nedjelja, 14.05.2006.

nemam inspiraciju za naslov...

Bas sam bezobrazna...ulijenila sam se...nisam pisala post vec dugo...a evo ga sad...

Jucer sam bila u Gardalandu... morala sam se dignut u 5...jebote... uvijek sam sva nikakva kad se rano ustanem... isli smo s busom...ja i 2 frendice,s medicinskom skolom jer je njima bilo mjesta u busu pa... vecer prije sam oprala maju na Nirvanu da cu je obuc,i obucem je a ona se skratila za 2 broja...i tako sam isla golog trbuha...a mrzim maje s golim trbuhom...shit...
isla su 2 busa,i kakve smo mi srece,nas utrpali u bus pun sminkera... joj... vozili smo se 6 sati al mi je brzo proslo jer sam slusala muziku...
a u Gardalandu je bilo bas strava. Samo sta nismo imale kartu pa smo isle ko muhe bez glave,al nema veze... samo treba se cekat pol sata za atrakcije,a mi crkavale na suncu,al nema veze,isplatilo se... i isli smo na vlak smrti...juhu... bas sam ponosna na sebe...ja sam inace grozna isla sam...i to 2 puta... zapravo smo manje vise bile na svemu s adrenalinom osim na blue tornadu...a jebiga- tolko hrabra ipak nisam...
bas imaju fine sladolede tamo... i onaj led s aromama... nabila sam par kila,al sta ces... i sve je uzasno skupo... nemos nac nista ispod 5 eura...jebote...sta oni misle??
Bas je bilo dobro... idem ponovo, bila sam vec 6 puta,al neka... samo sta radi do 6...kako glupo... po ljeti radi do ponoci... drugi put idem po ljeti...
Nismo kasnile...a ja UVIJEK kasnim... sta mi je bilo? A iznimke potvrduju pravilo,valjda to... na povratku smo stali na wc i kupit za jest i pit i to,i kupila sam neku odvratnu fantu od dzumbira (wtf),i dala za to jebena 2 eura...a poslije samo sta nisam rigala... dosla sam doma krepana i islaspavat,samo sam se srusila u krevet...i probudila me stara u 11... koji k***c? Nisam se ni posteno naspavala...sad imam podocnjake... i izgledam ko zombi...grrr...
Sta sam naucila iz puta u Gardaland?

1. talijani nemaju pojma engleski
2. talijani su uzasno neljubazne osobe,a pogotovo tete koje prodaju sladoled
3. U gardalandu ne mos nac nista ispod 5 eura
4. ne kupuj vise pica koja nema za kupit kod nas
5. ne peri vise maju na Nirvanu,rade kupi novu
6. kad drugi put budes isla u gardaland,ponesi kapu
7. jedna poruka iz Italije kosta puno,a pogotovo kad se odlucis dopisivat s frendicom koja je u Hrvatskoj

Iz pogresaka se uci,ne? Sad sam pametnija...haha... jedino mi je zao sta sam isla u gardaland jer je jucer na vh1 programu bio rock day...u 17.00. su bili gunsi,a u 20.00. nirvana unplugged on mtv... i bili su black sabbath i bon jovi i metallica i jos dosta rock grupa...jebiga... kako sam to mogla propustit? Smrc...

-Danas sam bila 3 sata na netu kad sam se probudila...a nemam max adsl... kolki ce mi racun doc? I dont wanna know... starci se ljute na mene,nabila sam racun na mobu 500 kn(pretplata sam)... uzasna sam,uopce neznam s novcima...

-skinula sam neke pjesme od sex pistolsa s neta... strava su...moram nabavit cd.

-Pearl Jam imaju koncert u Zagrebu u 9.mjesecu... to se vjerojatno vec odavno zna al ja sam tek danas saznala... bas bi ih isla gledat...ako me starci puste...

-Isla sam u knjiznicu u petak da cu posudit knjigu o Morrisonu,i debili nemaju... i sta cu sad?? To fuuuul zelim procitat. A kupit cu kjigu,sta drugo? Grr...

-Bas mi je fora onaj spot od RHCP Dani california... otkad sam ga prvi put vidila si razbijam glavu s tim koje su sve bendove skinuli...ono na pocetku je Elvis,to sam su Beatelsi... onda jos imitiraju pistolse, motley crue(?), Nirvanu, Bowiea u jednom djelu(?),Hendrixa(?)... to je kolko sam ja kraju su oni sami... a ko je onaj tip u plavom s plavim sesirom? I jesu uopce ovi za koje ja mislim da ih imitiraju?

Hehe,sad imate puno toga za komentirat... u ovom postu nije bilo filozofiranja... sta ne znaci da ga u sljedecem postu nece bit... ajde idem ja...

Big kiss from KHAILEE...

I malo slikica... od koga drugog nego od mog Morrisona...

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tu otkopcava hlace...zasto to nije video klipic???!!

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Lift myself up but I fall again
Keeping myself from going insane...
pain is what I really can`t stand
when will all this sorrow end?
Only this mirror
Can reflect how i`ll be superior
like i used to be...
because broken me is what I see..

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kolko vas ima od 3.5.2006.
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a tu i tamo i:

doorse,nirvanu,pearl jam,gunse...

something about fucked up world...

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I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel

Deep into a dying day
I took a step outside an innocent heart
Prepare to hate me fall when I may
This night will hurt you like never before

Old loves they die hard
Old lies they die harder

I wish I had an angel
For one moment of love
I wish I had your angel
Your Virgin Mary undone
I`m in love with my lust
Burning angelwings to dust
I wish I had your angel tonight

I`m going down so frail 'n cruel
Drunken disguise changes all the rules

Old loves...

I Wish...

Greatest thrill
Not to kill
But to have the prize of the night
Wannabe friend
13th disciple who betrayed me for nothing!

Last dance, first kiss
Your touch my bliss
Beauty always comes with dark thoughts

I wish...


This is me for forever
One of the lost ones
The one without a name
Without an honest heart as compass

This is me for forever
One without a name
These lines the last endeavor
To find the missing lifeline

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

My flower
Withered between
The pages two and three
The once and forever bloom gone with my sins

Walk the dark path
Sleep with angels
Call the past for help
Touch me with your love
And reveal to me my true name

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name for evermore

Nemo sailing home
Nemo letting go

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
All I wish is to dream again
My loving heart
Lost in the dark
For hope I'd give my everything

Oh how I wish
For soothing rain
Oh how I wish to dream again
Once and for all
And all for once
Nemo my name for evermore

Nemo my name for evermore


I stand, look in my hands
I talk with these lines
It's not the answer
I'm crying and now I know
Looking the sky
I search an answer
So free, free to be
I'm not another liar
I just want to be myself... myself

And now the beat inside me
is a sort of a cold breeze and I've
never any feeling inside
around me I bring my body
carry it into another world
I know I live... but like a stone I'm falling down

Damned, looking into the sky
I can feel this rain
right now it's falling on me
fly, I just want to fly
life is all mine
some days I cry alone,
but I know I'm not the only one
I see that another day is gone
I don't wanna die...
Please be here when I arrive, don't die... please


I've been dreaming for so long,
to find a meaning to understand.
The secret of life,
why am I here to try again?

Will I always, will you always
see the truth when it stares you in the face?
Will I ever, will I never free myself
by breaking these chains?

I'd give my heart, I'd give my soul.
I'd turn it back, it's my fault.
Your destiny is forlorn,
have to live till it's undone.
I'd give my heart, I'd give my soul.
I'd turn it back and then at last I'll be on my way.

I've been living for so long,
many seasons have passed me by.
I've seen kingdoms through ages
rise and fall, I've seen it all.

I've seen the horror, I've seen the wonders
happening just in front of my eyes.
Will I ever, will I never free myself by making it right?

I'd give my heart, I'd give my soul.
I'd turn it back, it's my fault.
Your destiny is forlorn,
have to live till it's undone.
I'd give my heart, I'd give my soul.
I'd turn it back and then at last I'll be on my way.

Jillian our dream ended long ago.
All our stories and all our glory I held so dear.
We won't be together
for ever and ever, no more tears.
I'll always be here until the end.
Jillian, no more tears...
Jillian, no more tears...

I'd give my heart, I'd give my soul.
I'd turn it back, it's my fault.
Your destiny is forlorn,
have to live till it's undone.
I'd give my heart, I'd give my soul.
I'd turn it back and then at last I'll be on my way.