A liberal is a person whose interests aren't at stake at the moment

nedjelja, 29.01.2006.


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...koji pokazuju što je Saddam Hussein radio svojim ljudima, a što Mirjana Rakić i Tarik Kulenović ne žele da znate:

UPOZORENJE: Gledanje video zapisa nije preporučljivo osjetljivim osobama!

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subota, 28.01.2006.


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petak, 27.01.2006.


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srijeda, 25.01.2006.

22 Ways to be a Good Democrat

1. You have to be against capital punishment, but support abortion on demand.
2. You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create prosperity.
3. You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more of a threat than U.S. nuclear weapons technology in the hands of Chinese and North Korean communists.
4. You have to believe that there was no art before Federal funding.
5. You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical documented changes in the earth's climate and more affected by soccer moms driving SUV's.
6. You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being homosexual is natural.
7. You have to believe that the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of federal funding.
8. You have to believe that the same teacher who can't teach 4th-graders how to read is somehow qualified to teach those same kids about sex.
9. You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature, but urban activists who have never been outside of San Francisco do.
10. You have to believe that having self-esteem is more important than actually doing something to earn it.
11. You have to believe that Mel Gibson spent $25 million of his own money to make The Passion Of The Christ for financial gain only.
12. You have to believe the NRA is bad because it supports certain parts of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good because it supports certain parts of the Constitution.
13. You have to believe that taxes are too low, but ATM fees are too high.
14. You have to believe that Margaret Sanger and Gloria Steinem are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, Gen. Robert E. Lee, and Thomas Edison.
15. You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas and set-asides are not.
16. You have to believe that Hillary Clinton is normal and is a very nice person.
17. You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.
18. You have to believe conservatives telling the truth belong in jail, but a liar and a sex offender belonged in the White House.
19. You have to believe that homosexual parades displaying drag, transvestites, and bestiality should be constitutionally protected, and manger scenes at Christmas should be illegal.
20. You have to believe that illegal Democratic Party funding by the Chinese government is somehow in the best interest to the United States.
21. You have to believe that John Kerry’s Purple Hearts are legitimate, and that a Massachusetts Senator more liberal than Teddy Kennedy can be elected President of the United States.
22. You have to believe that this message is a part of a vast, right wing conspiracy.

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utorak, 24.01.2006.


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ponedjeljak, 23.01.2006.

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jedna dobra REKLAMA

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nedjelja, 22.01.2006.

U srcu Europske Unije.......

Gradonacelnica Brisela je muslimanska imigrantica iz Alžira . 14 od 26 poslanika Socijalističke Stranke regionalnog briselskog parlamenta su Muslimani. Briselskoj policiji za posljednjeg Ramadana bilo je zabranjeno jesti i piti na ulicama. Istovremeno se briselskoj muslimanskoj populaciji tolerira kršenje prilično strogih zakona koji reguliraju klanje živadi. Za posljednjeg Eid-al-Adha zaklano je u Briselu oko 20.000 ovaca, u ritualima koji su prema belgijskom zakonu ilegalani. Životinju ukljucujuci tu čak i pile, može ubiti jedino ovlaštena osoba i to pod anestezijom.

Zašto se jednoj grupi gradjana tolerira nešto što se drugoj grupi gradjana zakonski brani, to pitanje ostaje za sada bez odgovora. Možda se radi o tome da se barbarski kršćanski običaji poput monogamije ili seksualne apstinencije trebaju ismijavati, dok je Islam bogata tapiserija običaja koje treba poštovati.

Takodjer je nepoznato gdje su nestala obično prilično živčana društvanca za zaštitu životinja. Tim izopačenim grupicama miltantnih ridikula izgleda smeta nasilje nad životinjama jedino u slučajevima kada to 'nasilje' sprovode zapadne kompanije u kontekstu istraživanja novih medicinskih tretmana i lijekova ili kad u barbarskom kršćanskom običaju strada par bikova u Pamploni, (eto nama prilike da svijetu pokažemo naša krasna tijela).
Licemjerje i pravi ciljevi takvih organizacija sada su već, hvala Bogu, dobro dokumentirani.

U konačnici, ko hebe 20.000 ovaca. Ono što je bitno u cijeloj priči je to, da će islamisti uz pomoć europske ljevice preuzeti Europu od Europljana. Englezima su već ukrali pojedine gradove, od Belgijanaca (Flamanaca zapravo) polako kradu Brisel, uz obilatu pomoc europejanskih progresivnih socijalističkih snaga. Kada Brisel bude nalikovao na prljave alžirske gradove, europska ljevica će biti valjda sretna.

- 04:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 21.01.2006.

U Egiptu napadnuti Kopti - zbog gradnje crkve

At least 14 people were wounded when Muslim youth attacked Copts in the village of Udaysaat near the southern town of Luxor, about 500 km (300 miles) south of Cairo.

Copts were turning a house into a church in the region, which "provoked the Muslim youth" according to local residents, the Muslim youth set fire to the building materials as well as surrounding buildings in an attempt to stop Copts from building the church.

Police forces rushed to the scene and arrested 10 youth in addition to the house owners.

The Egyptian government restricts the building of churches; sometimes it takes over 20 years to get a presidential permit to build a new church. A recent presidential decree delegated local authorities to issue permits of renovating churches yet the decree failed to address the issue of building new churches in many locations throughout the country where Christians are deprived from their right of worship in a church.

According to the statistics published by the Egyptian Census Department in the "Al Osboa newspaper", there are 1950 churches in Egypt (for an estimated 10-12 million Coptic Christians of different denominations , i.e. a church for every 6153 Christians) and 920611 mosques, i.e. a mosque for every 67 Muslims.


- 22:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Iranske žene traže slobodu, a "anti-ratni pokret" im se smije u facu

Sa demonstracija iranskih žena, održanih u Teheranu prošle godine.
Da li se netko sjeća da je bilo koji hrvatski elektronski mediji, spomenuo ovaj događaj?

Zašto ovo spominjemo baš danas?
Antiratni pokret imenom "Codepink" je iskoristio jednu od fotografija iranskih žena, za promidžbu svoje "ideologije"...na prilično neukusan način.

Blago rečeno.

- 19:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Otimice stranaca u Iraku, odličan bussiness - za "strance"

25. studenog je u Iraku oteta njemačka arheologinja Susanne Osthoff. (otet je i njen vozač, ali to sad nije bitno). Otmičari su zaprijetili da će je ubiti, ako Njemačka pod hitno ne napusti Irak, bla, bla, bla...ista priča svaki put.

18. prosinca njemačka vlada objavila je da je žena oslobođena i glasine o neobičnim okolnostima počinju kružiti njemačkim medijima. Ne i hrvatskim, jer se pričica ne slaže sa službenom mantrom medija u Hrvata, o jadnim, napaćenim, iračkim borcima za slobodu (putem otimanja civila, rezanja glava istim i dizanja u zrak svojih sunarodnjaka).

Susanne Osthoff je i sama jednom prilikom izjavila kako smatra da njeni otmičari nisu kriminalci. Zgodno.
Jesmo li već spomenuli da je Susanne Osthoff konvertit na Islam?


Nekoliko tisuća dolara, sa novčanicama koje su nosile serijske brojeve novčanica koje je njemačka Vlada isplatila "otmičarima" kao otkupninu, pronađeni su u odjeći Susanne Osthoff dok se tuširala u njemačkom Veleposlanstvu u Bagdadu, nakon što je "oslobođena".
Ovo je jučer objavio njemački magazin "Fokus".

Al Reuters

- 19:16 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 20.01.2006.


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Radio 101, CNN i slični kreteni

Jučer se pojavila nova vrpca s porukom Osame Bin Ladena.

Na stojedinici se spikeri sprdaju s tom vijesti, s komentarima u stilu "američka izmišljotina" i " svaki put kad je Bush u frci pojavi se Bin Laden".

Ista priča i na CNN-u...

Less than 30 minutes ago, Jack Cafferty on CNN’s The Siutuation Room, which may soon be renamed The Rubber Room:

The last time we got a tape from Osama bin Laden was right before the 2004 presidential election. Now here we are four days away from hearings starting in Washington into the wire tapping of America’s telephones without bothering to get a court order or a warrant, and up pops another tape from Osama bin Laden. Coincidence? Who knows.

In the same segment, Cafferty reads an e-mail and comments:

Mike writes “I don’t think the new tape is important at all. Osama is trying to put something out to make himself look important. He’s not really the al Qaeda leader anymore. He’s a lot like the Queen of England, just a figurehead.”

They actually look a little alike, too.

Diane, in Tampa Florida: “It seems suspicious. Every time the Republicans get into trouble, bin Laden sends a tape. Is it possible bin Laden is working out of the White House?”

The American Thinker

Elem, liberalni mediji su kreteni, gdje god bili, s time da u Americi čovjek barem ima alternativu.
A, što je s nama koji ne živimo u Americi i osuđeni smo na europsku mržnju i jal prema svemu što dolazi iz Amerike?
Fala Amerikancima za internet ....:)

- 18:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 19.01.2006.

Kofi Annan je šupak

Nakon što je bezuba europska trojka konačno priznala da je s Iranom nemoguće pregovarati, Kofi Annan se iz petnih žila trudi sabotirati svaki pokušaj da Vijeće Sigurnosti preuzme slučaj i pokuša spriječiti Iran u namjeri da se dokopa nuklearnog oružja.

Backstabbing by United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan reached another low-water mark late last week, as Annan worked furiously to undo European and American efforts to bring Iran before the Security Council. Reminiscent of his 1998 comment after visiting Saddam Hussein, "I think I can do business with him," Annan told reporters on Thursday: "I had a 40-minute conversation with Mr. [Ali] Larijani, the Iranian negotiator of the nuclear issue. ...He in turn affirmed to me that they are interested in serious and constructive negotiations..." He later explained, "the negotiations relate to the EU3," Britain, France, and Germany.

Trouble is, that a few hours earlier the EU3 had issued a statement saying "we have decided to inform the IAEA [International Atomic Energy Agency] Board of Governors that our discussions with Iran have reached an impasse." Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had also told reporters: "The United States fully supports the decision announced today by the [E3-EU]...the basis for negotiation is no longer there, because what the Iranians did was to unilaterally destroy the basis on which the negotiations were taking place..."

National Rewiev

Kofi je stari, pokvareni, ljigavi kriminalac, sa bogatim iskustvom poslovnih veza s najgorim svjetskim diktatorima.

Nije čudo da je upravo takav lik na čelu kriminalne organizacije kao što je UN.

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srijeda, 18.01.2006.

U Pakistanu, ipak, ubijeni teroristi

Pakistanske su vlasti objavile da su u napadu američih snaga u graničnoj zoni s Afganistanom, ubijeni teroristi i da su njihova tijela najvjerojatnije sklonjena "u brda".

Ova vijest dolazi, nekoliko dana nakon što su svi svjetski, pa tako i hrvatski mediji, na sva zvona optužili Amerikance za "ubijanja civila".

In the Pakistani authorities' first official confirmation that the raid on the village of Damadola killed militants, the administration of the area's semiautonomous tribal regions said Tuesday that the four or five bodies of "foreign terrorists," among 10 to 12 extremists attending the dinner, were taken away "by their companions." No names were supplied.

On Wednesday, Shah Zaman Khan, director general of media relations for Pakistan's tribal areas, said the terrorists' bodies are probably in the mountainous areas along the rugged, ill-defined border.

International Herald Tribune

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utorak, 17.01.2006.

Svi bježe iz liberalnog raja.........

Massachusetts je zadnjih godina izgubio više stanovnika nego što je dobio. Isključujući strane migrante iz statistike, Massachusetts gubi domicilno pučanstvo još od 1990. Prema istraživanju MassINC gotovo 25% stanovnika bi otišlo da im se ukaže prilika.

WTF?? Boston je na glasu kao najeuropskiji grad USA kako po arhitekturi tako i po vrijednostima, birali su Kerrya, a ne onu seljačinu Busha, Massachusetts je domovina Harvarda, izrodila je Dukakisa, itd, itd.

Očekiv'o bi čovjek da ljudi hrle u ovu oazu europeanske kulture i socijalizma, kad ono obratno. Jeste da je malo hladno i da su nekretnine skupe, ali još je hladnije u sjevernijem New Hampshireu, pa je 76.000 ljudi iz Massachusettsa preselilo sjevernije. Nekretnine su skupe i na Floridi, plus, kao bonus, jos dodje Jeb Bush, pa opet ljudi idu tamo. Da skratimo pricu..........

As for the sluggish job market that has kept, or driven, so many people away from the Bay State -- there's no denying it's a problem. But focusing on the failure to create more jobs begs the real question: Why aren't they being created? What is it about Massachusetts that keeps employers -- or potential employers -- from taking the risk involved in launching a new enterprise or expanding an old one?


This is a state in which a tax cut can be decisively approved by the voters yet never go into effect. In which grocers can be prosecuted for pricing milk too low. In which archaic blue laws decree when shops may and may not open for business. In which a $2 billion Big Dig ends up costing $14 billion. In which Ted Kennedy keeps getting reelected.

Malo istraživanja i lagano smo uočili kako su porezi u New Hampshireu niži nego u Massachusettsu.

A najgore u cijeloj priči je to šta su Massachusettske lijevo-liberalne snage umjerenjaci u usporedbi sa kontinentalno-europskim komunjarama i njihovim socijalizmom. Pitam se pitam, zašto li je Europa ekonomski kilava, demografska crna rupa……….

- 22:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Europska ljevičarska elita, nekad i danas. Da li se išta promijenilo?

Inside Europe's Leftist Elite

A few years back, after a prolonged immersion in American Protestant fundamentalism (I was writing a book), I moved from the U.S. to Western Europe, ready to bask in an open, secular, liberal culture. Instead I discovered that European social democracy, too, was a kind of fundamentalism, rigid and doctrinaire, yielding what Swedish writer Johan Norberg calls "one-idea states"—nations where an echo chamber of insular elites calls the shots, where monochrome media daily reiterate statist mantras and shut out contrarian views, and where teachers and professors systematically misrepresent the U.S. (millions of Europeans believe that free public schools, unemployment insurance, and pensions are unknown in America). The more I saw of the European elites' chronic distrust of the public, and the public's habitual deference to those elites, the fonder I grew of the nasty, ridiculous rough-and-tumble of American democracy, in which every voice is heard—even if, as a result, the U.S. gets capital punishment and Europe gets gay marriage.

How did Western Europe come to be ruled by monolithic ideologues? Short answer: the "'68ers," which is what Europeans call those who came of age in the radical movements of the 1960s, revering Mao and reviling the U.S. as Nazi Germany's successor. Remarkably, after the protests were over, an extraordinary number of '68ers—those who'd stood on the barricades denouncing the system—ascended into positions of political and cultural power, shaping a New Europe (and an EU) in which the anti-Americanism of the barricades became official dogma. Paul Berman's absorbing, elegantly written Power and the Idealists recounts the political journeys of three of the most influential of these '68ers. Joschka Fischer, once head of the militant group Revolutionärer Kampf (Revolutionary Struggle), became German foreign minister in 1998. Daniel Cohn-Bendit, a leader of the May '68 Paris demos, now sits in the European Parliament. And Dr. Bernard Kouchner, boy Communist, went on to found Doctors Without Borders in 1971 and to serve as an EU and UN official. The ultimate point of Berman's 100-page opening chapter is that ethnic cleansing in Kosovo compelled these three to move "from radical leftism to liberal antitotalitarianism"—that is, to reject their longtime view of the U.S. as the world's supreme menace and support NATO action against Milosevic. Many '68ers, Berman suggests, made the same move.

Berman's first chapter is based on "The Passion of Joschka Fisher," an August 2001 New Republic essay. Days later came 9/11, in whose aftermath the notion of the European left as a newfound bastion of "liberal antitotalitarianism" would be increasingly hard to buy. For even if a significant number of '68ers did switch sides over Kosovo, the wars in Afghanistan and (especially) Iraq switched most of them back. Of Berman's trio, only Kouchner supported the invasion of Iraq; Cohn-Bendit, Fischer, and nearly everybody else on the European left opposed it, in most cases fiercely. Berman claims that this posture was "tactical"—in principle, he insists, the left continued to stand for "liberal antitotalitarianism." My own observations strongly suggest that most '68ers never really embraced "liberal antitotalitarianism" in the first place; yes, European governments felt obliged to go along with the Kosovo and Afghan invasions, but the academic, journalistic, and bureaucratic elites protested both operations vociferously (only to drop their opposition down the memory hole when those efforts succeeded).

Berman's goal is clear: At a time when many leftists' animosity toward George W. Bush has blinded them to the iniquities of al Qaeda, the Taliban, Saddam, et al., not to mention the best interests of people who've suffered under tyranny, he wants to hold up Fischer, Cohn-Bendit, and Kouchner as models of reflective and principled interventionist leftism. Fine. One problem here, alas, is that all three of these men have, in their time, done things that raise serious questions about their principles and powers of reflection. Fischer, for example, brutally beat up a cop at a 1973 Frankfurt street protest; Cohn-Bendit hid a fugitive whose group had helped coordinate the 1972 Olympics murders. While reporting candidly enough on these and other episodes, Berman prefers to see them (with excessive generosity) as eminently forgivable missteps made in their youth by men who have since developed a mature wisdom deserving of emulation. Whatever. Bottom line: he's out to convince readers that if they stop cheering George Galloway and linking arms with Islamofascists at antiwar rallies and instead join his trio in (as he sees it) supporting "liberal antitotalitarianism"—i.e., siding with freedom against oppression—they'll still be able to call themselves leftists. It's ironic: Berman's New Republic article recounted the supposed awakening of the European left; to read the book that's grown out of it is to be intensely aware of just how many leftists are still sound asleep.

- 18:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Ann Coulter razvaljuje liberale ;)

Ovo nema smisla prevoditi...

Liberals are being routed. They can change the lineup, the manager, the coach, but the losing streak never ends. By and large, Republicans aren't even bothering to send in their A team anymore. Alito can start wearing his iPod to the hearings. By the end of the hearings, he'll be addressing the senators as "dude."

For fun, we ought to replace all the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee with "American Idol" contestants (assuming they wouldn't object to serving on a committee that includes a degenerate like Teddy Kennedy). Democrats would still not be able to persuade a single normal American that Sam Alito is "out of the mainstream."


Obavezno pročitajte cijeli članak do kraja


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Vijesti iz Seattlea


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ponedjeljak, 16.01.2006.

New York Times navija za Al Qaidu - odavno

Ovih dana smo svi, ponovo, slušali na svim vijestima, kako su Amerikanci "pobili nevine civile" u napadu na selo u Pakistanu.
New York Times je izabrao ovu fotografiju, kao ilustraciju vijesti sa tekstom :"Pakistanci sa ostacima projektila ispaljenog na kuću u plemenskom području Bajur, u blizini afganistanske granice".

Mali problem sa ovom pričom, kao i sa stotinama drugih je uočila blogosfera, koja je odmah "provalila" blebetanje New York Timesa, pošto je riječ o ostacima neispaljene granate, nikako projektila.
Granata je vrlo vjerojatno dio arsenala, kojm se mujahedini služe u borbi protiv...kog kod stignu, istini za volju.

Update: New york Times objavljuje ispravak.
Barem ovaj put, za razliku od toliko puta prije...

- 22:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Afganistanci znaju bolje...

Velika većina Afganistanaca podržava prisutnost američkih snaga u Aganistanu, i imaju negativno ili vrlo negativno mišljenje o Osami i Talibanima.
To, zapravo, i nije čudno, ako pratite bilo koji iole nesubjektivan, i prvenstveno ne-europski medij javnog informiranja.

Ali, to već znate i sami.

A new WorldPublicOpinion.org poll of the Afghan public finds an overwhelming majority opposes al-Qaeda and the Taliban, endorses the overthrow of the Taliban and approves of the US military presence in Afghanistan.

Eighty-one percent of Afghans said they think that al-Qaeda is having a negative influence in the world with just 6% saying that it is having a positive influence. An even higher percentage—90%—said they have an unfavorable view of Osama bin Laden, with 75% saying they have a very unfavorable view. Just 5% said they have a favorable view (2% very favorable). These levels were slightly lower in the country’s war zone, the eastern and south-central part of the country: three in five (60%) in those areas had a very unfavorable view of bin Laden.

The Program on International Policy Attitudes @ University of Maryland

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Konferencija o Holokaustu - u Iranu

Iranski predsjednik Ahmadinejad nastavlja u svom stilu; ovaj put izjavom glasnogovornika Ministarstva vanjskih poslova.
Hamid Reza Asef najavljuje održavanje konferenciej o Holokaustu u Iranu, "kako bi se utvrdile znanstvene činjenjice" te dokazalo postojanje ili nepostojanje istoga.
Teza da je Holokaust europski mit, odavno je dio mainstream arapske i islamske politike, i manifestira se i odbijanjem britanskih muslimana da prisustvuju obilježavanju Holokausta u Velikoj Britaniji.

"The Foreign Ministry plans to hold a conference on the scientific aspect of the issue to discuss and review its repercussions."

Asefi did not say where or when the conference would be held or who would attend.

Earlier this month, the Association of Muslim Journalists, a hard-line group, proposed holding a similar conference.


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nedjelja, 15.01.2006.

Legalizacija poligamije u Kanadi?

Istraživanje koje je provelo kanadsko Ministarstvo pravosuđa donosi zaključak da bi Kanada trebala legalizirati poligamiju.

Od hrpe glupih, liberalnih "argumenata" navedenih u studiji - jedan se posebno izdvaja : "Ako ne kažnjavamo preljub - trebali bi legalizirati i poligamiju".

Znaju u South Parku kome se smiju.

Ottawa — A new study for the federal Justice Department says Canada should get rid of its law banning polygamy, and change other legislation to help women and children living in such multiple-spouse relationships.

“Criminalization does not address the harms associated with valid foreign polygamous marriages and plural unions, in particular the harms to women,” says the report, obtained by The Canadian Press under the Access to Information Act.

“The report therefore recommends that this provision be repealed.”

The Globe and Mail

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- 10:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Oslobođen britanski talac u Iraku - za kojeg nitko nije znao da je otet

Američki marinci su oslobodili britanskog novinara, kojeg su mujahedini 5 dana držali kao taoca, a da nitko nije znao da je otet - uključujući i njegove roditelje.

A British man kidnapped in Iraq and held for five days by armed men who threatened to behead him was rescued last week by American special forces and astonished to discover that no one had noticed he was missing.

Phil Sands, 28, a freelance journalist, was held by gunmen who ambushed his car in Baghdad. He said the worst aspect of his ordeal was imagining the anguish of his family. But his parents were holidaying in Morocco and knew nothing of his sufferings until he called them after he was released during a chance raid by US forces on a farm outside Baghdad.

The Observer

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Formira se sirijska vlada u izbjeglištvu

Bivši sirijski potpredsjednik Abdel-Halim Khaddam, izjavio je Der Spiegelu da su "Dani Asadove bande odbrojani..." i da "neće dočekati kraj godine."
Abdel-Halim Khaddam trenutno živi u Parizu.

Abdel-Halim Khaddam, who now lives in Paris, told Germany's weekly Der Spiegel magazine on Saturday that al-Assad was facing growing pressure from economic problems at home and the international investigation into the killing of Rafiq al-Hariri, the former Lebanese prime minister.

Khaddam, who accuses al-Assad of ordering al-Hariri's murder, said: "His fall has already begun. I don't think his regime will last out this year."

The former vice-president, for 30 years a confidant of al-Assad's late father, Hafez al-Assad, left the government in June.

Al Jazeera

- 09:25 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 14.01.2006.

Liberalna Pravda: 60 dana za silovatelja djeteta

Gotovo cetiri godine nekakav duboko poremeceni tip silovao je sestogodisnju djevojcicu. Njeni roditelji su mentalno retardirani pa je nisu mogli zastititi jer nisu razumjeli sto se zbiva. Svaki normalan covjek stavio bi ovog monstruma, ako ne na stolicu, a ono barem iza resetaka do kraja zivota. Ali ne i liberalni sudac Cashman koji ga je osudio na (pazite sad!!!) dva mjeseca zatvora! Za liberalnog suca Cashmana pravo silovatelja na rehabilitaciju vaznije je od pravde za ostecenu djevojcicu. Ova presuda direktno krsi Ustav USA koji jasno veli da kazna mora odgovarati zlocinu. Cashman je inace i prije pokazivao sklonost silovateljima, jednoj silovanoj zeni u sudnici je rekao kako je 'iskusila surovu realnost zivota'.

Nadam se da ce FOXov Bill O’Reilly’s nastaviti s pritiscima da se ovog tipa skloni iz sudacke fotelje.

Inace presuda Cashmana nije iznenadjenje. Liberalni suci su vec odavno otkrili kako su sodomija i ubijanje neredjenog djeteta utemeljeni u Ustavu upravo onako kako su Founding Fathers to zamislili.

- 23:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Republikanci, ostali, vratite prljave pare

Nacin na koji su se Republikanski kongresmeni pokusali iskobeljati iz skandala ‘Abramoff’ bio bi smijesan da nije tragican. Nakon sto je skandal pukao Republikanci su poceli vracati prljave pare, a njihov primjer pratio je i izvjestan dio Kongresmena cije politicke afilijacije i stranacka pripadnost su nebitni. Mozemo jedino jos dodati kako su iznosi koje su primili ostali trivijalni u usporedbi sa prljavim parama koje su primili podmitljivi Republikanci.

- 21:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

George Galloway, taj branitelj potlačenih...

Posranac George Galloway, dobar prijatelj Saddama Husseina , švercer iračkom naftom, antisemit i oportunist sudjeluje u britanskom izdanju Big Brother-a za poznate.

Neki dan je preo kao mačka i lizao šlag sa ruku glumice Rule Lenske.

Dostojno člana Parlamenta, zar ne?

Link na članak i na video

- 21:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Nema alternative za Busha

Ako je bilo za vjerovati medijima, George Bush, Tony Blair i John Howard bili su pred krajem svojih političkih karijera zbog svoje podrške ratu u Iraku i općeg nezadovoljstva njihovog biračkog tijela.

Kao što znamo, sva trojica su pobijedili na novim izborima.


Istovremeno, glavni protivnici intervencije u Iraku, su odlepršali ili će odlepršati sa svojih mjesta. Schroeder je izgubio izbore i zamijenila ga je Angela Merkel, koja je brže bolje požurila u Ameriku objasniti Bushu kako će biti bolja od Gerharda, ali ne prije nego što ju je Condoleezza oprala u vezi Guantanama.

Chirac je već sad politička podrtina, a tek kad završi sa predsjednikovanjem, očekuje ga suđenje zbog korupcije.

Liberalna kanadska vlada će 23. siječnja izgubiti izbore i takodjer odletjeti u povijest.

A, demokrati još uvijek lupaju u isti bubanj - Irak - potpuno zaslijepljeni vlastitim sloganima.
Pitajte Teda Kennedyja.

Nepostojeći skandal oko prisluškivanja islamskih terorista da ne spominjemo.

Prenosimo cijeli tekst iz The Spectator-a, budući da se članak nalazi u izdanju za pretplatnike.

There’s no alternative to Bush
Mark Steyn
Just because Ted Kennedy is busy working on a children’s book about a lovable anthropomorphised character called Splash (that’s the name of his Portuguese water dog, not his car) doesn’t mean he’s not playing his usual incisive role on the Senate judicial committee. Last week he attacked Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito for having been ‘influenced by the Goldwater presidency’. This week he was back from his alternative universe and more concerned with actual presidencies. ‘Undeterred by the public outcry,’ he fumed, ‘the President vows to continue spying on American citizens.’

What ‘public outcry’? Senator Kennedy is referring to the latest scandal du jour: the National Security Agency has been conducting ‘warrantless surveillance’ of communications between al-Qa’eda types overseas and their contacts in the US. And though the polls on the subject vary a bit, all have produced majorities in favour of the administration. That’s to say, if I’m getting calls in New Hampshire from Abu Musab al-Zarkawi, the American people see nothing wrong with the NSA eavesdropping on such calls. Back in President Goldwater’s day, there might have been a public outcry. But there isn’t now. As George W. Bush put it, with disarming straightforwardness, ‘If somebody from al-Qa’eda is calling you, we’d like to know why.’

At this stage, many Democrats will be tearing their hair out: ‘You’re missing the point, you Bush shill! He’s acting unconstitutionally! If he wants to know why al-Qa’eda’s calling you, he needs to go through the FISA court’ — the court that authorises wiretaps and the like.

Actually, it’s the poor old Democrats who are missing the point. Whether or not the President is required to go through the FISA court (and I don’t believe he is) is an arcane point of law. In the broader political narrative, the shorthand of the story is that for the umpteenth time the Dems are keener to extend lavish legal protection to America’s enemies than to hunt them down and kill them. Every time you switch on the news, some bigshot Democrat like Ted Kennedy is effectively proposing yet another generous addition to the al-Qa’eda Bill of Rights. Hence, no ‘public outcry’.

That big splash you hear isn’t Ted Kennedy’s dog doing a promotional stunt for the book but yet another Democrat dead horse belly-flopping into the Potomac. Undaunted, Senator Barbara Boxer is considering bringing impeachment proceedings against the President. For intercepting the phone calls of terrorists?

- 20:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ALITO - iliti pravo lice "demokrata"

Trakavica oko postavljanja suca Alita u Vrhovni sud pokazuje pravo lice "tolerantnih" demokrata i liberala.
Alitov jedini "grijeh" je to što je konzervativac.

Još jedan od pokazatelja zašto Demokratska stranka nema teoretske šanse da uspije ne slijedećim izborima 2008.

Ostatak članka

- 16:45 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #