srijeda, 19.10.2011.


Antique table radio. Steel bistro tables. Patio bar table.

Antique Table Radio

antique table radio

antique table radio - Wallmonkeys Peel

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Decals - Antique Table Top Wood Radio of 1930 - 18"H x 13"W Removable Graphic

Wallmonkeys Peel and Stick Wall Decals - Antique Table Top Wood Radio of 1930 - 18

WallMonkeys wall graphics are printed on the highest quality re-positionable, self-adhesive fabric paper. Each order is printed in-house and on-demand. WallMonkeys uses premium materials & state-of-the-art production technologies. Our white fabric material is superior to vinyl decals. You can literally see and feel the difference. Our wall graphics apply in minutes and won't damage your paint or leave any mess. PLEASE double check the size of the image you are ordering prior to clicking the 'ADD TO CART' button. Our graphics are offered in a variety of sizes and prices.
WallMonkeys are intended for indoor use only.
Printed on-demand in the United States Your order will ship within 3 business days, often sooner. Some orders require the full 3 days to allow dark colors and inks to fully dry prior to shipping. Quality is worth waiting an extra day for!
Removable and will not leave a mark on your walls.
'Fotolia' trademark will be removed when printed.
Our catalog of over 10 million images is perfect for virtually any use: school projects, trade shows, teachers classrooms, colleges, nurseries, college dorms, event planners, and corporations of all size.

87% (9)

Radio Repair Shop Journal, 1946

Radio Repair Shop Journal, 1946

This is the journal kept by the owners of a radio repair shop that was in business in 1946. The shop was at 273 Charles St. in Providence, RI. Allied Service had two owners. The journal begins with expenditures for paint, wallboard, lumber and nails. They serviced a variety of radios including table, console, auto, portable, and midget styles. There were expenditures for tubes, capacitors, signs, electricity and telephone service among others.
I received this log from the son of one of the two owners.

RCA Victor AM radio

RCA Victor AM radio

I got this radio probably 25 years ago and it still plays fine but oddly enough, only Big Band music and old episodes of The Great Gildersleeve. Rod Serling, please call your office!

This is my 13,500th Flickr photo!

antique table radio

antique table radio

The Complete Price Guide to Antique Radios: Tabletop Radios, 1933-1959

Machine Age to Jet Age, Vol. 1, America’s No.1 vintage radio identification and price guide has been revamped and renamed The Complete Price Guide to Antique Radios. Includes over 1,400 pictures of more than 2,500 vintage tabletop radios. Images have been digitally enhanced, listings expanded & reformatted.Icons now indicate Canadian radios, Ingraham cabinets, World’s Fair models and noteworthy industrial designers. Also, newly added are tube and band counts, options, variations and their current values.
An exciting reason to purchase this new edition is that we’ve now added a comprehensive cross-reference of all radios pictured in the 3-volume
Tabletop series! This INDEX is comprised of over 9,000 listings sorted by brand. Radios are referenced and cross-referenced by model number and model name. Each listing also includes description of variation_ cabinet material, color, finish, tube count, etc. All radios have revised 2002/3 market values as well as the series volume number noting where in the series each radio is pictured and fully described.
You’ll wonder what you ever did without it!

See also:

mirrored glass coffee table

lynx dining table

folding gaming table

bistro table and two chairs

iron glass dining tables

trunk cocktail tables

wrought iron coffee table base

glass pedestal tables

smoked glass table top

children's wooden tables and chairs

19.10.2011. u 16:37 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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Listopad 2011 (19)


antique brass table lamp, red wood table, round dining room tables with leaves


antique table radio
billiard dining tables
antique brass table lamp
dining table covers
consol tables
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