Beli 18.07.2008

04 kolovoz 2008

Beli je mjesto u Primorsko-goranskoj županiji, na otoku Cresu, administrativno u sastavu grada Cresa. Prema popisu iz 2001. godine ima 35 stanovnika.

Ostavivši za sobom pristanište Porozina, put dalje vodi do brda Sis (650 m), najviše točke otoka. Skrenuvši ulijevo, možete se spustiti do mjesta Beli - brežuljka obraslog zelenilom i grozdovima kuća. Ispod, litica visoka 130 m, more, lučica, šljunkovita plaža.

Gradić vuče svoje korijene iz prapovijesti a na njegovom isturenom sjevernom dijelu, utvrđuje se bedemima. Zbog toga će je Rimljani prozvati Caput insulae, pa odatle Caisole. Toponomastički dualizam na ovim prostorima, u svakom slučaju, znači vrijednost koju valja zaštitit i očuvati.

Hrvatski naziv Beli, potječe iz doba Bele IV koji se ovdje sklonio pred najezdom Tatara.

Ulazeći u Beli stječe se dojam da jedan unutrašnji, skriveni sat stoljećima otkucava ritmove vremena i života. Svjedoci su toga ostaci rimskog i utvrde srednjovjekovnog razdoblja, romaničko-gotičke crkvice, stari balkoni, frizevi i dekoracije, nadgrobne ploče sa glagoljskim natpisima.

Posebno je dojmljiv popločeni prostor na maloj uzvisini, sličan sali okruženoj kamenim sjedalima. To je bilo mjesto susreta naroda, neka vrst agore, preostali trag stare i kratkotrajne demokracije kada je Beli, oko 1000 godina, postala nezavisna komuna.

U Belom od 1985/86 kad je zatvorena Osnovna škola djeluje Eko-centar Caput Insulae Beli te razvija niz aktivnosti koje doprinose podizanju razine ekološke svijesti sveukupnog pučanstva i time pridonose očuvanju prirode. Za bjeloglave supove izgrađeno je Oporavilište za supove gdje se ozlijeđeni, iznemogli ili otrovani supovi oporavljaju do ponovnog puštanja u prirodu; otvorili su dva hranilišta na koja im kontinuirano dopremaju dodatnu hranu kako bi se smanjila smrtnost mladih i povećala uspješnost gniježđenja odraslih; u suradnji s Ornitološkom postajom Cres, Zavoda za ornitologiju HAZU-a, provode markiranje i prstenovanje mladih supova.

Postoji poučna eko-staza na otoku Cresu Stoza Tramuntana I, napravljena na inicijativu dr. Gorana Sušića, nastala je u suradnji Eko-centra Caput Insulae Beli s udruženjem "Svanimir" i članovima Planinarskog društva "Kastav".

Eko-staza otvorena je 24.lipnja 1997 godine, na dan Sv. Ivana Krstitelja. Staza je obilježena planinarskom oznakom – crveno-bijelim krugom na kamenu, kojeg posjetitelji mogu pratiti u dužini od 7km, što se laganim hodom prijeći za otprilike 3 sata.

Eko-staza ima 20 postaja (10 glavnih skulptura i 10 međupostaja), a visinska je razlika između najviše i najniže točke 240m. Glavne postaje i međupostaje na eko-stazi obilježene su tako da se posve uklapaju u okoliš i ne narušavaju prirodni sklad – umjetničkim kamenim skulpturama (kojih autor akademski kipar Ljubo de Karina), a obilježavaju najvrjednije prirodne i kulturno povijesne lokalitete područja koje staza obilaze. Na glavnim je skulpturama rimskim (I, II, III, IV,….,X) a na međupostajama arapskim (1, 2, 3, 4,…..,10) brojevima označeno mjesto na kojem je postaja, da bi olakšalo snalaženje i traženje opisa u tiskovnom vodiču. Uz brojku skulpture imaju i po jedno glagoljsko slovo, tako da na svim skulpturama , od početka do kraja eko-staze, kružno, piše TRAMUNTANA. Uz to, na svakoj su od 20 kamenih skulptura uklesani stihovi ili filozofske misli Andra Vida Mihačića, i tako to tako da svojom porukom odgovaraju mjestu na kojem se skulptura nalazi.

Obilazak eko-staze započinje posjetom izložbama u zgradi Eko-centra u Belom, jer one daju cjelovitu sliku podneblja. U sklopu izložbi može se vidjeti velika vegetacijska karta cijelog otoka Cresa sa značajkama svih tipova vegetacije, endemskih pašnjaka, rijetkih šuma kao i cijela priča o bjeloglavim supovima. Staza iz eko-centra kreće 'klanicom' (staza kojom se dolazi ili odlazi s Belog, koja je omeđena gromačom, suhozidovima, a uz koju se nalazi jedna mala, više tisuća godina stara kuća koja služi kao staja) do ruševina srednjovjekovne crkvice SV. Šimuna za koju se smatra da je građena u 10.stoljeću. Tu je i guvno, mjesto gdje su žene tukle, usitnjavale pšenicu. Staza dalje posjećuje Rimski most (koji je prije 2000 godina izgradio rimski car Tiberije), dijelom prolazi isto toliko starom rimskom cestom, prolazi drevnim više stoljeća starim šumama hrasta cera, medunca i pitomog kestena, posjećuje Jamu Čampari u kojoj su pronađeni kosturi medvjeda stari 12000 godina, obilazi napuštena stanove ili sela ali i prapovijesna sela i hramove, prolazi uz slatkovodne lokve prepune života, s nje se mogu promatrati bjeloglavi supovi, pa čak više puta sresti Macmalića- dobrog šumskog duha u liku patuljka na drvetu. Staza je kružna, počinje u Belom i vraća se u Beli.

Idealno je to mjesto za sve one koji svoj odmor žele provesti u mirnoj atmosferi i u harmoniji s prirodom. Ovdje će vam stanovnici pružiti gostoprimstvo u čistim i uređenim sobama, a pokraj plaže nalazi se uređen prostor i za ljubitelje kampiranja.

Nema se što još posebno dodati o Belom jer ovime su iscrpljene sve mogućnosti osim onih da se tu još jedino može čuti glasanje ovaca ili naletjeti na njih u brstenju trave ili okolnog niskog bilja, fascinantno i predivno saznanje da tradicija nije nestala pred turistima.

Beli is a place in Primorsko-Goranska county, on the island on, administratively part of the city Cres. According to the 2001 census. year has 35 residents.

Left to themselves, Porozina pier, still leads the way to Mount Sis (650 m), the highest point of the island. Skew left, you can take down to Beli - overgrown green hills and clusters house. Below, high cliffs 130 m, sea, harbor, a pebble beach.

The town towing their roots in prehistoric times and on the northern part of outwark, establishes the walls. That is why the Romans is called Caput insulae, and from there Caisole. Toponomastic dualism in this area, in any case, in any case, means the value of which should protect and preserve.

Croatian name Beli, dating from the era of Bela IV, who was here before the shelter invasion Tatars.

Entered the White gets the impression that one inner, hidden for centuries hour strikes time and rhythms of life. Witnesses are that the remains of a Roman fort and the medieval period, the Romanesque-Gothic church, the old balconies, frizevi and decorations, tombstones Glagolitic plates with inscriptions.

It is especially impressive paved space on a small hill, surrounded by a similar hall of stone seats. This was the meeting place of people, some kind of agore, the remaining vestige of old and short-term democracy when the Beli, about 1000 year, became an independent commune.

In Beli of 1985/86 when he closed Elementary School operates Eco-Centre Caput Insulae Beli, and develops a range of activities that contribute to raising the level of environmental awareness overall population and thus contribute to preserving nature. For griffon vulture built recovery center for vulture where the hurt the weary or poison vulture recovering from the re-commissioning of nature; opened two feeding on them, which continuously give extra food in order to reduce mortality of young people and increase the performance of breeding adults, in cooperation with Ornitology station Cres, the Institute for ornitology HAZU and carry out marking and ringing young voltures.

There are eco-educational paths on the island on Stoza Tramuntana I, created on the initiative of Dr. Goran Sušića, built in cooperation Eco-center Caput Insulae Beli with association "Svanimir" and members of the mountain society "Kastav.

Eco-trails open 24.June year 1997, on the day of Sv. John the Baptist. The course is marked by the label mountaineering - red-white circle on the stone, which visitors can track the length of 7 km, which is easy walk to exceed approximately 3 hours.

Eco-trail has 20 stations (10 major sculptures and 10 among station), and upper-air is the difference between the highest and lowest point of 240m. The main station and among station on eco-trail are marked so that all fit into the environment and not damaging the natural harmony - art of stone sculpture (which the author sculptor Ljubo de Karina), and marked the most valuable natural and cultural and historical localities areas about which path. Is a major Roman sculptures (I, II, III, IV,…., X) and on among station Arabic (1, 2, 3, 4,… .., 10) numbers marked the place where the station, to facilitate map and find a description printed in the guide. Along with the number and sculptures have one glagolitic letter, so that all the sculptures, from the beginning until the end of eco-trails, circular, writes TRAMUNTANA. In addition, on each of the 20 stone sculptures engraved rhyme or philosophical thoughts Andra Vida Mihačića, and so it so that its message is appropriate for the place where the sculpture is located.

Eco-tour of the track began visiting exhibitions in the Eco-Centre in Beli, because they give a complete picture of climate. As part of the exhibition can be seen a large vegetation map of the entire island of Cres with the features of all types of vegetation, pastures endemic, rare woods, and the whole story about griffon volture. Route from the center of eco-moving 'klanicom' (the path that comes or goes with Beli, which is encircled by gromačom, overwall, and to which there is a small, thousands years old house that serves as a stable) to the ruins of medieval churches ST. Simon, which he believes that was built in 10.century. There is also guvno, the place where the women beat, attrition wheat. Route continues to visit Roman bridge (which was 2000 years ago built the Roman Emperor Tiberius), partly through so much the same old Roman road, passing ancient centuries old oak forests cera, medunca and docile chestnut, visited Jamu Čampari in which they found skelet old bear 12000 years, visiting the abandoned houses or villages as well as prehistoric villages and temples, along with fresh water pool full of life, it can be to observe griffon volture, and even more often encounter Macmalića-good spirit of the forest in the character midget on a tree. The course is circular, starting in Beli and comes back in Beli.

This is an ideal place for all those who want to spend a holiday in a peaceful atmosphere and in harmony with nature. Here, residents will need to provide hospitality in a clean and well-kept rooms, a beach located next to the landscaped area for those camping.

There is as yet add especially because of Beli are hereby effete all possibilities except those that are here only to hear the vote of sheep or pounce on them in browsing surrounding grass or low plants, a fascinating and wonderful discovery that tradition has not disappeared before the tourists.

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