petak, 26.08.2005. ♥

♥ MA TU RA LAc!!!!

Evo napokon i ja odlazim.....svi razredi (osim c ) + jos jedan razred s 2.os idemo na RAB u San Marino...selo veselo! Zakon bude.....poslijednji ispračaj noćas u 5!!!! Na parkiralištu iza šk. Ovim postom pozdravljam ekipu iz Varaždina! Sve ljude uključujući i ekipu iz Koprivnice koja je tamo otišla na špancir fest, a pogotovo mojoj Ivici......evo that's all. Iva ovo je za tebe....

So lately, I've been wonderin
Who will be there to take my place
When I'm gone, you'll need love
To light the shadows on your face
If a great wave should fall
It would fall upon us all
And between the sand and stone
Could you make it on your own

If I could, then I would
I'll go wherever you will go
Way up high or down low
I'll go wherever you will go

And maybe, I'll find out
The way to make it back someday
To watch you, to guide you
Through the darkest of your days
If a great wave should fall
It would fall upon us all
Well I hope there's someone out there
Who can bring me back to you


Runaway with my heart
Runaway with my hope
Runaway with my love

I know now, just quite how
My life and love might still go on
In your heart and your mind
I'll stay with you for all of time


If I could turn back time
I'll go wherever you will go
If I could make you mine
I'll go wherever you will go

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♥ 21:32 ♥ komentari (8) ♥ printMA TU RA LAc!!!!

utorak, 23.08.2005. ♥

♥ Napokon.......ja =)

ljudi....ewo moje slikice na mom blogu. NAPOKON!!!!! Za sve one koji ne znaju, s ja sam ova crna( sa krem starkama ), a do mene je moja najfrendica Iva.....malo dalje je mlađa Ljubička, a sliku je slikala Karla na Anjinom rođendanu.......


Incubus- Nice to Know You
Better than watching Gellar bending silver spoons
Better than witnessing newborn nebulaes in bloom
She who sees from up high smiles and surely sings
Perspective pries your once weighty eyes and it gives you wings
I haven't felt the way I feel today
In so long it's hard for me to specify
I'm beginning to notice how much this feels
Like a waking limb, pins and needles, nice to know you
Goodbye, nice to know you
Goodbye, nice to know you
Deeper than the deepest Cousteau would ever go
And higher than the heights of what we often think we know
Blessed she who clearly sees the wood for the trees
To obtain a birds eye is to turn a blizzard to a breeze
I haven't felt the way I feel today
In so long it's hard for me to specify
I'm beginning to notice how much this feels
Like a waking limb, pins and needles, nice to know you
Goodbye, nice to know you
Goodbye, nice to know you
So could it be that it has been there all along?

♥ 19:03 ♥ komentari (6) ♥ printNapokon.......ja =)

nedjelja, 21.08.2005. ♥

♥ Toliko o različitosti......

Sad u vrijeme kak sam bolesna, mama mi je stalno donosila “magazine za mlade” , svaki od njih kad otvorim je iznutra isti. Piše se samo o tome kako su Pamela Anderson, Mariah Carrey, Nicole Kidman, S.M.Gellar,Paris Hilton...zakon cure, popularne, imaju sve: zgodne dečke, karijeru, lovu....a ocrnjuju se ljudi poput Marilyna Mansona. Poludim na takve stvari. Pa gle, ak ništ drugo MM se barem proslavio originalnom glazbom i stilom. Nije da podržavam njegove postupke i glazbu, ali taj čovjek je, mora se priznati drugačiji od drugih. Lako je glumiti dobricu i uvlačit se svakom u dupe da bi se dobilo ono što želimo, ali nek to netko uspije isključivo na temelju svojih uvjerenja i stavova.....e to je već malo teže?!!! Ne, puno teže! Nije lako izgraditi svoj stil, biti svoj i imati hrabrosti suprotstaviti, zato je većina ljudi ista. Utube si u glavu da će “biti drugačiji”, a zapravo se ravnaju po drugima i ne rade ništa što bi ih izdvojilo......jadno, ha?
Isto tako možemo glumiti “zločeste cure i dečke”, da glumiti...jer lako se obuči ko “razbijač” i bacati spikice tipa “on bu meni sral...”, “bu on videl kad mu ja dojdem”....”zakaj slušaš glupe starce”.....”ja bi na tvom mjestu pobjegla od kuće”....a zapravo su to samo komentari iza kojih se skrivaju preplašeni ljudi koji druge nagovaraju da rade gluposti, a oni se kasnije hvale time. Ako si već loš, budi loš do kraja inače nemoj glumit....jer zbilja, ljudi koji se pretvaraju da su netko ko nisu na kraju se izgube u vlastitim mislima i postupcima i postaju nule, a to nitko ne želi....samo što se iz takvog stanja teško izvući.....
Mislim da teen magazini jednostavno ne nude riješenja na naše probleme, oni nam ih još stvaraju. Pa svaki mjesec možete čitati u njima “kako riješiti svoje ljubavne probleme”, “kako ga osvojiti”, “što je prava ljubav”, kako vratiti dečka”, “kako izabrati dečka”.....bezveze. Kao da mi svi imamo iste probleme, mislim da kolko god da su zapravo slični da su naši problemi skroz unikatni i da svatko mora sam pronači način da ih riješi.......možda nije tako?

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♥ 19:40 ♥ komentari (7) ♥ printToliko o različitosti......

petak, 19.08.2005. ♥

♥ Erotic, scary, gothic and exciting

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Kraljica Prokletih, film o brutalnosti, mržnji, osveti...dakle, životu.
Film u kojem glumi legendarna Aalyah, crnkinja koja je poginula prije nekoliko godina & prezgodni Stuart Townsend. Osim njih tu su i Marguerite Moreau i Vincent Perez, također supać glumci.
Redatelj filma je Michael Rymer, a film traje 101 minutu.

Film je snimljen po romanu Anne Rice "Vampirske kronike" no za razliku od "Intervjua s vampirom", nije naišao na dobar prijem kritike i publike unatoč bizarnoj situaciji da kraljicu mrtvih glumi tragično preminula rnb pjevačica Aaliyah.
Stuart Towsend portretira Lestata, besmrtnog antijunaka kojeg smo upoznali u filmu "Intervju s vampirom." Lestat se budi u današnje vrijeme i nakon što shvaća da se svijet promijenio, postaje rock zvijezda. Njegov zvuk budi drevnu kraljicu Akashu koja Lestata želi u istoj mjeri koliko je Lestat fasciniran živim bićima...
Film je jednostavno genijalan, a zasigurno moj najdraži dio je kad su Akasha i Lestat u kadi prepunoj latica.
Evo ponešto o svakom od glavnih glumaca, na engleskom je, ali ako se nekome da neka čita kome ne.....nek samo gleda slike

Aaliyah probably had the toughest part to play in our film, in that she was then a 21-year-old with one movie under her belt, asked to play a 4000-year-old Egyptian queen who was transformed into the most powerful vampire of all. I was most concerned as to whether Aaliyah would be able to command the respect that Akasha would certainly draw. Aaliyah arrived in Melbourne extremely well-prepared, and delivered a performance that will make everyone who loves her proud.
Aaliyah was obviously a woman of many talents, and very much in command of them, despite her youth. She was also a very giving person who made everyone around her feel comfortable. I believe much of the credit for this goes to her terrific family, which was always with her, giving her support and a sense of home even when abroad. It's much easier to be an exemplary person and spread one's creative wings in such a nurturing environment. Aaliyah's work speaks most eloquently for itself, and I can only hope that the rest of our film does her justice. We will address how we feel about her life and her passing at the end of the film.
I wouldn't say that Aaliyah had a difficult time, but rather that her role was a very difficult one to play well. That she did play it exceedingly well is one of the lasting tributes we will have of her. Aaliyah was a wonderful, giving person who never complained about anything, including how long it took to dress and make her up.
Aaliyah never had a chance to see the finished film. However, I watched some of her scenes with her in dailies (rushes), and she was very happy with her performance... as she should have been.
I was blown away by Aaliyah's acting in the movie. She showed promise in ROMEO MUST DIE, but in QUEEN she pushed her talent much, much further.
Aaliyah's death has affected our movie in many ways... but I don't think that it will keep people away.
I would just add that she was also a devotee of Egyptian history, and liked vampires, too. In effect, she had every base covered. That she was an actor who became famous as a singer puts her in the same company as, for example, Frank Sinatra and Cher, who delivered more than one critically lauded performance.
The only vampire who has an accent that sounds like their country of origin (an accent they may well have lost over the centuries, in my opinion, especially when speaking English) is Akasha.
On Producing a Movie about Aaliyah's Life
Please remember that I am not producing a movie of Aaliyah's life. This is something that I would imagine her family will do, when they are ready. They are doing as well as could be expected, and the support of her fans definitely makes them feel better.
This will definitely be discussed at the right time, with my support, regardless of whether or not I wind up being involved.

Stuart Townsend
Everyone who has seen Stuart Townsend's portrayal of Lestat marvels at his charisma and sexiness. He managed to integrate Lestat's soulfulness, brattiness and bravado into one pretty damn seamless performance.
Stuart has a slight Irish accent, which is what you'll hear in the movie. The only person in our very international cast who noticeably altered their normal way of speaking was Aaliyah, who developed an ancient Egyptian accent for the role of Akasha. Stuart is indeed a good singer, but we didn't learn that until after we chose him for the role... which is well after we had already signed up Jonathan Davis to sing (as well as compose our songs and score).
Stuart's stand-in had become quite a favorite of the crowd at Werribee by the time that Stuart was to first appear on stage. He was nervous about being perceived as a "movie star," nervous about performing a rock song in front of a big audience, and very nervous once he found himself suspended fifty feet above the stage for his entrance. Stuart fortified himself as much as was seemly (ahem!) (i.e., had a drink or ten), then met his fears. He was terrific from his first swoop down, the crowd loved him, and he now considers that night the highlight of his acting career.
It was difficult to cast Lestat because we were asking a young actor to carry a movie, not to mention risk looking very silly as a rock star. To make the concert work as well as it does, we needed a psyched-up audience, a band that didn't look put together, and someone to hold the center. That was Stuart. He is terrific as a singer, and even better when all hell breaks loose. I think Stuart is a better Lestat from Lestat's point of view than Tom Cruise would have been. (Remember, Cruise played a radically different character — Lestat from Louis' point of view).
Stuart is a very serious actor, who wouldn't take a role he didn't believe in. Lestat is a terrific character, and Stuart enjoyed enacting many of Lestat's aspects. I don't recall Stuart staying in character after "cut" was called, but he certainly didn't crack jokes, either. Rather, he remained focused. Stuart did a lot of training for the fight scenes — working out with a trainer, movement tutoring, wire work, and action choreography — but he was a natural at it. He made it look effortless.

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♥ 19:09 ♥ komentari (12) ♥ printErotic, scary, gothic and exciting

četvrtak, 18.08.2005. ♥

♥ Static X


"This Is Not"

Lines and the light stream
Screaming by me scream
Burned down
Not me you see me suffer
Haunted by your spirit
Undead by your spit
Taunted by yourself alive

Dazed and burning state
Hazed and spinning fate
Dazed and burning
I say I can't come
You say this ain't home
Hating this I mouth your name

This is not my life
This is not my home
This is not me
I hate this

Your voice in my mind
Come home it ain't time
Burned down
Not me you see me suffer
Solace to inspire
Lowness to my life
Taunted by yourself alive

Dazed and burning state
Hazed and spinning fate
Dazed and burning
I say I can't come
You say this ain't home
Hating this I mouth your name

evo ljudi, ne znam kolko vi to slušati, ali osjetih potrebu za staviti riječi ove pjesme na blog jer je meni genijalna!!!

♥ 22:57 ♥ komentari (3) ♥ printStatic X

subota, 13.08.2005. ♥

Image Hosted by E predivno mi ovdije izgleda.... to je inaće Jennifer Love Hewit.Image Hosted by Zar će otići kad najviše ga želim......
Kad oči njegove najljepši su san......
Ne znam ni kako "zbogom" da mu kažem....
Kad dođe taj nesretni dan.......

Image Hosted by Bila sam poslijednja iskra u tvom životu........koja se gasila na obali mora...jednog je dana otišao brod.......a ostala luka vječnoga bola.......

♥ 19:36 ♥ komentari (3) ♥ print

♥ Hej!!!!!!!

Evo pencilin trebam primati samo do ponedjeljka, a onda bumo vidli u utorak ak bum zdrava u srijedu idem na more, a ako nebum moram pod nožžž =(
Ja se zahvaljujem ljudovima koji čitaju ovaj blog ( ne znam zakaj to radite )....... Ako niste obavezno na Nelicinom ( Peppersicinom ) blogu pročitajte post o pop glazbi.........zbilja dobro napisano.
Moj dragi buraz dobio motor 125 kubika i otišao se vozit, a bitno da ja ne mogu kad sam bolesna.
Slažem se sa Twepom koji je na Nelinom blogu ostavio komentar da pop cilja na mlađe slušatelje i u potpunosti se slažem s tim, makar znam i neke starije ljudove koji slušaju pop. A ak se ljudima to sviđa kaj češ..........
Kaj da drugo napišem osim da pozdravim sve koji ovo čitaju i da vam želim lijep odmor dok još nema škole ( mrzim i pomisliti na to ).......asuP =))))))

♥ 19:01 ♥ komentari (0) ♥ printHej!!!!!!!

četvrtak, 11.08.2005. ♥

♥ .......joj.........

Evo ljudaći javljam vam se sa temperaturom od 39 stupnjeva. Imam gnojnu upalu krajnika i nemogu uopće jest ( jeeeeee!!!, shala )tak da sam sva u k....pimpeku =) Idem na nekakve injekcije pencilina pa to je užash, a možda budem i išla sad na operaciju. Ili kak to moja doktorica ljubazno kaže: " To treba rezati ".....hehe....
Trebah danas ići na more sa bratćem kod njega u Rovinj, al naravno nebi to bilo to da sam ja zdrava=(
Ali ćim ozdravim idem.......
Trudih se staviti slikice na blog, ali buraz ima neki virus na kompu pa s njegovog ne mogu slati, a na svom nemam slike..... A kak bolesna jesam nemam snage za stavljati sve to na disketu pa će blogić još neko vrijeme bit ovakav.
Evo vraćam se ja sad u uživajte i ak neko planira ići na more nek se hiti u vodu jednom i za mene =) Pusach swima ;)

♥ 21:38 ♥ komentari (3) ♥ print.......joj.........

utorak, 09.08.2005. ♥

♥ Freak on a leas-Korn

Something takes a part of me
Something lost and never seen
Everytime I start to believe
Something's raped and taken from me...from me
Life's gotta always be messing with me (You wanna see the light)
Can't they chill and let me be free (So do I)
Can't I take away all this pain (You wanna see the light)
I try to every night, all in vain
Sometimes I cannot take this place
Sometimes it's my life I can't taste
Sometimes I cannot feel my face
You'll never see me fall from grace
Something takes a part of me
You and I were meant to be
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me
Feeling like a freak on a leash (You wanna see the light)
Feeling like I have no release (So do I)
How many times have I felt diseased (You wanna see the light)
Nothing in my life is free
Sometimes I cannot take this place
Sometimes it's my life I can't taste
Sometimes I cannot feel my face
You'll never see me fall from grace
Something takes a part of me
You and I were meant to be
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me
Boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
Da boom na da mmm dum na ema
So...fight! something on the...
Fight...somethings they fight
So! something on the...
Fight...somethings they fight
Fight! something on the...
No...somethings they fight
Fight! something on the...
Fight...somethings they fight
Something takes a part of me
You and I were meant to be
A cheap fuck for me to lay
Something takes a part of me
Part of me
Part of me
Part of me

♥ 21:17 ♥ komentari (3) ♥ printFreak on a leas-Korn

nedjelja, 07.08.2005. ♥

♥ Uh...

Svjesna sam ja da ljudi samo prođu kroz moj blog kad na njemu ništ ne piše. Ne znam o čemu.....nemam evo ovako.....3.8. mi je bio rođendan, ali nije bilo nekakve feštice jer ga slavim 21.8. tak da... =)
Prije par dana sam se vratila s mora, kako je zakon bilo....istina more je bilo malo hladno ( bila sam u Biogradu) ali ipak. Iva je išla sa mnom, a tamo smo bile sa ekipicom iz cijele Hrvatske, sa svih strana..a neki su čak i došli iz okolnih državica. Sve u svemu fenomenalno. Kasnije smo još išle na Brač kod moje stare frendice i ja sam na nekakvom vrtuljku dobila ogromnu šljivu na ruci...
Bavim se već jakkkkkko dugo plesanjem u "jumpu"..a i sviram električnu gitaru...nekak =)
E ovo vrijeme vani je koma...samo kiša baš bezveze, ništ se nemože radit po takvom vremenu....osim sjedit u kući i slušat mjuzu. Da već sam napisala kaj slušam pa to sad neću ponavljat,ali najgora stvar koja mi se dogodila da mi je buraz izbrisal svu glazbu s kompa... a nekaj malo imam na CD-ima....užas!
Evo došao je red da i ja napišem ponešto o nekome pa mislim da bibilo najbolje krenem li od jedne jedine moje najdraže planinarko girl ( hhehehhehehe, ubila bu me ) Ive Solarević znane kao...&W@. My best friend naravno....najluđa cura koju sam ikada upoznala i svakako najbolja osoba koju znam.S njom nikad nije dosadno...osim u specijalnim uvijetima....ali ipak. Također sluša stvari koje sam nabrojala za sebe,ima super stil i ne pravi se da je nešto što nije!!!!!! Sve najbolje!

♥ 22:15 ♥ komentari (17) ♥ printUh...

♥ Hello

Evo napravila i ja blog....ljudi ja sam inače Violeta Aleksovski...inač! Evo sjedim tu s Nelom ili ti Peppersicom i šaljem neke porukice Ivi ( Solarević ). Uh ovo mi je prvi put da pišem nekaj na blogu. Slušam svakaj.....najdraže grupe su mi: Sistem of a down, Slipknot, Static X, Korn, Mudvayne, Blink 182, Coal chamber, Sum 41, Lim bi ajd recimo bilo zasad tolko... Imam buraza Salea a ostalo mislim da ni nije bitno......sad je red na drugima......nadam se da bu se neko javil =))))

♥ 19:35 ♥ komentari (5) ♥ printHello

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