Sahara je nekoć bila plodna

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Sahara je prije nekoliko tisuća godina bila vlažno tropsko područje s bujnom vegetacijom, u kojem su živjeli nosorozi, žirafe, slonovi i krokodili, a biljni i životinjski svijet nestajali su postupno, utvrdili su njemački znanstvenici.

Mnoštvo biljnih i životinjskih vrsta nije odjednom nestalo iz Sahare, kako se dosad smatralo, nego je njihov nestanak bio postupak, ustanovio je Stefan Kroepelin i njegovi kolege sa sveučilišta u Koelnu.

Njihovo istraživanje, objavljeno u najnovijem broju časopisa Science, pokazuje da je Sahara u svoje sadašnje stanje došla prije 2700 godina.

U doba "zelene Sahare", koje je započelo prije otprilike 10.500 godina i potrajalo do prije 7300 godine, današnja najveća svjetska pustinja bila je posvuda naseljena, izjavio je Kroepelin, koji već 30 godina istražuje promjene klime i okoliša u istočnoj Sahari.

Na kraju dugog procesa preobrazbe Sahara je postala ono što danas jest, prava pustinja bez oborina.

Pretpovijesni nalazi pokazuju da je južni dio Sahare prije nekoliko tisućljeća bio prekriven šumom, a sjeverni travom, tvrdi geoarheolog Kroepelin. U južnom su dijelu brojne riblje vrste živjele u rijekama i jezerima. Današnje Čadsko jezero svojedobno je bilo najveće na svijetu, a danas je od njega preostalo manje od jedan posto izvorne veličine.

Najvažnije spoznaje Kroepelinova je ekipa dobila bušenjem u 26 metara dubokom jezeru u predjelu Uunianga u Čadu, najdubljem jezeru u Sahari. Nalaz u bušotini služi za rekonstruiranje razdoblja od 6000 godina.

Pretpovijesni nalazi dokazuju da su prije nekoliko tisuća godina gotovo posvuda u Sahari živjeli ljudi, koji su svršetkom doba "zelene Sahare" postupno selili na njezin južni rub. Slično se dogodilo i sa životinjama, koje su prije otprilike 7300 godina počele selidbu na jug.

Stoljetni proces prirodnog širenja pustinje obustavljen je u proteklih 20 godina zbog globalnih klimatskih promjena. "Na rubovima pustinje sve je više oborina, a u nenaseljenoj pustinji možemo promatrati trend ponovne pojave biljaka", izjavio je Kroepelin.


Iran misli da je Barbie destruktivna

Uvoz lutaka Barbie i drugih zapadnih igračaka imat će razorne kulturne i društvene posljedice po Iran, izjavio je u ponedjeljak glavni iranski tužitelj.

Iranske islamske vlasti često ustaju protiv opasnosti koje vide u kulturi i potrošačkom društvu koje potiču Sjedinjene Države, označujući ih kao "trovanje Zapadom".

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Mladi Iranci, međutim, gorljivi su potrošači takbe glazbe, filmova i drugih roba sa Zapada. Poznate igračke mogu se kupiti u dječjim prodavaonama u Teheranu i drugdje.

"Pojava likova poput Barbie, Batmana, Spidermana i Harryja Pottera i ...računalnih igara i filmova su poziv na opasnost za dužnosnike u kulturnoj areni", rekao je glavni tužitelj Ghorba Ali Dori Najafabadi u pismu potpredsjedniku Parvizu Davoudiju objavljenom u dnevniku Mardom Salary.

Najafabadi, visokopozicionirani svećenik, kazao je kako je Iran treći po količini svjetski uvoznik igračaka i ukazao kako to predstavlja opasnost na "osobnost i identitet" mlade generacije.



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23.04.2007., ponedjeljak

Finding Work at Home Business Online Jobs

Finding work at home online jobs couldn’t have been any easier the only thing you will need is a computer and internet connection. Many people find work at home online jobs because they love the ideal of staying at home with there families or they just simply love the ideal of working at home online. But however finding work at home online jobs requires research after research depending on what kind of work at home online jobs you is looking for.

Being able to find work at home online jobs means you will have the opportunity of working with one of your favorite company’s that requires people like us to work from home using your everyday skills you learned out there in the work force. There are a lot of work at home online jobs out there that fits your lifestyle rather you’re a teacher, bus driver, lawyer, or accountant you can find an work at home online job that will suite you.

Finding online jobs like work at home can be find in forums, ads, newspapers, and many, many more but you just have to do the research in require about there services and pay. Many people jump into work at home online jobs without using there head first because there are a lot of them out there that are scams in there are a lot of them that isn’t.

But however there is a way to check out the company buy using BBB which stains for Better Business Bureau, Better Business Bureau allows you to do the research you need on the online business you are trying to work for. I use Better Business Bureau all the time in you need to as well when searching for an online job for yourself.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 15:19 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

16.04.2007., ponedjeljak

Selling on eBay: Customer Service

Customer service is important on eBay. Buyers rate their satisfaction with sellers, and your rating can make a difference on whether potential customers are willing to buy from you.

Customer service strategies on eBay start by providing an accurate product description. Displaying clear pictures and describing any imperfection shows the buyer what to expect. It's much better for customer satisfaction if the buyer receives a product in better shape than he expected than if you oversell and disappoint your customer.

Customer service strategies on eBay include acknowledgement of the winning bid and prompt shipping information. Use an automated response to let the buyer know you have received his bid. Acknowledgement payment quickly. Ship immediately, and inform the customer when the product is shipped. Customer service strategies include providing a tracking link to the product whenever possible.

Some eBay sellers offer free shipping as a customer service strategy. If you charge for shipping, don't charge much above shipping costs. Customers notice the postage cost and will likely complain if the shipping and handling is several dollars over. They understand the cost of materials, but they don't want to pay for your time to package the product.

Customer service stategies on eBay include a return policy. It is worth it to accept returns any time a customer asks. You can probably resell the item, and receiving a good rating is worth the cost and hassle.

Customer service strategies on eBay are not any different than traditional online stores. Make sure the product is as good as you say it is, don't inflate shipping and handling, ship quickly, and have a liberal return policy. This is the way to achieve high customer service ratings.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 09:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

15.04.2007., nedjelja

2006 - 2007 "Online Marketer Of The Year"

My friend Stone Evans has been nominated for the 2006 - 2007
"Online Marketer Of The Year" award. Check it out here:

Online Marketer Of The Year 2006-2007

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Glazer, Bill Harris, Brad Antin, Brad Fallon, Carl Galletti,
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- 13:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

13.04.2007., petak

Finding A Home Based Business For You

A home based business can be a great opportunity. It can provide you with financial freedom, or that extra money you are looking for so that you can enjoy some of life's little luxuries. A home based business can be your dream come true.

The thing about home based businesses is that there are a lot of them out there in cyberspace. Some of them are good ones, and some are not so great. You will have to do your homework on the various home based businesses available. The good news is that with the huge array of home based business choices out there, it is more than likely that you will find one that is perfect for your needs and suits the skills you have.

A home based business will require work. They do not run themselves. You must put in the effort to make them work and be successful. Every successful home based business owner will tell you that they had to work at their business. It also did not happen overnight. A home based business requires time to grow and become successful. Everyone starts small, and everyone has to start somewhere. So give yourself time to go from a beginner to a success at your home based business.

Another way to find a good home based business for you is to learn from others. Often, people are willing to share their stories about what worked and what did not work for them as they began their home based business. Ask questions, and investigate possible shortcuts. You never know when you will find something that will help make your home based business very successful.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 09:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

11.04.2007., srijeda

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- 14:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

10.04.2007., utorak

Getting Rich on the Internet

Is it possible to make a fortune on the internet? Think about the founders of Amazon, eBay, and Yahoo. They are among those who have made a fortune on the internet.

Many websites sell systems for making a fortune on the internet. Buying these is more likely to make money for the seller than for you. A better way to get ideas is to go to your local library and check out books discussing how to make a fortune on the internet. Do it for ideas, but remember that these books were written to make money for the author. It doesn't mean that what they say actually works.

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People who make a fortune on the internet have a dream and are willing to go for it. Often they invest money. To make a fortune on the internet, it helps to be among the first to identify a need, like eBay did with internet auctions. If your product is among the first, you have little competition.

To make a fortune on the internet you have to promote well. Yahoo and eBay are both an enormous success, but they had to let people know they existed to get started. If you have no traffic, you have no customers.

You can make a million in the internet. Just remember that it will take a lot of hard work. To make a million on the internet is not much different from making a million in the real world. Identify a unique market, learn all you can about it, and promote it well. From there, don't just sit back and watch it grow. Learn from it and keep improving to grow your client base. This is the best way to make a fortune on the internet.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 21:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

09.04.2007., ponedjeljak

Making Millions Online

How much money can you make online? Are there really online millionaires?

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThe internet can greatly expand your ways to sell products or services. Some people have been able to use this to make a great deal of money. Some companies that operate only on the net have made online millionaires of their founders.

Before the internet there were auctions, but no eBay. With thousands of items sold daily, each one making a profit for eBay, there is no doubt that the founders must be online millionaires.

Before the internet there were bookstores, but no Amazon is now outdoing traditional bookstores. Don't you wish you were the founder of Amazon?

Online millionaires start with an idea and a belief in themselves. They find a way to set themselves apart from the rest. Like real world millionaires, they often have enough faith in their ideas that they risk their own money and even seek additional funding elsewhere. Once they get started, they make themselves big enough that the other competition does not threaten them.

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Online millionaires start early in the game. For example, now that we have eBay, people often forget there are other auctions. The only real competition Amazon has is traditional bookstores that were always there.

If you want to be an online millionaire, think of a need that is still largely unfulfilled. After that, you will probably have to believe in your idea enough to take some financial risks. If it doesn't work, you lose your investment. If it does, you might join the ranks of online millionaires.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 18:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Ways For Making Money Online

There are actually many different ideas for making money online. Some of them are obviously more lucrative than others, however. Also, there are many scams for supposedly making money online that don't really work, and you end up losing money.

As a general rule, if the online money making opportunity asks for money, it is probably not a good thing. Legitimate ways to make money online will not ask you for money to get the job. The only exception to this is for home businesses. Many home businesses require an upfront investment from you. If you decide that a home business is the best way to go for making money online, then you will probably have to spend some money to get started. However, many people have been very successful with home businesses.

One way that people are making money online is by having several different income streams. This means that you do a bunch of things online that make a little bit of money, which turns out to be a reasonable amount of money when you add them all up. For instance, some people fill out surveys, do some writing, read emails, sell things on Ebay or even do affiliate marketing. These are all ways to have multiple streams of income making money online.

There are actual jobs available online. However, there is a lot of competition for them. Telecommuting from home is one of the best ways for making money online. You need to have an excellent resume and to do a lot of research to find the companies that are hiring people with your skills.

To make money online, you have to find the opportunities. Until you are making the kind of money you would like to, don't quit your day job.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 18:29 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

05.04.2007., četvrtak

Making Millions Online

How much money can you make online? Are there really online millionaires?

The internet can greatly expand your ways to sell products or services. Some people have been able to use this to make a great deal of money. Some companies that operate only on the net have made online millionaires of their founders.

Before the internet there were auctions, but no eBay. With thousands of items sold daily, each one making a profit for eBay, there is no doubt that the founders must be online millionaires.

Before the internet there were bookstores, but no Amazon is now outdoing traditional bookstores. Don't you wish you were the founder of Amazon?

Online millionaires start with an idea and a belief in themselves. They find a way to set themselves apart from the rest. Like real world millionaires, they often have enough faith in their ideas that they risk their own money and even seek additional funding elsewhere. Once they get started, they make themselves big enough that the other competition does not threaten them.

Online millionaires start early in the game. For example, now that we have eBay, people often forget there are other auctions. The only real competition Amazon has is traditional bookstores that were always there.

If you want to be an online millionaire, think of a need that is still largely unfulfilled. After that, you will probably have to believe in your idea enough to take some financial risks. If it doesn't work, you lose your investment. If it does, you might join the ranks of online millionaires.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 13:53 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

02.04.2007., ponedjeljak

Automatizing Your System

An autoresponder is a powerful weapon working online.

Using an Autoresponder you can save a lot of time.

There are two kinds of autoresponder.

1- Simple Autoresponder: When you receive a message it responds back instantly, with the message you have set up.

2- Smart Autoresponder: It allows you to have multi-follow up campaigns and send broadcast messages. You can personalize the messages with name, email address, web site, etc, of your leads and make them look like you personally are writing to them.

You have to know very well how to use your autoresponder, read the instructions to learn how to use the service.

Before to send messages to your customers, test the autoresponder sending messages to your own address.

Once someone has signed up for your newsletters or bought something from you, then you can ’speak’ to your customer and build a relationship, give him information and advises.

The important thing is to not let your customer get
away without further contact. I use GetResponse.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 20:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

01.04.2007., nedjelja

How to Choose a Multi Level Marketing Program

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usMulti Level marketing is appealing to many. It offers the opportunity to work part time with potential to make full time wages. Some people make quite a bit of money with these programs, but it requires hard work to get to the top.

Choosing a multi level marketing program can be difficult. There are so many of them, and they will all offer you the potential to get rich with minimal effort. Here are some suggestions for choosing a muli level marketing program.

Start with a program that find interesting. This is a part-time job, and you want to pick something you enjoy.

When choosing a multi level marketing program, look for something new, something that not everybody is already doing. It helps if the product caters to a growing or underserved market.

Start with a company that has been in business for several years. Some MLM companies don't last.

Watch for unrealistic sales quotas before choosing a multi level marketing program. Some programs actually seem to set you up for failure.

Talke to as many people in the program as you can. Use the internet for research.

When choosing a multi level marketing program, there are many factors to consider. Remember that these programs are about selling, and the various programs will try to sell you on why theirs is the best. Find a program with products that interest you and then find out as much as possible about it. Choose well and enjoy your second income.

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Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 15:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Amerikanka čeka osamnaesto dijete

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Uz skorašnji Majčin dan američki mediji objavili su priču o 41-godišnjoj ženi iz Arkansasa, koja nosi svoje 18. dijete koje bi se trebalo roditi na 1. siječnja.

Michelle Duggar majka je sedam djevojčica i desetorice dječaka, a među njih 17 dva su para blizanaca. Najstarijem djetetu je 20 godina, a najmlađem devet mjeseci. Brzorastuća obitelj živi u Tontitownu na sjeverozapadu Arkansasa u domu od 650 četvornih kvadrata. Imena sve djece počinju slovom J i djeca ne pohađaju školu već nastavni program prate u vlastitoj obitelji.


Istraživanje će dokazati trebaju li žene u menopauzi jesti čokoladu svaki dan

Čokolada bi mogla spasiti život nekim ženama, kažu znanstvenici. Oni, naime, vjeruju da bi određena vrsta čokolade mogla biti korisna određenom tipu žena.
Ova će teorija biti ispitana posebnim istraživanjem tijekom kojeg će 150 dobrovoljki jesti čokoladu svaki dan, i to godinu dana.

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Znanstvenici Sveučilišta East Anglia vjeruju da bi čokolada bogata posebnim biljnim spojem mogla pomoći ženama koje su prošle menopauzu, a imaju dijabetes tipa 2. Njima bi čokolada mogla pomoći očuvati srce.

Flavonoidi, biljni sastojci koji se nalaze u kakau i soji, dokazano smanjuju rizik od izloženosti srčanim bolestima. Stručnjaci za dijete uposlili su tako belgijskog proizvođača čokolade da proizvede čokoladice bogate flavonoidima. Klasičan postupak proizvodnje čokolade, naime, uništava većinu flavonoida.

"Postoje neke stvari za koje smo sigurni da smanjuju rizik od bolesti srca. Jedenje čokolade nije nešto za što bismo mogli pomislili da ćemo raditi svaki dan", rekao jedan od sudionika istraživanja.

Potvrdi li teorija, dakle, čokolada bi mogla biti uvrštena među obveznu hranu za zaštitu srca žena nakon menopauze. Ovo bi, konačno, bio "recept" koji bi sa zadovoljstvom poštovale mnoge žene.


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