Love Actually Is All Around Us

30.03.2007., petak

Borbe Protiv Osjećaja Su Krvave, A Pobjednici Rijetki

Osjećaje je lakše slijediti nego im se suprotstaviti... Jeste li ikada bili toliko sretni da imate osjećaj kako biste mogli dotaknuti nebo, a istovremeno toliko tužni da biste mogli propasti u zemlju a ne bi vas bilo nimalo briga. Osjećati istovremeno sreću i tugu, zadovoljstvo i prazninu, ljubav i mržnju... Umjesto da sada filozofiram i iskaljujem ovdje svoje probleme i frustracije, radije se osvrnimo na priču o djevojci nasmijanoj izvana, a praznoj iznutra...

Nikada nije pomišljala kako bi joj išta moglo uljepšati dan više od jednog poslijepodneva. Onog poslijepodneva... Da sad ne ulazimo u nebitne detalje, pokušati ću to skratiti što je više moguće, a da ipak ne izgubim cijeli smisao svega. Napokon je ostala sama s njim. Nisu doduše bili posve sami, bilo je ondje ljudi. No, ona nije vidjela nikoga osim njega. Njegov osmijeh ju je ispunjavao, njegov dodir ju je podsjećao na toplu proljetnu kišu, a njegove oči... Bile su dublje od oceana... Pogledi su im se povremeno susretali na što bi ga jedan od njih dvoje uvijek pomicao. Gledala ga je s takvim zanosom, divljenjem, poštivanjem... Bila je sretna. Pokušavala je prikriti blaženi osmijeh koji joj je stalno izlazio na usne i sakriti sjaj u očima dok ga je gledala. Toliko su blistale da bi mu i sam Picasso uspio napraviti besprijekoran portret samo gledajući ga u njezinim očima.
Nije joj ništa drugo bilo bitno, samo njih dvoje, ovdje i sada. Uživala je u njegovoj blizini. Više nego što riba uživa u vodi, ptica u zraku... Jedino pitanje koje si je postavljala s vremena na vrijeme bilo je: „Hoće li primjetiti?“ Pitala se hoće li primjetiti kako se gubi u njegovom pogledu, u njegovim očima. Hoće li primjetiti što osjeća prema njemu... Koliko joj je drag... Koliko joj znači...
Prije nije bila sigurna. Je li to zaljubljenost? Voli li ga? Uvjeravala je sama sebe da će proći. Ali ne prolazi. Još traje... Traje i svakim je danom sve jače...
No, nakon nekog vremena provedenog pored njega, postala je sigurna. Potpuno sigurna da gaji iskrene, čiste i čvrste osjećaje prema njemu. On ju potiče da bude bolja osoba. A znamo da to ne može ništa osim ljubavi...
No jedna ju stvar nije prestajala tištiti. Što ako on ne osjeća ništa. Nije znala. A to ju je neznanje uništavalo. Morala je saznati. No kako..? U trenutku kad je na to pomislila u njoj se stvorio neobičan osjećaj. Željela ga je mrziti. Željela je prema njemu radije osjećati mržnju i prijezir nego ljubav. Smatrala je kako bi joj tako bilo lakše nositi se sa cijelom situacijom. Nije željela misliti na njega. Borila se makar je znala da se protiv osjećaja bitke ne dobivaju. Rijetki pobijede, a i onda znamo da je borba bila krvava.
Prepustiti se ili ne? Voljeti ili ne? Nije znala. A to ju je ubijalo. No, ipak je odlučila poslušati svoje srce i slijediti osjećaje jer je znala da ih nikada neće uspijeti pobijediti. Oni su takvi. Dođu kada ih ne očekuješ, a odu... Nitko ne zna kada odu, ili ne odu. Zato je sve to toliko nepredvidljivo i teško... Je li pogriješila i hoće li ostati povrijeđena, vrijeme će pokazati...

29.03.2007., četvrtak

Ljubav, Zar Je To Normalno?

Ljubav nije apsolutno normalna, ali se apsolutno isplati doživjeti ju... Vjerojatno mnogi, uključujući i mene, nisu mogli a da se ne zapitaju ovo pitanje barem jednom. No, ako ste romantičar kao ja, interpretirati ćete to na svoj vlastiti i jedinstven način. Osobno, smatram da sve vezano za ljubav nije potpuno zdravo. Najčešće se u toj osobi izgubimo i zaboravimo na svoje potrebe i želje samo kako bi zadovoljili tuđe. Ja to recimo znam, ali probajte vi zaljubljenom čovjeku objasniti kako ne smije zanemariti sebe kao osobu zbog nekog drugog. Vjerujte mi, ne ide.
To prvenstveno znam po sebi. Kada se neka od meni bliskih osoba zaljubi u nekoga, tko ju najčešće po mome mišljenju ne zaslužuje, iz petnih joj žila to pokušavam objasniti i dokazati. Na kraju su naravno sva moja muka i trud uzaludni jer u nekim slučajevima ta meni draga osoba ostane povrijeđena. No, nisam ni ja daleko od toga.
U istom slučaju, da se sad ne ponavljam, meni ljudi kojima je stalo do mene mogu pričati bajke koje će mi ući kroz jedno uho a izaći kroz drugo. Čovjek nije zadovoljan i neće stati dok neke stvari ne osjeti na svojoj vlastitoj koži. Zadovoljiti ga mogu jedino stvari koje same iskuša, bez obzira bile one ugodne ili ne. Ne kaže se bez razloga da se na greškama uči.
Da donesem ipak nekakav suvisao zaključak iz cijelog ovog monologa, sve vezano za ljubav kao pojam, a i kao osjećaj, možda nije posve normalno, no dakako se isplati. Bez obzira doživili mi dobro ili loše iskustvo i kakav god da zaključak izvukli, ljubav nikad nije besmislena. Jer ipak, svako iskustvo je dragocjeno. Ako ju nikad ne doživimo, možemo sa sigurnošću reći da isto tako i nikada nećemo biti potpune osobe. U svakom slučaju, ono što nas ne ubije, ojača nas.

28.03.2007., srijeda

Ljubav U Kartama

Sudbinu stvaramo sami... Vjerujemo li u vremensku prognozu? To je vjerojatno i logično, naravno da vjerujemo.
Vjerujemo li u horoskope? Većina nas naravno.
Vjerujemo li u tarot? E, o tom bi se već moglo razgovarati...
Naime, oni koji vjeruju u tarot zasigurno nisu mogli odoljeti a da im barem jednom nije gatano iz karata. Pravo je pitanje – je li to sve što nam proriču istina? Oni koji vjeruju rekli bi da naravno je. No, mi ostali...
Po mom mišljenju, nitko ti ne može sa sigurnošću tvrditi što ćeš učiniti, hoćeš li se razboljeti, kada ćeš umrijeti, pa ni u koga ćeš se zaljubiti. Sudbina nije nigdje zapisana, niti ju itko može znati unaprijed. Sudbinu stvaramo sami. Može meni netko reći što će se sutra dogoditi. To se i može dogoditi, ali ne zato što je to netko rekao, nego zato što sam ja tako odlučila.
Ljubav u kartama je namještena ljubav, a pretpostavljam da nitko ne voli da mu se upravlja životom. Zato ne smijemo mariti za ono što nam netko kaže, nego se prvenstveno moramo usredotočiti na ono što želimo. Jer jedino ćemo tako to i uspijeti ostvariti.

Tko Je Izmislio Ljubav?

Čovjek je izmislio ljubav da suzbije dosadu... Ljubav kao sama ne postoji. Nju je čovjek izmislio kao pojam kako bi pojasnio njene simptome i prije svega suzbio dosadu. Ona se očituje kroz te simptome koji nastupaju prvenstveno nakon tjelesne privlačnosti. Pojam same ljubavi je najvjerojatnije izmislio nekakav usamljeni čovjek u nastojanju da objasni svoju situaciju i osjećaje nakon što se zagledao u pripadnicu ljepšeg spola. Ili je to možda bilo obrnuto, ne bih točno znala. No ono što zasigurno svi znamo da nas ljubav često muči i stvara nam probleme, ali ipak moramo priznati da bi nam bez nje životi bili prazni i dosadni.

Ljubavne Metafore

Ljubav nije ''bol''...

Ljubav je važna, ali postoje i druge stvari u životu u kojima je čovjek uživao prije ljubavi.
Smisao života je sam život!


Svatko ima pravo na pogrešnu i na novu ljubav.
Ljubavi su međusobno različite, poput različitih boja ali su sve prave.
Uvijek je najnovija ljubav-prava ljubav.
Nemoguće je voljeti samo jedamput!


Ljubav nema veze s boli i s patnjom. Ljubav ima veze sa zadovoljstvom, srećom i ispunjenošću.
Bol i patnja pokazuju samo ovisnost o drugoj osobi.


Osoba se može promijeniti samo ako je to sama odlučila i ako to želi. Mi je ne možemo silom promijeniti. Možemo joj jedino davati podršku.


Iz ovog vjerovanja proizlaze tri tipa ponašanja:
1. PROMISKUITET-izjednačavanje ljubavi i seksa.
2. SEKSUALNA PSEUDOLJUBAV- Osoba ostaje sa osobom radi dobrog seksa.


Ljubav potiče osobu na razvoj, a ne na žrtvu.
Tko je spreman da se zbog ljubavi odrekne svega, ne voli sebe.

Vino Je Tekuća Ljubav, Dragi Kamen Čvrsta...

Kako vi interpretirate ljubav..? Kada kažu “volim te” različiti ljudi pod tim ne razumiju isto.
Ljudi pod ljubavlju razumiju različite stvari i iskazuju ljubav na različite načine.
Ljudi obično vole onako kako sami žele biti voljeni.


Zaljubljenost je romantična ili strastvena ljubav koja ima jaku komponentnu seksualnosti i zanesenosti.
Nju karakteriziraju neprestalno razmisljanje o osobi, velike promijene raspoloženja i proučavanje osobe


Bliskost ima tendenciju da se sama održava ili pojačava.
Bliskost kao trenutni osjećaj i bliskost kao trajni odnos.
Bliskost povećava naš osjećaj dobrostanja, zadovoljstva i sreće.
U slučaju bliskosti početak je u sviđanju.


Jako važna kod prvog dojma.
Ljepotu smo skloni povezivati sa drugim pozitivnim osobinama ličnosti.
Fizički jača osoba ima snažniji dojam kod ljudi nego ona koja je prosječna.
Drugi važni faktori osim tjelesne privlačnosti su:


Mnogi ljudi tvrde da se suprotnosti privlače, ali ono što nas privlači drugima su sličnosti, a ne razlike.
Sličnost potiče razvoj bliskosti.
Ponašanje u društvu bliske osobe karakterizira:

Što Je Zapravo Ljubav?

Ljubav je ljubav dok je ljubav... Sve ostalo je patnja... Da li postoji bilo koji drugi osjećaj koji može biti ljepši, prožetiji ili potpuniji od ljubavi. Ali da bi osjećaj ljubavi bio upravo takav ljubav mora biti oslobođena od svega. Mora biti neuvjetovana i potpuno oslobođena svih drugih skrivenih osjećaja, naprosto mora biti čista. Ako tako volimo ili ako tako vole nas - to je doista ljubav. Da li tako volimo i da li itko tako voli nas? Doista, duboko se upitajmo! Ljubav za koju mi mislimo da ona to jeste ponekad nije takva. U nju ili kroz nju su utkani mnogi drugi osjećaji, mnoge skrivena ili jasna uvjetovanja. Npr. - "Beskrajno te volim, zato što mi činiš dobro, što paziš na mene, što mi kuhaš i spremaš...što brineš o meni". Jeste, i to je ljubav ali nije bezuvjetna već uvjetovana. Što bi bilo kada ne bi kuhali, spremali i brinuli? Da li bi takva ljubav ostala beskrajna ili bi se možda pretvorila u nešto drugo? Možda u osvetu ili u mržnju, ili u nešto drugo...!
Mislite li da možete voljeti bezuvjetno, bez ikakvih očekivanja? Bojite li se voljeti beskrajno i bezuvjetno? Jer, možda si mislite: "Što će biti ako se se beskrajno predam? Što ako ta neuvjetovanost ne bude prepoznata, i kako će mi biti ako budem iskorištena, izmanipulirana ili bilo što drugo, što će mi nanijeti bol? Što bi se desilo kada ne biste ispunili partnerova ili recimo roditeljska očekivanja. Oni vas uvjetuju, vi morate biti onakvi kako oni žele i kako njima odgovara, jer ako nije tako oni će učiniti sve da vas prisile na to. A služe se mnogim oružjima. Od ucjene, pritisaka, osvete, bolesti i mnogih drugih načina do šutnje koja vas ubija i zahlađenja odnosa koji vas razdire. A zašto sve to? Iz vrlo jednostavnog razloga - u ovom slučaju ljubav je uvjetovana. Ona jest takva, topla, nježna i krasna dok vi ispunjavate očekivanja - ona je uvjetovana. Ali čim to nije tako, budite sigurni ona će doći u pitanje kad tad! Ljubav je ljubav dok je ljubav. Čim to prestane biti, ona je nešto drugo. Nešto što smo se na neki čudesan način dogovorili da bude. Uključimo li bilo što osim srca to više nije čista ljubav. A malo je čiste ljubavi! Ako je ona bezazleno čista, budite presretni. Ako nije......mijenjajte nešto, i vi imate pravo na život. A život se živi samo kada je prisutna ljubav......ostalo je patnja!

27.03.2007., utorak

I Surrender...

For you I'll Surrender Everything I have... There's so much life
I've left to live
And this fire's burning still
When I watch you look at me
I think I could find the will

To stand for every dream
And forsake this solid ground
And give up this fear within
Of what would happen if they ever knew
I'm in love with you

'Cause I'd surrender everything
To feel the chance, to live again
I reach to you
I know you can feel it too
We'd make it through

A thousand dreams I still believe
I'd make you give them all to me
I'd hold you in my arms and never let go
I surrender

I know
I can't survive another night away from you
You're the reason I go on
And now I need to live the truth

Right now, there's no better time
From this fear, I will break free
And I'll live again with love
And know they can't take that away from me
And they will see...

Every night gets longer
And this voice's getting stronger baby
I'll swallow my pride
And I'll be alive
Can't you hear my call?
I surrender all...

Right here, right now
I'd give my life to live again
I'll break free
Take me, my everything
I surrender all to you

Right In Front Of You

Can't you see we are so close, but yet so far... Life
It can twist your heart
Put you in the dark
I was cold and lonely
It can close you in
Build the walls within
I let fear control me
I let go
Didn't know
Where the answer would be

It can lift you up
And we've got enough
To reach a new beginning
Can withstand a storm
In the final hour
We'll find the joy in living
Don't let go
'Cause I know
Pretty soon you will see

Right in front of you
Right in front of me
We were looking
For somehow, some way
We couldn't see
That the love was always there
It's been around us everywhere
I had to fall to finally see
That you were right in front of me

You are my tomorrow
There's safety in your arms
Where you go, I'll follow
'Cause you're the world where I belong

24.03.2007., subota

I Can't...

Come to me because life without you is an empty one... No I can't forget this evening
Or your face as you were leaving
But I guess that's just the way
The story goes
You always smile but in your eyes
Your sorrow shows
Yes it shows
No I can't forget tomorrow
When I think of all my sorrow
When I had you there
But then I let you go
And now it's only fair
That I should let you know
What you should know

I can't live
If living is without you
I can't live
I can't give anymore
I can't live
If living is without you
I can't give
I can't give anymore

I Want To Hold You Once Again

You are not my lover or even my friend. You are just a guy that I know and wich I fell in love with... You know
How it feels
Lying here without you baby
You could never understand, what's happening to me
So alone
Nothing's real
I just dream about you baby
And forever wonder why you had
To break free

It's so hard
To believe
I don't have you right beside me
As I long to touch you
But you're out of my reach
And my heart doesn't feel
It's so very cold inside me
Just a shadow of someone that I used to be

Even though you're not my lover
Even though you're not my friend
I would give my all
To have you here
Just to hold you once again

You were the only one (only one)
That I allowed inside my heart
Now I'm just holding on
To something so far gone
Where did I go wrong

I Want To Love You More

Please, let me love you... Take me back in the arms I love
Need me like you did before
Touch me once again
And remember when
There was no one that you wanted more

Don't go you know you will break my heart
She won't love you like I will
I'm the one who'll stay
When she walks away
And you know I'll be standing here still

See me as if you never knew
Hold me so you can't let go
Just believe in me
I will make you see
All the things that your heart needs to know

I'll be waiting for you
Here inside my heart
I'm the one who wants to love you more
You will see I can give you
Everything you need
Let me be the one to love you more

And some way all the love that we had can be saved
Whatever it takes we'll find a way

I Could Never Be Sorry For Love

I just sorry for some things you don't see and that are obvious... Forgive me for the things
That I never said to you
Forgive me for not knowing
The right words to say, to prove

That I will always be
Devoted to you and me
And if you can't feel that in my love
Then I'm sorry for not giving you enough

Well, maybe there've been times
That I let you down
Looking back on all those moments
I know that I should have found

Love is to be for you
And now I will promise to you
And if you don't see that in my eyes
Then I'll be
Sorry for the rest of my life

And we all make mistakes
No matter how hard we try
But hearts can't only break
When sorry comes all around

But I'm not sorry for my love
I'm not sorry for my touch
The way it made your hands
Tremble and my heart rush

I would do it all again
Wouldn't take back a thing, no
Cause with you I've lived
A thousand lives in one

But I could never be
I could never be
Sorry for love

Greatest Reward

I hope one day I'll win the main prize-YOU... So suddenly, so strange
Life wakes you up, things change
I've done my best, I've served my call
I thought I had it all

So suddenly, so strong
My prejudice was gone
You needed me, I found my place
I'm different now, these days

Now the greatest reward
Is the light in your eyes
The sound of your voice
And the touch of your hand
You made me who I am

You trusted me to grow
I gave my heart to show
There's nothing else I cherish more
I stand by you for sure

Now the greatest reward
Is the love that I can give
I'm here for you now
For as long as I live
You made me who I am

So suddenly, it's clear to me
Things change
Our future lies in here and now
We made it through somehow

When You Looked At Me...

From the day I saw you, my faith has got back. But, what for..? Laugh and cry
Live and die
Life is a dream we're dreaming

Day by day
I find my way
Look for the song and the meaning

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

People run
Sun to sun
Caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun
Life goes till it's gone
We have to go where it's going

And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
Though lost I have been
I find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running
You look at me and life comes from you

Should I...

Don't be afraid. I'm just as scared as you are... I'm scared
So afraid to show I care
Will he think me weak
If I tremble when I speak
Oooh - what if
There's another one he's thinking of
Maybe he's in love
I'd feel like a fool
Life can be so cruel
I don't know what to do
I've been there
With my heart out in my hand
But what you must understand
You can't let the chance
To love him pass you by
Should I
Tell him
Tell him that the sun and moon
Rise in his eyes
Reach out to him
And whisper
Tender words so soft and sweet
Hold him close to feel his heart beat
Love will be the gift you give yourself
Touch him
With the gentleness you feel inside
Your love can't be denied
The truth will set you free
You'll have what's meant to be
All in time you'll see
I love him
Of that much I can be sure
I don't think I could endure
If I let him walk away
When I have so much to say
Love is light that surely glows
In the hearts of those who know
It's a steady flame that grows
Feed the fire with all the passion you can show
Tonight love will assume its place
This memory time cannot erase
Your faith will lead love where it has to go
Never let him go

It Would Be Hard To Live Without Loving You

My love for you is the only thing that helps me to go on... If you ever leave me
Life will go on
Stars will still be
Bright as diamonds in the sky now
Even if you said goodbye now
Oh, the clock wouldn't stop, no
That sun would keep shinning down
If you weren't here with me
This world would still be spinnin' 'round
But baby there would be

If you ever walk out this door
What would I have left to live for
What would there be left to do now
What would I be without you now
Oh, the clock wouldn't stop, no
Each day would go on just the same
There would still be air to breath
It wouldn't stop the sun and rain
But baby there would be

Just no living without loving you
How could i ever survive
Just no living without loving you
It would be like living without being alive without you

It Can't Be Hard To Say These Words

It should never be hard to express your feelings... I must be crazy now
Maybe I dream too much
But when I think of you
I long to feel your touch

To whisper in your ear
Words that are old as time
Words only you would hear
If only you were mine

I wish I could go back to the very first day I saw you
Should've made my move when you looked in my eyes
'Cause by now I know that you'd feel the way that I do
And I'd whisper these words as you'd lie here by my side

So today, I finally find the courage deep inside
Just to walk right up to your door
But my body can't move when I finally get to it
Just like a thousand times before

Then without a word he handed me this letter
Read I hope this finds the way into your heart, it said

I love you, please say
You love me too, these three words
They could change our lives forever
And I promise you that we will always be together
Till the end of time

Well maybe I, I need a little love yeah
And maybe I, I need a little care
And maybe I, maybe you, maybe you, maybe you
Oh you need somebody just to hold you
If you do, just reach out and I'll be there

Love Don't Ask Why

If you ask me, I would never choose to love you... Don't ask me if this feeling's right or wrong
It doesn't have to make much sense
It just has to be this strong
'cause when you're in my arms I understand
We don't try to have a voice
When our hearts make the choices
There's no plan
It's in our hands

Now I can feel what you're afraid to say
If you give your soul to me
Will you give too much away
We can't let this moment pass us by
Can't question this chance
Or expect any answers
We can try
But love doesn't ask you why

So let's take what we found
And wrap it around us

Love doesn't ask why
It speaks from the heart
And never explains
Don't you know that
Love doesn't think twice
It can come all at once
Or whisper from a distance

If You Asked Me To

All you need to is to give me a sign... Used to be that I believed in something
Used to be that I believed in love
It's been a long time since I've had that feeling
I could love someone
I could trust someone
I said I'd never let nobody near my heart again darlin'
I said I'd never let nobody in

But if you asked me too
I just might change my mind
And let you in my life forever
If you asked me to
I just might give my heart
And stay here in your arms forever
If you asked me to

Somehow ever since I've been around you
Can't go back to being on my own
Can't help feeling darling since I've found you
That I've found my home
That I'm finally home
I said I'd never let nobody get too close to me darling
I said I needed, needed to be free

Asked me to, I will give my world to you baby
I need you now
Ask me to and I'll do anything for you baby, for you baby

If you asked me to
I'd let you in my life forever
If you asked me to...

19.03.2007., ponedjeljak

Should've Never...

Sometimes I wonder what if I had never told you that I care about you..? I've been so
Caught up in the though of me and you
Even though I love
Someone else I know my heart belongs to you
Tell me how did we
Ever let the situation get this far
Maybe we should just
Try to hide things we feel inside
Things I know we can't deny

What did I
Do the day I let you slip into my soul
It was then when I
Realized that I would always want you in my life
No one else can know
Of the things we've been saying on the telephone
It would be so bad
If they ever knew that me and you
Were secretly into each other

Should've never told you
That I cared about you
Didn't think it would be, so bad
Should've never kissed you
Should've never held your hand
Got to find a way to let these feelings go

I'm so scared, trembling inside
'Cause I'm feeling like somebody else already knows
Oh my God, I love you darling so much
And knowing maybe you don't feel this too
Is hurting me so deep inside

Could I Be Loving You...

I think I could be loving you... If you only knew, what i've been going through
Waiting and wanting you
Could this be love
How, tell me how will I know
Will my heart make believe it's so
Or can I trust the way i feel
If you could read my mind
You see how hard I've tried
Still I can't decide

Do you know if it's true
That real love lasts a lifetime
Does it shine like the stars up in the sky
And do you know if you can fall for just a moment
Is a moment for all time
Why, why am I so unsure
Is that love knocking at my door
Or the sound of my beating heart
If you could read my mind
You know i just can't hide
What I feel inside

Just Promise Me You'll Try

There's nothing wrong in trying... Where do we go from here my love
What are we doing baby
Boy you gotta let me know
Why can't we live the way we want
I want the world to know
I just gotta let it show
What do we stand to lose
If being together
I what we choose
Oh my love
I think we should talk about us

I know it's on your heart
That a love like our's shall never fall apart
You're so afraid of the rain
So I'll take your hand
And I'll love you in the best way that I can
And I only expect the same

Though I'm sure of what I feel
Never though a love so true that felt so unreal
And I'm a little afraid myself
But if you love me day by day
With all honest heart and just a little faith
Baby time will tell the tale

Don't promise me forever
Don't promise me the sun and sky
Don't predend to know you'll never make me cry
Just hold me now
And promise me you'll try

Don't Keep Me Waiting...

Hurry up because I won't wait for you forever... Why are you leaving me with all this pain
Please return to me this love
Can't you see I am going insane
To live without you I don't know how

Some things go
Some things stay
Darling, to you I can show
That my love will never fade away

If you care just a little for me
Let me be around you
I hope one day you'll see
That we're suppoused to be together

I know you will find out
We are perfect for each other
I am just scared it would be too late
Because we wouldn't live forever

18.03.2007., nedjelja


I beg you not to keep me so confused... Why do you give me hope
When there is no point for you
Why do you give me strenght
When you don't love me too

Why, oh why
You don't care how I feel
How, oh how
Can you tell me what is real

Why I think there must be something wrong
If you act like you don't know me
Why does it makes me strong
If you don't feel a thing

There must be something that after all of this time
Keep me alive
Can't you see I am trying to tell you that I'm
In love with you

14.03.2007., srijeda


Can't you see you're killing me slowly...but I love you anyway... There are this nights
When I don't recognise hights
I just keep on walking
I just stop caring
Everything seems like it doesn't matter anymore

Suddenly I come across a hole
As I keep on falling
In the same time I am calling
I'm calling out your name
But I am not the one you can blame
It is not my fault anymore

Why don't you care for me
Why can't you see
That I am fading away
There must be something you could say
Please, please, I beg you to help me

How could you do this to our love
I just want to know how
Even it would be a lie
I deserve to know why
Why do you keep on destroying me

I am not the one I used to be
All this time I dream of one thing
How you don't mean anything to me
I don't even have a strength to sing
You keep on destroying me...

You are not even aware that you do
But after all I love you...

Neobjašnjivi Strah

You don't need to be scared. It is all as it should be... Vec dvije godine razmišlja o samo jednoj stvari. Zasto je se on boji? Koliko zna, nije mu ništa rekla, niti mu ništa nažao učinila. On je se jednostavno boji a što je najgore, ona nema pojma zbog čega. Sa drugima normalno razgovara, s njom ne. Sa drugima izlazi, s njom ne. A ona još uvijek ne zna razlog. Kadgod mu priđe on se ili odmakne ili ju ne doživljava. Rijetki su trenuci kada joj se obrati, ali to je najčešće u par riječi. Zna da on nema pojma što ona osjeća prema njemu, jer da zna drugačije bi se prema njoj odnosio. No, opet s druge strane, mozda je baš to razlog njegova ponašanja. A tko bi ga znao?! Ona je uvijek znala pročitati muškarce, no on...on joj je potpuno nepoznat slučaj. Možda ju baš zbog toga i privlači. Zato što joj je on ''zabranjeno voće''. No nju najviše od svega muči to što ne zna na čemu je. Uglavnom, on se u svakom slučaju boji s njom ostvariti bilokakav kontakt kako se slučajno ne bi osramotio, a svima nam je poznato da je to jedna od najgorih stvari koje se mogu dogoditi pripadniku muškog roda koji sebe smatra nekakvim ''frajerom''. Njegovo ju ponašanje izjeda iznutra te prije svega zbunjuje. Ne zna na čemu je na kraju, da li mu je stalo ili ne, kako ju doživljava i hoće li ikada između njih biti išta više od nekoliko sramežljivo jedva razmjenjenjih, ali prije svega dubokih pogleda.

13.03.2007., utorak

I Want You To Need Me

I want you to need me like I need you... I want to be the face you see when you close your eyes
I want to be the touch you need every single night
I want to be your fantasy
And be your reality
And everything between

I want to be the eyes that look deep into your soul
I want to be the world to you
I just want it all
I want to be your deepest kiss
The answer to your every wish
I'm all you ever need

I want you to need me
Like the air you breathe
I want you to feel me
In everything
I want you to see me
In your every dream
The way that I taste you feel you breathe you need you
I want you to need me
Like I need you

'Cause I need you
More than you could know
And I need you
To never never let me go
And I need to be deep inside your heart
I just want to be everywhere you are...

When Will You Find Me

I would get lost without you... So, here we are
That's pretty far
When you think of where we've been
No going back
I'm fading out
All that has faded me within
You're by my side
Now everything's fine
I can't believe

And I was hiding
'Til you came along
And showed me where I belong
You found me
When no one else was lookin'
How did you know?

Is this a dream?
If it is
Please don't wake me from this high
I've become comfortably numb
Until you opened up my eyes
To what it's like
When everything's right
I can't believe

You found me
When no one else was lookin'
How did you know just where I would be?
Yeah, you broke through
All of my confusion
The ups and the downs
And you still didn't leave
I guess that you saw what nobody could see
You found me

Oh cuz I don't know
I don't know what he's after
But he's so beautiful
Such a beautiful disaster
And if I could hold on
Through the tears and the laughter
Would it be beautiful?
Or just a beautiful disaster

I Want To Feel You

I can't do all this all by myself... I don't believe
In the smile that you leave
When you walk away
And say goodbye
Well I don't expect
The world to move underneath me
But for God's sake
Could you try?
I know that you're true to me
You're always there
You say you care
I know that you want to be mine

Where is your heart?
'Cause I don't really feel you
Where is your heart?
What I really want is to believe you
Is it so hard
To give me what I need?
I want your heart to bleed
That's all I'm asking for
Oh, where is your heart?

It seems so much is left unsaid
So much is left unsaid
But you can say anything
Oh, anytime you need
Baby, it's just you and me

How Come You Don't Care

In love, there's only room for two... You think I'm stupid
But the truth is
That it's cupid, baby
Lovin' you has made me this way
So before you point your finger
Get your hands off of my trigger
You need to know this situation's getting old
And now the more you talk
The less I can say

I'm looking for attention
Not another question
Should you stay or should you go?
Well, if you don't have the answer
Why you still standin' here?
Hey, hey, hey, hey
Just walk away

I waited here for you
Like a kid waiting after school
So tell me how come you never showed?
I gave you everything
And never asked for anything
And look at me
I'm all alone
So, before you start defendin'
Baby, stop all your pretendin'
I know you know I know
So what's the point in being slow
Let's get the show on the road today

I wanna love
I want a fire
To feel the burn
My desires
I wanna man by my side
Not a boy who runs and hides
Are you gonna fight for me?
Die for me?
Live and breathe for me?
Do you care for me?
'Cause if you don't then just leave

I don't understand
Your love is so cold
It's always me that's reaching out
For your hand
And I've always dreamed
That love would be effortless
Like a petal fallin' to the ground
A dreamer followin' his dream

I Need You Near Me

I'm calling you loud, but it's like you don't care... You gotta be out there
You gotta be somewhere
Wherever you are
I'm waiting
'Cause there are these nights when
I sing myself to sleep
And I'm hopin' my dreams
Bring you close to me
Are you listening?

Hear me
I'm cryin' out
I'm ready now
Turn my world upside down
Find me
I'm lost inside the crowd
It's getting loud
I need you to see
I'm screaming for you to please
Hear me

I used to be scared of
Letting someone in
But it gets so lonely
Being on my own
No one to talk to
And no one to hold me
I'm not always strong
Oh, I need you here
Are you listening?

I'm restless and wild
I fall, but I try
I need someone to understand
Can you hear me?
I'm lost in my thoughts
And baby I'm far
For all that I've got
Can you hear me?


You don't care, but anyway you're destroying me... Seems like just yesterday
You were a part of me
I used to stand so tall
I used to be so strong
Your arms around me tight
Everything, it felt so right
Unbreakable, like nothin' could go wrong
Now I can't breathe
No, I can't sleep
I'm barely hanging on

I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because you know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh everyday of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with

Here I am, once again
I'm torn into pieces
Can't deny it, can't pretend
Just thought you were the one
Broken up, deep inside
But you won't get to see the tears I cry
Behind these hazel eyes

I told you everything
Opened up and let you in
You made me feel alright
For once in my life
Now all that's left of me
Is what I pretend to be
So together, but so broken up inside

Swallow me then spit me out
For hating you, I blame myself
Seeing you it kills me now
No, I don't cry on the outside

I'm Addicted To You

...and I can't get down of you... It's like you're a drug
It's like you're a demon I can't face down
It's like I'm stuck
It's like I'm running from you all the time
And I know I let you have all the power
It's like the only company I seek is misery all around
It's like you're a leech
Sucking the life from me
It's like I can't breathe
Without you inside of me
And I know I let you have all the power
And I realize I'm never gonna quit you over time

It's like I'm lost
It's like I'm giving up slowly
It's like you're a ghost that's haunting me
Leave me alone
And I know these voices in my head
Are mine alone
And I know I'll never change my ways
If I don't give you up now

I'm hooked on you
I need a fix
I can't take it
Just one more hit
I promise I can deal with it
I'll handle it, quit it
Just one more time
Then that's it
Just a little bit more to get me through this

It's like I can't breathe
It's like I can't see anything
Nothing but you
I'm addicted to you
It's like I can't think
Without you interrupting me
In my thoughts
In my dreams
You've taken over me
It's like I'm not me

When Will The Heartache End

It has become so hard... Once in a lifetime you find
Someone to show you the way
Someone to make your decisions
And I let you lead me that way

I was the one you were fooling
Said you were missing me blind
But the truth is I knew you were lying
You were using me time after time

When the heartache is over
I hope I won't be missing you
Won't look over my shoulder
'Cause I hope that I could live without you

Time to move on with my life now
Leaving the past all behind
I can make my own decisions
It was only a matter of time
Sometimes I look back in anger
Thinking about all the pain
But I hope that I'm stronger without you
And that I'll never need you again

12.03.2007., ponedjeljak

Kada Ne Može Jače Boljeti

Make this pain go away...only you can do that... Nije ni sanjala da može postati tako teško. Gledala je kroz prozor i razmišljala o tome što joj se dogodilo. ''Na neki sam si način sama kriva'', pomislila je. No, svejedno je smatrala da nitko ne zaslužiuje tako nešto. Osjećala se prevareno, prljavo i prije svega bezvrijedno i beskorisno.
Već je duže vrijeme bila zaljubljena u njega. Mislila je da se i ona njemu sviđa, no on se ili bojao to priznati ili je sve bila jedna velika laž. Ona je osjećala kemiju između njih dvoje. Svaki put kad bi mu se približila koljena bi joj klecala a dah zastao. Ostajala bi bez riječi. Jedino što je on mogao dobiti od nje bio je jedan mali smiješak. Možda je bio malen, no govorio je sve. Nažalost, on ništa od toga nije mogao shvatiti. Nije nikako protumačio nijedan od signala koje mu je ona davala. Je li to bilo zato što nije gledao? Ili možda nije želio vidjeti? Vidjeti da mu je prava stvar zapravo pred nosom. Možda nije siguran je li ona prava, no mnoge stvari u životu ne možemo saznati ako ih ne probamo. Nema garancije da će nam sve ići od ruke i da ćemo uspijeti u svim svojim nastojanjima, ali to je normalna stvar koju zovemo rizik. On naime nije bio spreman riskirati i povući potez, nego se radije povukao. I to nakon noći koja će im oboje ostati u sjećanju. Njoj u lijepom, a njemu... E, to nitko ne zna. Možda zato jer je njega teže dešifrirati nego hijeroglife. Ona je to cijelo vrijeme pokušava, a kad bi joj se činilo da je na dobrom putu, on se povuće i razočara ju. Tu noć ona pamti i dan danas te ju i dalje smatra najljepšom u životu. Ali na njenu žalost, on se slijedeći dan izvlačio na pijanstvo, što je usput rečeno tako netipično za muški rod. Boji li se on nje? Vjerojatno. A što je najgore, ona osjeća da je i njemu ta noć značila nešto, čak i više nego što je pokazivao, a osjećajima se ne proturiječi.
Tom ju je izjavom razočarao i slomio joj srce, a sama ga ne može izliječiti. Još se uvijek nada da će shvatiti što može izgubiti, trgnuti se i pomoći joj preboliti svu bol koju joj je prouzročio. Uvijek je ljepše imati nekoga tko ti je spreman pomoći nositi taj teret. Teret zvan ljubav.

I Say A Little Pray For You

I just care about your happiness... The moment I wake up
Before I put on my make up
I say a little prayer for you
While combing my hair now
And wond'ring what dress to wear now
I say a little prayer for you

Forever, forever you'll stay in my hear
And I will love you
Forever, and ever we never will part
Oh, how I love you
Together, together, that's how it must be.
To live without you
Would only mean heartache for me

I run for the bus now, dear
While riding I think of us dear
I say a little prayer for you
At work I just take time
And all through my coffee break time
I say a little prayer for you

My darling, believe me
For me there is no one but you
Please love me too
I'm in love with you
Answer my prayer
Say you love me too

Why Don't You Notice Me

I wish you never to come through the same things as I am... You are killing me inside when I'm with you
But when we are apart I feel it too
And no matter what I do I feel the pain
With or without you

I'm lost inside
And never will be found
You are not my lover or even my friend
Oh God, when will this end

If I'm lost or away
You are always here to light my way
But every time I try to talk
You don't care and just start to walk

Why are you running away from me
Why can't you see
You should know that I care
And I shall love you all the way

Why are you just standing still
Just look the way you've made me feel
You have no reasons to hide
Oh why don't you let me inside

Do you still remember moments we've been sharing
Magic moments when two hearts are caring
Time can't erase the memory of
These magic moments filled with love

Kad Bi Barem Znao

I wish someday you'll find out what I've been going through because of you... U životu postoje stvari koje nas čine sretnima. Stvari koje nas ispunjuju iznutra i daju nam osjećaj neovisnosti i moći. Učine nam nešto tako da mislimo kako bismo sve mogli nadvladati i kako nam nijedan problem nije dorastao. S druge strane, postoje i one druge, koje postižu suprotan efekt u čovjekovoj psihi. Čine nas nesretnima, bezvrijednima i bezvoljnima. Više ničemu ne vidimo smisao i svejedno nam je kako se odvijaju inače nam bitne stvari u životu. No, opet nije loše proživjeti nešto loše. Prvenstveno zato što tako naučimo cijeniti sitnice koje nas ispunjuju, a koje inače ne primjećujemo.
Nikad nisam mislila da će mi se ovo dogoditi. Zaljubila sam se u nekoga koga prije nisam primjećivala niti ga shvaćala. Naprotiv, smatrala sam ga odbojnim i nadasve čudnim. No, kako vrijeme prolazi stvari se mijenjaju. Kako prolaze dani, izmjenjuju se godišnja doba te dan i noć, tako se mijenjaju i ljudi. Kako izvana tako i iznutra. Osjećaji su prilično neobična stvar. Mogu se promijeniti iz sekunde u sekundu, a trajati vječno. Moji su se osjećali mijenjali postupno i polako te tada doživjeli nagli prijelaz, onu iznenadnu promjenu koju mogu usporediti samo sa biokemijskom eksplozijom koja uništava sve živo, a ostavlja samo temelje unutar čega se sve to nalazilo. To je zaljubljivanje. Izvana ostavlja osmijeh, no hara sve iznutra. Sve što sam ikada osjećala, umrlo je s ovom ljubavi. Odjednom u sebi nisam našla mjesta za ništa drugo osim čežnje, potrebe i strasti prema njemu. Odjednom nisam znala definirati sebe. Sve me podsjećalo na njega, sve je imalo veze s njim, sve je bilo on. Dotada se nikada nisam osjećala tako izmučeno. Kadgod bi mi se obratio, izvana bi možda izgledala hladna, no iznutra bih cvala jače od svibanjske ruže. Najviše mrzim kad me ignorira. Tada u meni stvara takav osjećaj da bih ga najradije mrzila više nego najgoreg neprijatelja, ali ne mogu jer za takve osjećaje u mom srcu više nema mjesta otkad mi je on ušao u život. Najgore mi je kada je žalostan, a ja mu ne mogu pomoći jer mi ne želi reći u čemu je stvar. U tim trenucima mogu čuti samo zvuk slamanja. U tim mi trenucima srce puca na više milijuna sitnih komadića koje sama ne mogu skupiti. A on mi ne može pomoći jer ne zna što osjećam prema njemu. Možda naslućuje, ali ne zna. Ali što je najgore, ja mu ne mogu reći. Ne mogu vjerovati da ću ovo izjaviti, ali moram priznati da se pomalo i bojim. I to ni više ni manje nego njegove reakcije. Bojim se da će me odbiti, poniziti i ismijati kao nitko dosad. Voljela bih najviše na svijetu kad bi znao što mi se mota po glavi ili mi otvorio svoje srce tako da saznam barem najmanju sitnicu o kojoj razmišlja. On je jedan od onih osoba koje rijetko tko može shvatiti, a oni koji i misle da ih razumiju na kraju saznaju da nikada nikome nisu bili toliko daleko.
Nadam se da će mi jednog dana pomoći vidjeti barem mali dio od onoga što se događa u njegovoj glavi. Smatram da nakon svega zaslužujem barem malo pažnje i povjerenja. Ne doživljava me kao osobu kakva zapravo jesam. Ponekad imam osjećaj da zanemaruje prave vrijednosti koje dolaze iznutra, a oslanja se na ono što mu oči pokazuju. Kad bi porazgovarao sa mnom na nekoliko minuta shvatio bi neke stvari koje je prije ignorirao. No, tko sam ja da određujem što će tko osjećati i na koji način. Što treba biti, biti će, a ja tu ne mogu ništa. Možda sam preoptimistična, no imam osjećaj da ću i ja dobiti svojih pet minuta.

When You Say Nothing At All

From you I would ask only to hold me tight... It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the dark
Try as I may, I can never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Try as they may, they can never define
What's been said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never
leave me

The touch of your hand says you'll catch me where
ever I fall
You say it best, when you say nothing at all

From The Heart

Allow me to make you happy... I know you've heard this words a hundread other times before
And you've been hurt and so your heart has chosen to close the door
Love broke your heart and brought you lies
Look in my eyes you'll see a love that's deep and true
Tender and strong and all for you
You can trust this love honest, that's truth

I will protect you and respect you and be all you need
And when you reach for love you'll only need to reach for me
These arms will never let you down
They're staying around
I'll walk with you through every storm
I'll keep you safe, I'll keep you warm
And you'll have no doubt
You are the one I'm living for

I'll provide you the love you need just trust my touch
Believe in me I'll never make you cry
Giving all I got with all I got inside

From the heart I'm giving you everything, everything
From the heart I promise you that I'll be there
I'll be there to love you
From the soul I'm showing you all I feel, All I feel is
From the heart, from the heart

Have You Ever Been In Love

Love is the most beautiful and in the same time the most painful feeling that a person can have... Have you ever been in love
You could touch the moonlight
When your heart is shooting stars
You're holding heaven in your arms
Have you ever been so in love?

Have you ever walked on air
Ever felt like you were dreamin'
When you never thought it could
But it really feels that good
Have you ever been so in love?

The time I spent waiting
For something that was heaven sent
When you find it, don't let go
I know

Have you ever said a prayer
And found that it was answered?
All my hopes have been restored
And I ain't looking anymore
Have you ever been so in love, have you?

Some place that you ain't leavin'
Somewhere you're gonna stay
When you finally found the meaning
Have you ever felt this way?

The time I spent waiting
For something that was heaven sent
When you find it, don't let go,
I know

'Cause have you ever been so in love, so in love
You could touch the moonlight
You can even reach the stars
Doesn't matter near or far
Have you ever been so in love?

'Cause have you ever been in love?
Have you ever been in love?
So in love?

11.03.2007., nedjelja


I hope I will finally get rid of these feelings that I feel for you... Ako bi me netko prije par dana pitao hoću li otvoriti blog, odgovorila bih nepristojno bezobraznom uvredom na račun mentaliteta određenoga. No, okolnosti su takve da se u meni rodila potreba da izbacim iz sebe tjeskobu koja me muči. Ako tko ima kakvih problema i nađe ovaj blog, neka se to ne ustručava podijeliti jer ima nas još takvih, a to ovdje nitko ionako neće čitati.

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