11 studeni 2011

Decorating a narrow living room. Decor kitchen cabinets. Decorative wood designs.

Decorating A Narrow Living Room

decorating a narrow living room

    living room
  • A room in a house for general and informal everyday use

  • A living room, also known as sitting room, lounge room or lounge (in the United Kingdom and Australia), is a room for entertaining guests, reading, watching TV or other activities.

  • The Living Room is a music venue on Ludlow Street on the Lower East Side in New York City that was established in 1988.

  • living room: a room in a private house or establishment where people can sit and talk and relax

  • Make (something) look more attractive by adding ornament to it

  • Provide (a room or building) with a color scheme, paint, wallpaper, etc

  • Confer an award or medal on (a member of the armed forces)

  • (decorate) make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"

  • (decorate) deck: be beautiful to look at; "Flowers adorned the tables everywhere"

  • (decorate) award a mark of honor, such as a medal, to; "He was decorated for his services in the military"

  • make or become more narrow or restricted; "The selection was narrowed"; "The road narrowed"

  • not wide; "a narrow bridge"; "a narrow line across the page"

  • a narrow strait connecting two bodies of water

  • A narrow channel connecting two larger areas of water



I realized last week that we had SIXTEEN (messy, cluttered) bookcases in our apartment and how ridiculous it sounds. But you see, they're stacked and folding so there are really only eight towers and some of them are quite narrow. (The other ones are in the opposite and far corners.)

Worst part: We need more! And although everyone in the world sells them, we can't find ones that match exactly. Yeah, yeah, first world problems, I know.

living room

living room

very narrow but cozy. we don't get much natural light in here, so it's impossible to take a photo without the ugly energy-saving lightbulb glow.

decorating a narrow living room

See also:

decor websites

ways to decorate office

surf party decorations

30 decorator table

free decorating ideas

camp theme decorations

fall decorating ideas for weddings

candle table decoration

girls room decorations

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