ponedjeljak, 23.04.2007.

zoki al si me uvalio:P

dakle po blogu kruži neka štafeta i eto i mene zadesila pa ja jadna sad tu moram stavit 5 stvari neceg po osobnom izboru kolko sam skuzila al da su iste vrste..kao film, muzika i poster(bar tak zoki veli:P)
e i sad bi ja ispod toga trebala stavit 5 blogera koji bi to isto trebali napravit..a nemoraju..hmm..a kaj stavit..ev jos uvijek mislim..kao htjela bi bit junik pa stavit nekaj kaj jos niko nije, al ko što sam u prethodnom postu napisala u kurcu sam s maštovitosti u zadnje vrijeme..ev jos cu malo razmislit..hmm..ah ma kaj cu drugo neg meni apsolutno nezamisliv život bez nje_dakle mjuza..ajd ovako..neke od mojih dražih pjesama...

hmm..a sljedecha petorka...:

ajd tratinchichica...et posto si rekla da nemas inspiracije:)
pocket full of stars
moj shef iliti sisa men ( makar se nece odazvat:P)
i ajd coldstone

p.s. ko je bio tak pametan i moju malenkost prijavio da spama? eekda vas cujem! zar ja jadno malo nevino stvorenje zbunjeno i blesavo...shmrc...no

| 13:50 | Komentiraj (10) | Print this! | #

četvrtak, 19.04.2007.


toliko puta mi dode da napravim hrpu stvari...nebitnih..banalnih...dobrih..jebenih...ma svakakvih..al svaki put mi fali volje...bljah..
ponekad me smeta moja flegmaticnost skoro u svakom slucaju..uvijek je sve ok..ponajviše u zadnje vrijeme, postalo je odgovor na skoro svako pitanje upuceno meni. Kao da mi je sve postalo ravno..zbog čega? neznam..
nekad sam stvari, ljude, priče , bilo što znala opisivati sa toliko riječi, slika, a danas samo blijedo , tupo zujim u nešto što me nekad veselilo i na što sam bila ponosna...u školi sam uvijek pisala najbolje sastave, uvijek sam i drugima pisala...sad ne mogu skombinirat dve riječi koje da natipkam na blog! možda bi trebala napokon pročitat neku knjigu..nisam stvarno vec dugo..
možda je i to razlog što mi se sve ove moje zadnje pjesme ne sviđaju..ok..iz iskustva je većina njih al tolko mi mutavo izgledaju dok čitam..ko da se narodnjaku makne muzika i samo ga se izrecitira..grozno! al ok , da pokucam o drvo, dobila sam mnogo komplimenata na svoje pjesmuljke, ali k vragu i komplimenti ak ja tu ne vidim nista posebno...shmrc...
nevjerojatno je koliko se čovijek može promijeniti u samo godinu dana..a sa nikakvim značajnim događajima..
da li sam samo otupjela? je li to samo neka prolazna faza? ako je prolazna faza onda se malo previše zadržala...

koliko je ljudi vec izbrisalo blogove zato jer vise ne znaju o cem da pisu i dojadilo im je? puno puno
al eto meni barem ne pada na pamet to napravit..ja volim pisat..pa makar i nebuloze- to mi je specijalnost:)
hmm..ev sad mi bas doslo u glavu.. pocela sam sad pisat post bez veze, ajmo rec bas s dve tri riječi u glavi, al eto nastavilo se..takva sam uvijek bila..samo mi daj malo uvoda i ja rokam dalje..
mah..ziher je samo prolazna faza!

s koje dve, tri riječi da počnem sljedeći post?wink

| 09:51 | Komentiraj (7) | Print this! | #

utorak, 10.04.2007.


oh da li chuste
tu predivnu vijest
otkad saznah to
u funkciji nije moja svijest

jos ostaje samo
mjeseca dva
kad ponovo oživjeti ću
ispunjena bit cu sva

moja ljubav prva
kad o glazbi je riječ
bit će tako blizu
nemoguće za izbjeć

otkad saznah
euforija je prisutna
otkad saznah
samo time zaokupljena..

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ok..dosta s rimom itd..

ugl..bili su tu u dragom nam Zagrebu 2000 i 2003, a ja sam ih malo prekasno otkrila..nažalost eto tek 2003 i naravno da sam propustila koncert_glupacha ja..no kad sam ih počela slusat nisam se mogla zasitit..eto jos ni dan danas i oni su mi prvi pravac u muzici..maj fejvrit..maj prešs!
jest da ih mnogi ne podnose..što zbog sexualnog izbora (Brian je bisexualac, Stefan homo,a Steve hetero), što zbog stila , a što zbog molkovog glasa koji je mnogima pederast i iritantan..e pa meni nije, ja smatram da lik ima jebenu glaschinu i jeben raspon..može cvrkutat ko pticica a opet može brundat ko medo..da ne pricam o obradama koje su napravili i jebeno zvuče..

et ak koga zanima..

Dakle, savršenu trojku čine Brian Molko, Stefan Olsdal i Steve Hewitt. Počeli su svirat 1994 i prvotni naziv im je bio "ashtray hearts" a tek onda su postali "PLACEBo"
prvi album su izdali 1996 pod jednostavnim nazivom _PLACEBO
drugi je bio WHITOUT YOU I'M NOTHING iz 1998
treci BLACK MARKET MUSIC iz 2000
i napokon MEDS iz 2006

volim sve pjesme, svi albumi si mi dobri, ali ovi stariji su mi nekak draži, izuzev naravno najbolje mi pjesme na svijetu ..THE BITTER END..ijao tu me adrenalin puca luđački..

ma ev necu vas vise gnjavit s njima..al eto ja sam sva u tome..

ne zabravite!
a ak necete bas na placebo , dolaze i kaiser chiefs i queens of the stone age..to je službeno potvrđeno
a trebali su mi doc i muse:(

nis ljudovi..odoh nakonn kilometražnog posta posvecenog tu maj frst mjuzik lav!

| 10:12 | Komentiraj (8) | Print this! | #

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Opis bloga
nem aop isa
ne mao pisa
nema op isa

blog hr

forumchek..svi su dobrodosli..aj ges:P

obicna kuja


dŽep pun zvJezda

holden caulfield


don zoki

brejn zoun




moj shef aka mr. sisa



gloria mundi

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Coming up beyond belief
On this coronary thief
More than just a leitmotif
More chaotic, no relief
I'll describe the way I feel
Weeping wounds that never heal
Can the savior be for real
Or are you just my seventh seal?

No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Just like I swallowed half my stash
I never ever want to crash
No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Now you're back with dope demand
I'm on sinking sand
No escaping gravity
No escaping... not for free
I fall down... hit the ground
Make a heavy sound
Every time you seem to come around

I'll describe the way I feel
You're my new Achilles heel
Can this savior be for real
Or are you just my seventh seal?

No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Just like I swallowed half my stash
I never ever want to crash
No hesitation, no delay
You come on just like special K
Now you're back with dope demand
I'm on sinking sand
No escaping gravity
No escaping... not for free
I fall down... hit the ground
Make a heavy sound
Every time you seem to come around

No escaping gravity
No escaping gravity
No escaping gravity
No escaping gravity
Gravity [x4]

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Got six troubles, on my back
Like six little milk teeth, all gone bad
Won't move over, won't get gone
Won't move over

Fried my little brains
Fried my little brains
Fried my little brains
Fried my little brains

Only got ten minutes, better get me good
Pull out my little milk teeth, pull good
Won't move over, won't get gone
Won't move over

Fried my little brains
Fried my little brains
Fried my little brains
Fried my little brains

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How could that happen?
How could that happen again?
Where the fuck was I looking
When all his horses came in?
And he built an army
Of kamikaze

Ten thousand willing
Pilots flying
Space and beyond
Built an army
To come and find me

Beyond all reason
Beyond all my hopes
The call of duty
Another war zone
(Makes me moan)

You can't touch me

Eight miles high
He walks his path
And I follow mine
One truth for one eye
He's come to find me

Ten thousand willing
Pilots flying
Space and beyond
Here is his army
Space and here we come

You don't touch me

You don't touch me
You don't touch me

Space here we come


promijenio je boju na zidovima
nikad nije volio zeleno
otopio je kaktuse na prozorima
moj je stan prekinuo s njom

slike su pogriješile sobu
nove su ribe u akvariju
nema zvončića na dovratku
moj je stan ostavio nju

ali ja sam ovdje
to je vec teze mijenjati
to se neda preboljeti
uvijek ostane njen

poziva goste na zabave
pusta glasnu muziku
sve su mogucnosti otvorene
otkad je moj stan prebolio nju

sad se bavi statistikom
igra se brojkama
kako jeftinom patetikom
dignuti skor, pobjeda

ali ja sam ovdje
to je vec teze mijenjati
to se neda prebojati
uvijek ostane njen
ja sam ovdje
mene je tesko mijenjati
ja sam tu kao podsjetnik
u meni uvijek ima nje

u meni uvijek, uvijek, ima nje
u meni uvijek, uvijek, ima nje
u meni uvijek, uvijek, ima nje
u meni uvijek, uvijek, ima nje


I've never known a girl like you before
Now just like in a song from days of yore
Here you come a knockin', knockin' at my door
And I've never met a girl like you before
You give me just a taste so I want more and more
Now my hands are bleeding and my knees are raw
Now you've got me crawlin', crawlin' on the floor
And I've never met a girl like you before
You've made me acknowledge the devil in me
I hope to God I'm talkin' metaphorically
Hope that I'm talkin' allegorically
Know that I'm talkin' about the way I feel
And I've never known a girl like you before
Never, never, never, never
Never known a girl like you before
This old town's changed so much
Don't feel like I belong
Too many protest singers
Not enough protest songs
And now you've come along
Yes you've come along
And I've never met a girl like you before

Copyright © hmh...? zabranjeno koristenje objavljenih radova bez pristanka autora!


if ju nid mi _ befuddled_special_k@hotmail.com


Free Counter

jebalo me zelenilo...ah kad volim zeleno.

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Come waste your millions here
Secretly she sneers
Another corporate show
A guilty conscience grows
I'll feel a guilty conscience grow
I'll feel a guilty conscience grow

She burns like the sun
And I can't look away
And she'll burn our horizons make no mistake

Come let the truth be shared
No-one ever dared
To break these endless lies
Secretly she cries

She burns like the sun
And I can't look away
And she'll burn our horizons make no mistake

And I'll hide from the world
Behind a broken frame
And I'll burn forever
I can't face the shame

And I'll hide from the world
Behind a broken frame
And I'll burn forever
I can't face the shame

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I've been where the sun don't shine
I've been where the trees have all died
I've been where there's no pathway or door
And I'm not afraid anymore

Been in a place where no one believes
The things that I said
Or the vision I'd see
So I had to protect my life
And not be afraid anymore
Fear is not real unless you want it be
At a level of yourself
It serves some need
You can let it go
Or hold on till the end
It's all up to you my friend

I've been where the sun don't shine
I've been where the trees have all died
I've been where there's no pathway or door
And I'm not afraid anymore

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Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when I may
This night will hurt you like never before

Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder
I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I`m in love with my lust
Burning angel wings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

I`m going down so frail `n cruel
Drunken disguise changes all the rules

Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder

I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I`m in love with my lust
Burning angel wings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!

Last dance, first kiss
Your touch my bliss
Beauty always comes with dark thoughts

I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I`m in love with my lust
Burning angel wings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

I wish I had an angel.........
I wish I had an angel.........
I wish I had an angel.........
I wish I had an angel.........


Oooh, Oooh
Oooh, Oooh

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
You try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
And there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind X3

Way out in the water
See her swimmin'

I was swimmin' in the Carribean
Animals were hiding behind the rocks, yeah
Except the little fish
But they told me, he swears
Tryin' to talk to me to me to me

Where is my mind X4

Way out in the water
See her swimmin'

With your feet in the air and your head on the ground
Try this trick and spin it, yeah
Your head will collapse
If there's nothing in it
And you'll ask yourself

Where is my mind X4

Way out in the water
See her swimmin'

Oooh, Oooh
Oooh, Oooh


Pushing thru the market square,
so many mothers sighing
News had just come over,
we had five years left to cry in
News guy wept and told us,
earth was really dying
Cried so much his face was wet,
then I knew he was not lying
I heard telephones, opera house,
favourite melodies
I saw boys, toys
electric irons and t.v.s
My brain hurt like a warehouse,
it had no room to spare
I had to cram so many things
to store everything in there
And all the fat-skinny people,
and all the tall-short people
And all the nobody people,
and all the somebody people
I never thought Id need
so many people

A girl my age went off her head,
hit some tiny children
If the black hadnt a-pulled her off,
I think she would have killed them
A soldier with a broken arm,
fixed his stare to the wheels of a cadillac
A cop knelt and kissed the feet of a priest,
and a queer threw up at the sight of that

I think I saw you in an ice-cream parlour,
drinking milk shakes cold and long
Smiling and waving and looking so fine,
dont think you knew you were in this song
And it was cold and it rained
so I felt like an actor
And I thought of ma
and I wanted to get back there
Your face, your race,
the way that you talk
I kiss you, youre beautiful,
I want you to walk

Weve got five years, stuck on my eyes
Five years, what a surprise
Weve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, thats all weve got
Weve got five years, what a surprise
Five years, stuck on my eyes
Weve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, thats all weve got
Weve got five years, stuck on my eyes
Five years, what a surprise
Weve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, thats all weve got
Weve got five years, what a surprise
Weve got five years, stuck on my eyes
Weve got five years, my brain hurts a lot
Five years, thats all weve got
Five years
Five years
Five years
Five years