and said that the entire circuit is not likely to survive I have not had more power, awaked I was on the floor 150-ten while Zagi asked me whether I am good. I do not know what I said but everything around me is not the same any more.

Today, behold me here and I lost at this time and trying to light a candle but my hands so tremulous. Yet somehow hollow and remained so perhaps half an hour and drill-in fluids from the soul itself. Goodbye friends!

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Because of all this you'd politicians and journalists leave us alone Vukovar, not shame us, and it does not shame us the special memories and moments and wonderful, because you do not need us betwixt and between there. There are our feelings and our memories, and I do not want us to profane and especially not for all those who had itself forever obliged to protect him and defend.

Želim biti kao .../I want to be like ...

10 studeni 2008

Ponukan prethodnim postom dah si truda i uz pomoć časopisa ELLE od studenog 2008 eto nešto zanimljivog a od srijede nastavljamo dalje sa dokumentarcima.

Nikome tko je volio stripove sigurno nisu nepoznati likovi kao što su komandant Mark, Veliki Blek (zvan Blek Stena) ili Zagor. Pokušajte se prisjetiti kako su izgledali. Sva trojica uvučena su u superuske hlače utaknute u čizme, Blek u svim godišnjim dobima svoj savršeno oblikovani torzo prekriva samo krznenim prslukom, Zagorove bicepse naglašava majica s visoko odrezanim rukavima, a Mark nosi gornji dio uniforme na golom tijelu. Jesmo li ih voljeli samo zato što su bili odvažni i nepobjedivi pozitivci ili se negdje duboko u nama razvijala sklonost prema seksi zvijerima (pitanje za ljepši spol)?
Priznajte da i dandanas, potajno doduše, vjerujete da se od špinata postaje snažan kao Popaj i da divljač jedete pomalo sa zazorom jer se sjetite Bambija. Tony Parsons rekao je da je ekranizacija Bambija prvi snuff film i da ga je majka morala izvesti iz kina jer nije mogao podnijeti smrt Bambijeve majke. Tako će današnja djeca, kad u odrasloj dobi čuju za Michelangela, Dona-tella, Raphaela i Leonarda, vjerojatno najprije pomisliti na Nindža Kornjače.

Jeste li vi lik iz bajke?
Likovi iz bajki prvi su arhetipski likovi s kojima se u životu susrećemo i prvi ozbiljniji atak na našu podsvijest. Zahvaljujući benignim roditeljskim pričama za laku noć, začinjenim unedoglednim nabrajanjem slastica od kojih je izrađena vještičina kolibica i detaljnim opisivanjem Pepeljuginih iskušenja, većina djece prestravi se na samu mogućnost suživota s maćehom, a svi se ponekad zapitaju što će biti ako se ispostavi da imaju roditelje kao Ivica i Marica. Nije stoga čudno da čitav niz što težih, što lakših psihosomatskih poremećaja nosi naziv likova iz bajki. Sindrom Snjeguljice (označava maćehine, a ne pokćerkine osobine), ili maligni narcizam, označava osobu sklonu asocijalnom i egocentričnom ponašanju, mahnitim ispadima i potpuno neosjetljivu prema ljudima oko sebe. Djevojke koje su nesigurne i jako im je bitno da netko neprestance odobrava njihove postupke pate od sindroma Pepeljuge, dok one hipersenzibilne muči sindrom kraljevne na zrnu graška. One koje nisu svjesne svoje ljepote jer su u mladosti bile neugledne, pate od sindroma ružnog pačeta, a one koje imaju nerealna očekivanja prema suprotnom spolu "puknuo" je sindrom princa na bijelom konju. Sindrom Petra Pana imaju oni koji nikada ne odrastu, dok je sindrom Zvončiće oznaka za žene koje se prema partneru i prijateljima ponašaju zaštitnički poput majke. Sindromom Alise u zemlji čudesa naziva se neurološki poremećaj koji karakterizira dezorijentiranost i izvrnuta percepcija pa se predmeti doimaju znatno manjima nego što su u stvarnosti. Trovanje živom uzrokuje tremor, gubitak pamćenja i koncentracija, što se naziva sindromom Ludog Šeširdžije. Sindrom Matovilke, ili trihofagija, naziv je za kompulzivno jedenje vlastite kose, dok sindrom Trnoružice ili somnofilija pripada u seksualne devijacije i označava osobe koje uzbuđuje samo partner koji spava (smatra se blažim oblikom nekrofilijel). Od sindroma Dorothy može se patiti tek u srednjim godinama, kada se mnogim ženama, baš kao i junakinji Čarobnjaka iz Oza, može učiniti da ne znaju gdje se nalaze i kamo da krenu.

Barun Munchausen bio je poznati lažac: tvrdio je da je letio na topovskoj kugli, da se iz živog blata izvukao tako što je sam sebe potegnuo za perčin i slične gluposti. Bilo kako bilo, Munchausen je do dana današnjeg ostao sinonim za mitomana, čovjeka sklona pretjeranim lažima. Don Juan bio je serijski zavodnik, udane žene rado su mu postajale ljubavnice, neudanima je obećavao brak, a u međuvremenu su ga naganjali osramoćeni i bijesni muževi i očevi. Od 17. stoljeća do danas, kad se za nekog kaže da je don Juan nitko neće pomisliti da se radi o ludom znanstveniku ili opatu pustinjaku. Isto je i s Lolitom. Dvanaestogodišnja nimfeta iz istoimenog romana Vladimira Nabokova koja zavodi svog pedofiliji sklonog očuha postala je sinonim za veze između vrlo mladih djevojaka i znatno starijih muškaraca. (Kad se radi o obrnutom slučaju, dječacima i starijim ženama, koristi se termin Mamita.) Malo je ljudi pročitalo knjigu Bistri vitez Don Quijote od Manche, pa ipak, kad se za nekoga kaže da se ponaša kao Don Quijote ili da juriša na vjetrenjače, svi znaju da se radi o osobi pretjerano sklonoj nerealnim očekivanjima.
Realitet je prepun fiktivnih likova koji su postali standardna "oprema" našeg jezičnog univerzuma. Za lijenog čovjeka kaže se da je Garfield, za naivnoga Dudek, za mućkaroša Delboy, za inovatora Profesor Baltazar, za zavodnika James Bond, za destruktivnog Terminator, za ružnoga Frankenstein, za zbunjenog Forrest Gump, za skorojevića Glembay, za intriganticu Lady Macbeth, za znatiželjnu Miss Marple, za hipohondra Jeremija, za neraspoloženog Žalosna Sova, zaljubljeni su Romeo i Julija, zavađeni se slažu kao Tom i Jerry, a nespretni rade kao dvojac iz češke serije A je to.
Fiktivni likovi pokrivaju gotovo sve varijante fizičkog izgleda. Kad se za nekog kaže da ima nos kao Cyrano de Bergerac ili Bob Rock, znamo da ima monumentalan profil; kad ima uši kao mister Spock, znamo da mu je taj dio lica nešto naglašeniji; kad izgleda kao Miss Piggy, jasno je da se ne liječi od anoreksije, a kad sliči na Popajevu Olivu, da je visok, mršav i trapav. Frizura Pipi Duge Čarape označava kečke, a frizura Conana Barbara dugu kosu koja neuredno visi. Kad je netko kao Malik Tintilinić, znamo da je nizak, a kad je kao Dorian Gray, da nema problema s viškom bora. Dok onome tko izgleda kao Quasimodo nema pomoći, onoga tko je kao Apolon neizostavno želimo upoznati. Vjerojatno nijedna obitelj ne bi htjela da je usporede s obitelji Addams ili Kremenko: u prvom slučaju jasno je da se radi o samim čudacima, a u drugom o osobama nesklonima čudima moderne tehnologije.
Lako nam je dok biramo omiljene fiktivne likove i drugi¬ma pripisujemo njihove vrline i mane. Mnogo je neugodnije kada se zapitamo s kojim fiktivnim likom nas uspoređuju. Sto ako mislimo da smo modno osviješteni kao, recimo, Carrie Bradshaw, a svi ostali misle da izgledamo kao Mary Poppins ili Štrumfeta?

Prompted previous fasting breath hast effort and with the help of ELLE magazine in November 2008 saying something interesting and from Wednesday we continue with continues to documentaries.

Anyone who has loved comics certainly not unknown figures such as Commander Mark, Great Blek (called Black Rock) or Zagor. Try to remember how they looked. All three were retreating in the super-tight pants put in boots, Black in all season or a perfectly shaped torso covered only a fur vest, Zagor biceps highlights T-shirt with the sleeves cut off high, and Mark wears the top of the uniforms on a bare body. Did we like them just because they were invincible and courage positives or somewhere deep within us developed inclination towards sexy beasts?
And admit that nowadays, although secretly, believe that the spinach becomes strong as Popaj and that deer eat a little bit with a gap because you think Bambi. Tony Parsons said that the screening Bambi first snuff film, and that it is the mother of morality derived from china because it could not submit Bambi mother's death. So will today's children, when the adult age to hear Michelangelo, Dona-tell, Raphael and Leonardo, you probably first think on Nindja Turtle.

Did you figure out fairy tales?
Characters from fairy tales were first archetypal characters that we meet in life and the first serious attack on our subconscious. Thanks to benign parental stories good night, spiced up with the infinity list of desserts which was created witch hut and a detailed description Pepeljuginih ordeal, most children fear the very possibility of coexistence with stepmother, and all are sometimes ask what will happen if it turns out the parents have as Hansel and Gretel. It is not so strange that the whole range of what heavier, as the easiest psychosomatic disorder carries the name of characters from fairy tales. Snow White syndrome (indicates stepmother, and not by daughter features), or malignant narcizam, means a person prone associal and egocentric behavior, frantic persistent and completely insensitive to people around you. Girls that are unsafe and very important to them is that someone always approves of their actions suffer from the Cinderella syndrome, while those hipersenzibilne torment syndrome princess on corn peas. Those who are not aware of its beauty because they were in their youth unsightly, suffering from the syndrome so bad, and those who have unrealistic expectations toward the opposite sex "rift" is a syndrome Prince on a white horse. Peter Pana syndrome are those who never grow up, while the syndrome jingle label for women who are by partners and friends behave like a protective mother. Alisa syndrome in the land of wonders known neurological disorder that is characterized by disorientation and distorted perception, and objects seems significantly less than in reality. Live poisoning causes tremor, loss of memory and concentration, which is called a syndrome crazy hatter. Rapunzel syndrome, or compulsion to eat hair, while syndrome Sleeping Beauty belongs in the sexual deviations and means a person who excites only partner who sleeps (regarded as a reduced form necrophilia). Dorothy from the syndrome may suffer only in the middle years, when many women, just as the heroine and the wizard of Oz, do not know where you are and where to move.

Baron Munchausen was a known liar: he argued that it was flying at gun balls, that the lives of mud pulled so that he himself pull the queue and similar nonsense. Either way, Munchausen is to this day remains a synonym for a person prone to myths, a man prone to excessive lies. Don Juan he was a serial seducer, married women are happy to him becoming lovers, unmarried he always showed promise marriage, and in the meantime it naganjali lightly esteemed and rabid husbands and fathers. 17 century until today, when for some say that the Don Juan no one will think that this is a scientist or ludom abbot hermit. It is with Lolita. Twelve annual nimfeta from the novels of Vladimir Nabokova who seduces her stepfather prone pedophilia has become a synonym for a connection between very young girls and much older men. (When it comes to the reverse case, boys and older women, uses the term allure.) Few people read the book Bistra knight Don Quixote of the Manche, however, when someone says for that behaves like Don Quixote, or storm at windmills , Everybody knows that this is a person excessively prone to unrealistic expectations.
Realitet Fictive is full of characters who have become standard "equipment" language of our universe. For the lazy man says that Garfield, for the naive Dudek, for agitation Delboy, for innovators Professor Baltazar, the deceiver of James Bond, for destructive Terminator, bad for Frankenstein, the distraught Forrest Gump, the upstart Glembay, for intriganticu Lady Machbeth, for Miss curious Marple, the hypochondriac Jeremiah, for the depressed Sad Sova, who love the Romeo and Juliet, set against the match as Tom and Jerry, a clumsy work as a duo from the Czech series Is It.
Fictitious characters covering almost all variations of physical appearance. When someone says to you has a nose like Cyrano de Bergerac or Bob Rock, we know that there is a statuesque profile, you have ears like Mister Spock, we know that this is his chin slightly emphasized; when it looks like Miss Piggy, it is clear that this is not healed from anorexia, and when resembles the Popaj's Oliva, that is high, skinny and awkward. Coiffure Pipi hose indicates braid, a haircut Conan Barbarian hair, which hangs in idleness. When someone like Malik Tintilinic, we know that it is low, and when is like Dorian Gray, that there is no problem with excess pine. While those who looks like Quasimodo does not help, the one who is as Apollo inevitably want to meet. Probably no family would not have wanted to compare with the Addams family or Kremenko: in the first case it is clear that this is a very marvellous, while the other parties about the opponent wonders of modern technology.
Easy to us when we vote favorite fictitious characters, and others have their virtues and shortcomings. Many are uncomfortable when asked which fictitiously figure compares us. What if we think that we are awake fashion as, say, Carrie Bradshaw, and all the other think they look like Mary Poppins or she Strumfs?

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