Sto je ljubav? Postoji li? Ima li ime znacenje...i kao sto je w.shakespeare rekao...da se ruza ruza ne zove,svejedno bi jednako slatko mirisala...

A moment in
The falling rain
I hide away
So full of pain
My heart it breaks
I hope to die
Comes falling down
You ask me why?
I close my eyes
To let it go
No matter what
It isn't so
I hold my breath
Hold back the tears
I feel the rain
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Drown all my fears But i can't see
You're crying too
I didn't know
It isn't new.

Ako podes sa mnom,obecajem, svijet ce biti nas.
Ako podes sa mnom zauvijek cemo biti sretni.
Obecajem. Ne ces vise poznavati tugu,neces vise osjecati slabost. Neces pozeljeti nestati,
a uvecer se neces tresti. Neces sanjati bolne snove ispunjene ceznjom,samo ako podes sa mnom,svijet ce biti nas. Sjest cemo na vlak,nije bitno kamo i gdje. Jer ja cu biti tu i ako padne snijeg nama nece biti hladno. Zapitas li se kad kako ptice znaju kamo letjeti kad osjete hladnoću. Kako mogu biti sigurne da je jug tu za njih. Spreman da ih zaštiti i čuva,te kad dođe vrijeme pošalje natrag kući sa znanjem da će on biti tu za njih,dogodine. Ja cu biti tvoj jug. Samo podi sa mnom. Obecajem.

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subota, 24.02.2007. u 18:22 ][ 87 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ] [


Oi oi...skontah da ne pisem vise normalne postove...i ne namjeravam tak da...
Ugl. imala sam cudnu noc,spava mi se...i ova stafeta me ubija u pojam,najradije bi obrisla taj sta ces...
I tako ovih dana klosarim...pokusavam se izvuc iz nije to tak lako momak.
Sta ces. I da,ovaj tjedan me tak neki ljudi razocarali. joj. joj. I naucih neshto...jea...
Uglavnom svjesno sebi jos vise nastetimo kad radimo ono sto zelimo. A ja naprimjer zelim bit sretna. I onda onak si skontam da mi je sve cudno,jer sam tak navikla na depru da ne znam vise sta je to smijat se onak pravo... Ma ukratko nista novo. aha.
O i cure su za maskembal bile decki..kako zakon mi bilo..onak lijepo opusteno...kapuljaca...velika majica...i sk8 sam zakon...

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I give what I've got to give
I give what I need to live
I give what I've got to give
It's important if I wanna live
I wanna live
I want to live my life
I wanna live
I want to live my life

uuu..moja imenjakinja...

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subota, 17.02.2007. u 18:15 ][ 30 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ] [

mogu odmah stavit pod prvo:mrzim ovu dobro... zelim pisat ovu stafetu,ne mozete me upoznat kroz ovu stafetu,svaka cast onima koji ovo shvacaju ozbiljno,no zahvaljujuci odredenim ljudima koji su mi stafetu predali,ja sad ovo pisem
i da..mrzim svoje ime-emily

2.moj zivot=glazba,ne mogu bez nje…obozavam ju…osobito punk i rock

3.imam puha koji se zove spuky…no da to vec znate..oke..onda veliku ulogu u mom zivotu ima moja starija sestra koju jako volim iako se fajtamo

4.plan je bio da jednoj od osoba koja mi je ovo uvalila schpanichu kroz ovo kazem ostavljam te
XD ma zezam se ja…ali ne cu mu posvetit evo

pa evo volim gledat psiholoske trilere…volim vidjet i cut sve sto ima neku dublju pozadinu…volim pisati…volim volim spavat…oke ovo postaje zasebna stafeta…i volim svoju legicu miju koja spada u opis pod brojem 3.

5.sanjam o odlasku…francuska naprimjer..heh…ali ne ozbiljno..zelim otici…ponekad i iz svoje koze..ali ponekad se probudi optimist u meni..koji zna da je svijet lijep..samo nije danas…

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eVo dragi blogeri…citajte iako nemate sta citat..i moram vas upozorit….mozda zakljucim da mi se ovo ne svida jer sam sad cudno raspolozena,pa sve prepravim u jednu normlanu stafetu…ako je normalno moguce sa mnom…ehm da…

jao da..moram to nekom proslijedit..jel...
pa dobro...mija nema blog...laura ga vishe ne piše...oke da vidimo...svi ste vec napravili cije me dobro..submissive izvoliš...

srijeda, 07.02.2007. u 20:37 ][ 65 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ] [


-Najviše se divim akrobatima. Ljudi koji svjesno kreću
u prazno vjerujući svojim nagonima-

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subota, 03.02.2007. u 12:38 ][ 27 ][ P ][ # ][ ^ ] [

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komentari da/ne


Molim vas, pomozite Zeki!!!
( > < )
Ovo je Gothik - Sado - Mazo Zeko. Kopirajte ga na svoj blog i tako mu pomognite na njegovom putu do
World Domination!!!

Ewo linkovi raznih fora blogova u drugim box-evima pjesme
i slike... Posjetite preporucene:

eh sjetila sam se stavit msn:
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Ovo su ljudi koje znam:
Mija opet nema blog
reklama sestri
Wikica novi
marko d OKR@M

Ovo su ljudi s blogova koje čitam. Tak da ih posjetite:coolsmijehdead
Pise ga Prc
mystery girl
seinfeld fan
mala zelena
ramone girl
tam niz ulicu
Fotkice-novi blog,posjetite ga. Zanimljiv je.
seinfeld fan

To je sve zasad,stavit cu vas josh... Ak sam kog zaboravila nek se javi... hehe...
Odite mojoj sestri,nema jadna komentara,a ni ljudi :)

Opis bloga ne znam,procitajte blog :)
ali sigurno ću pisati drugačije stvari od onih s prvog bloga...o glazbi...ŽIVOTU...
LJUDIMA...slike razne..hehe... i tak...

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NADIMAK:Ema,Emsy(mc),Mala emazujo
DATUM ROĐENJA:16.09.1993.g.
Naj glazba:Punk
Naj frendica:ima ih,ali Mija(hug)
Volim:vegeterijance,rock,ufurane ljude,svrhu,hippije,glazbu, vise ,proizvode od jagode,
svoje legice,zabavu,ich van,filmove,kišu,zabavu,svoju seku
smijat se,oluju,svog plishanog zelenog zeku(rofl)svog puha,likove...
Ne volim:meso,površne i razmažene osobe,kad se netko bahati, osobe koje se trude bit nestho sto nisu,
narodnjake i tehno,pink osobe,dosadu mrzim,mrzim kad me povrijede i of course mrzim skolu...

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Nas cetiri: Sara,Wiki,Mija i Ja(opet na ex)
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Koliko vas me posjetilo:


O bojama...zelena definitvno nambr van...zatim crna...o i ljubicasta...uu...da...XD


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Fat Lip-Sum41

Storming through the party
Like my name was El ninio
When I'm handgun out drinking
In the back of an El camino
As a kid, I was a skid and
No-one knew me by name
I trashed my own house party
'Cause nobody came
I know I'm not the
One you thought you knew
Back in high school
Never going, ever showing up
When we had to
Is it attention that we crave
Don't tell us to behave
I'm sick of always hearing
"Act your age"

I don't want
To waste my time
And become a
Casualty of society
I'll never fall in line
Become a victim
Of your conformity
And back down

Because you don't
Know us at all
We laugh when old people fall
But what would you expect
With a conscience so small
Heavy metal and mullets
It's how we were raised
Maiden and priest were the
Gods that we praised

'Cause we like having fun
At other peoples expense and,
Cutting people down is
Just a minor offence then
It's none of your concern
I guess I'll never learn
I'm sick of being told to
"Wait my turn"

I don't want

To waste my time
And become a
Casualty of society
I'll never fall in line
Become a victim
Of your conformity
And back down

Don't count on me
To let you know when
Don't count on me
I'll do it again
Don't count on me
It's the point you're missing
Don't count on me
'Cause I'm not listening

Well I'm a no goodnick
Lower middle class brat,
Back packed and I don't
Give a sh*t about nothing
You be standing on the corner
Talking all that kufuffin
But you don't make sense from
All the gas you be huffing
Then if the egg don't stain
You'll be ringing off the hook,
You're on the hit list wanted
In the telephone book
I like songs with distortion
To drink in proportion
The doctor said my mom
Should have had an abortion

I don't want
To waste my time
And become a
Casualty of society
I'll never fall in line
Become a victim
Of your conformity
And back down
Waste my time with them
Casualty of society
Waste my time again,
Victim of your conformity
And back down

the offspring



Nothing more than feelings
Trying to forget my
Feelings of hate

Beating on your face
Trying to forget my
Feelings of hate

For all my life i'll feel it
I wish I'd never met you
You'll make me sick again

Feelings, oh oh feelings
Of hate on my mind

Feelings like I never liked you
Feelings like I want to kill you
Live in my heart

Feelings like I wanna deck you
Feelings like I've gotta get you
Out of my life

Feelings, oh oh feelings
The hate's in my eyes

Feelings, oh oh feelings
You're not very nice

California" by Phantom Plane
"California" by Phantom Planet -
We've been on the run
Driving in the sun
Looking out for #1
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Hustlers grab your guns
Your shadow weighs a ton
Driving down the 101
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Here we come!
On the stereo
Listen as we go
Nothing's gonna stop me now
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Pedal to the floor
Thinkin' of the roar
Gotta get us to the show
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Here we come!

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Kooks - She Moves in Her Own Way

So at my show on Monday
I was told that someday
You'd be on your way to better things
It's not about your make-up
Or how you try to shape up
To these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams honey

So now you pour your heart out
You're telling me you're far out
You're all about to lie down for your cause
But you don't pull my strings
Cause I'm a better man
Moving on to better things

But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day

And at the show on Tuesday
She was in her mindset
Tempered firs and spangled boots
Looks are decieving
Making me believe it
And these tiresome paper dreams
Paper dreams honey, yeah

So won't you go far
Tell me you're a keeper
You're all about to lie down for your cause

Aut you don't pull my strings because
Cause I'm a better man
Moving on to better things

But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day

Yes our wish's that we never made it
Through all the summers
We kept them up instead of
Kicking us back down to the suburbs
Yes our wish's that we never made it
Through all the summers
We kept them up instead of
Kicking us back down to the suburbs

But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day

But uh oh, I love her because
She moves in her own way
But uh oh, she came to my show
Just to hear about my day



He spent fifteen years getting loaded
Fifteen years 'till his liver exploded
Now what's Bob gonna do now that he can't drink?
The doctor said, "What you been thinkin' 'bout?"
Bob said, "That's the point,
I won't think about nothing
Now I gotta do something else,"
"To pass the time."
Bob shaved his head
He got a new identity
Sixty-two holed air cushioned boots
And a girl who rides a scooter
Gonna take him out, of town
They would get away
Riding around, as the trucks drive by
You could here the mother fuckers go...

A couple of lines, an extra thermos of Joe
He'll be kickin' in heads at the punk rock show, yeah
Bob's the kinda guy who knows just what
Bob's the kinda guy who knows just what to do
When the doctor tells him to
"Quit your drinkin', now's the time."
Will he ever walk the line
To all my friends, I feel just great
But will he ever walk the line
Kickin' ass and bustin' heads
Red suspenders
Once a day he shaves his head
But will he ever walk the line?
Will he ever walk the line?
Will he ever walk the line?
Will he ever walk the line?
Oh will he ever walk the line?

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songs and stuff


kratka pjesma, ali volim ju


"Monosyllabic Girl"

I take her to the aquarium, she says shark
I take her to the planetarium, she says dark
I take her to the seaside
Where she likes to spin and twirl
She says sure and cool and yeah
She's my monosylabic girl

I take her to the university, she says huh
I take her to anniversary, she says one
I take her to jewelry store
I say diamonds, she says pearl
Oh everyone knows I'm in love
With a monosylabic girl


"Stickin In My Eye"

When I look 'round, I only see outta one eye
As the smoke surrounds my head, the sauna
I hear the voices, but I can't make out their words
Saying things, saying things that
I got something sticking in my eye
Got something sticking in my eye
Got something sticking in my eye
I feel unusual from thinking
About the underground decay, God help me
Kill beneath the camera, watch the world begin to cry
It's not from pity, it comes from
What's been sticking in my eye
Got something sticking in my

zivot je jadan,pa si i ti...