Dragon Existence

16 veljača 2006

The dragon has long since been a creature of mystery; while dragons have widely been accepted as pure fantasy, there has always been an unsure element to their elusive existence, suggesting a corporal life. The dragon has never been physically present in our world, yet despite this we still question their non-existence and find ourselves drawn deeper into their mystery. For centuries, dragon existence has been the merging of human imagination, religious beliefs and popular folklore. Their existence has never been proved, yet the dragon remains tantalising close, bordering on the realm of fantasy and paranormal possibility.

To date, there have been hundreds of miscellaneous sightings of strange creatures throughout the world. The sea serpent, which remains a close cousin to the dragon family, has been sighted in countries across the globe. Here, we have dug up some of the odder sightings, those which blur the distinction between dragon and serpent, and present them to you at face-value.

Dragon Sightings A- Me: While there have been numerous sightings around the world, the ones listed here were carefully chosen for their closer relations to dragons, or their popularity.

Dragon Sightings Mf- Z: While there have been numerous sightings around the world, the ones listed here were carefully chosen for their closer relations to dragons, or their popularity.

Dragon Existence Theories: The question do dragons exist? is the most debated question asked of these mighty reptiles. Theories of their existence have ranged from a physical, literal presence, while others believe the dragon enigma goes no further than a case of mistaken identiy, or that dragons exist on the astral plane.

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