Sahara je nekoć bila plodna

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Sahara je prije nekoliko tisuća godina bila vlažno tropsko područje s bujnom vegetacijom, u kojem su živjeli nosorozi, žirafe, slonovi i krokodili, a biljni i životinjski svijet nestajali su postupno, utvrdili su njemački znanstvenici.

Mnoštvo biljnih i životinjskih vrsta nije odjednom nestalo iz Sahare, kako se dosad smatralo, nego je njihov nestanak bio postupak, ustanovio je Stefan Kroepelin i njegovi kolege sa sveučilišta u Koelnu.

Njihovo istraživanje, objavljeno u najnovijem broju časopisa Science, pokazuje da je Sahara u svoje sadašnje stanje došla prije 2700 godina.

U doba "zelene Sahare", koje je započelo prije otprilike 10.500 godina i potrajalo do prije 7300 godine, današnja najveća svjetska pustinja bila je posvuda naseljena, izjavio je Kroepelin, koji već 30 godina istražuje promjene klime i okoliša u istočnoj Sahari.

Na kraju dugog procesa preobrazbe Sahara je postala ono što danas jest, prava pustinja bez oborina.

Pretpovijesni nalazi pokazuju da je južni dio Sahare prije nekoliko tisućljeća bio prekriven šumom, a sjeverni travom, tvrdi geoarheolog Kroepelin. U južnom su dijelu brojne riblje vrste živjele u rijekama i jezerima. Današnje Čadsko jezero svojedobno je bilo najveće na svijetu, a danas je od njega preostalo manje od jedan posto izvorne veličine.

Najvažnije spoznaje Kroepelinova je ekipa dobila bušenjem u 26 metara dubokom jezeru u predjelu Uunianga u Čadu, najdubljem jezeru u Sahari. Nalaz u bušotini služi za rekonstruiranje razdoblja od 6000 godina.

Pretpovijesni nalazi dokazuju da su prije nekoliko tisuća godina gotovo posvuda u Sahari živjeli ljudi, koji su svršetkom doba "zelene Sahare" postupno selili na njezin južni rub. Slično se dogodilo i sa životinjama, koje su prije otprilike 7300 godina počele selidbu na jug.

Stoljetni proces prirodnog širenja pustinje obustavljen je u proteklih 20 godina zbog globalnih klimatskih promjena. "Na rubovima pustinje sve je više oborina, a u nenaseljenoj pustinji možemo promatrati trend ponovne pojave biljaka", izjavio je Kroepelin.


Iran misli da je Barbie destruktivna

Uvoz lutaka Barbie i drugih zapadnih igračaka imat će razorne kulturne i društvene posljedice po Iran, izjavio je u ponedjeljak glavni iranski tužitelj.

Iranske islamske vlasti često ustaju protiv opasnosti koje vide u kulturi i potrošačkom društvu koje potiču Sjedinjene Države, označujući ih kao "trovanje Zapadom".

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Mladi Iranci, međutim, gorljivi su potrošači takbe glazbe, filmova i drugih roba sa Zapada. Poznate igračke mogu se kupiti u dječjim prodavaonama u Teheranu i drugdje.

"Pojava likova poput Barbie, Batmana, Spidermana i Harryja Pottera i ...računalnih igara i filmova su poziv na opasnost za dužnosnike u kulturnoj areni", rekao je glavni tužitelj Ghorba Ali Dori Najafabadi u pismu potpredsjedniku Parvizu Davoudiju objavljenom u dnevniku Mardom Salary.

Najafabadi, visokopozicionirani svećenik, kazao je kako je Iran treći po količini svjetski uvoznik igračaka i ukazao kako to predstavlja opasnost na "osobnost i identitet" mlade generacije.



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30.03.2007., petak

Easy, Effective Marketing for Your Home Business

One of the keys to a successful home business idea is promoting it as thoroughly as possible. There are many ways to market your home business idea, and they do not have to break your bank.

One of the first actions you should take with your home business idea is to make business cards and a professional letterhead. These are an affordable and easy way to remind others about the presence of your home business idea.

Next, you will want to network with as many people as possible. Begin to share your home business idea with friends and family, making sure they all have business cards to give away to others they are in contact with. When promoting your home business idea, however, do not stop with friends and family members, as this is where many make their first mistake. Be sure to try to expand your network of potential clients as much as possible, sharing your home business idea with anyone you come into contact with. One good way to do this is to join civic organizations, go to trade shows, be involved with parents and committees at schools, and participate in any other type of community involvement that may help promote your home business idea. Always carry extra copies of your business card in case someone is interested in your home business idea, or there is a good opportunity to explain what it is that you do.

Another rule of thumb is not to tell people that it is actually a home business idea. Many times the phrase "work from home" can carry negative connotations, even though your home business idea may be a very serious venture. Most times, it is best to remain as professional as possible by speaking of your home business idea on the same level as any other business venture, and refraining from automatically mentioning where it is located.

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Another inexpensive and effective way of promoting your home business idea is hanging flyers and business cards on community bulletin boards such as in grocery stores, etc. If you are on the lookout for these types of public bulletin boards, you will find them in a lot of places, and they can be an excellent and easy way of spreading the news about your home business idea.

Also, you can have the name, slogan and phone number of your home business idea painted on the side of your vehicle. This is very easy advertising! If you are nervous about painting your vehicle to advertise your home business idea, there is also the option of a removable magnetic sign. Do be aware that if you use these methods to advertise your home business idea, you may need to make changes in your insurance policy or your registry with the Department of Motor Vehicles.

Sponsoring a contest with some type of prize is another way to easily and effectively promote your home business idea. If you work hard to make the most of everyday opportunities, you will find that getting the word out about your home business idea can be relatively easy and quite affordable.

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 19:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

23.03.2007., petak

On The Ground Floor of a Phenomenal Home Business Opportunity

Have you ALWAYS felt like you were never at the right place at the right time, always hearing about the, "heavy hitters," of MLM that somehow seemed to be the first in and the first to make the BIG BUCKS?

What would you think if I told you it was YOUR turn to find THE BIG opportunity, and that you would be one of the first in the Company with ALL the Big Time MLM'rs?

Let me ask you something else. Are you tired of spending HUGE amounts of money on expensive auto ships of lotions, potions and pills? Is your closet full of "stuff," you'll never use?

Welcome to PlugIn ProfitSite !

PlugIn ProfitSite is ONLY about PEOPLE! It's about providing a service that brings people together that are actively looking for business opportunities, jobs, friends, partners and many other connections people are looking for!

Does the word "start up," scare you? Well, PlugIn ProfitSite is no start up! PlugIn ProfitSite has credibility. PlugIn ProfitSite belongs to the Direct Selling Association, E-Trust, the US Chamber of Commerce, MLM Specialist and Private Practice Attorney on retainer.

The earning potential is the most lucrative in the Industry. Go to: PlugIn ProfitSite ! and check out the PRIME-3 Step COMPENSATION PLAN!

Don't slam the door to opportunity then sit back and wish you'd taken what could be YOUR BIG CHANCE at amazing income! Don't let the "Big Boys," (and GALS) be the first to get in on this ground floor opportunity!

It seems that many people would rather sit back and take a wait-and-see attitude, and NEVER have success in their lives, because they don't have the heart to be GREAT! If you've always dreamed of something more than an average and ordinary life, get involved, have your own business, make it happen NOW!

=====> TAKE 3 STEPS AND START WITH PlugIn ProfitSite ! <======

- 09:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

22.03.2007., četvrtak

Five Days to Success with Google AdWords

from Perry Marshall - Day 2

"How one 'Trivial' Change Can Cut Your Bid Prices by 95 PERCENT!"

* Why Your Bid Price is NOT the Actual Price You Pay - and the Huge Difference That Creates for You
* What to Do When Your Keywords Get Labeled 'Inactive'

Today I'm going to talk about the thing that many newcomers find most confusing about Google - and I'm going to explain why it's a really ingenious twist that will actually help you.

The price you bid is almost never the price you actually pay. You almost always pay less.

First, it's a little bit like Ebay. You pay 1 cent above the position below you, not the maximum that you bid.

But there's an even more important secret that is the key to getting lower and lower prices, even while other bidders are jumping into the game:

Your Clickthrough Rate (CTR) is MORE important than how much you bid.

The Clickthrough Rate is the percentage of people searching who actually click. If 100 people search, your ad shows up 100 times, and one person clicks through, that's a 1% clickthrough rate.

So let's say I've got a 1% CTR and I'm paying $1.00 for position #2.

Let's say you've got a 2% CTR. If you play your cards right, you may only have to pay 51 cents to get position #2 and knock me down to position #3.

That means that you were 2 times as relevant, and you got to pay 1/2 as much!

The rules can be very simple, but the implications are huge.

When you achieve high click-thru rates, you can pull your bid prices down, down, down and yet stay at the same position on the page, while your traffic goes up.

The difference can be quite amazing. Here's an example of two ads - they are ALMOST IDENTICAL but one got nearly TWENTY TIMES the CTR as the other:

Popular Ethernet Terms

3 Page Guide - Free PDF Download
Complex Words - Simple
2 Clicks - CTR 0.1%

Popular Ethernet Terms
Complex Words - Simple Definitions
3 Page Guide - Free PDF Download
39 Clicks - CTR 3.6%

Notice what happened: All I did was reverse two lines - and the clickthrough rate jumped from 0.1% to 3.6%!

That means that the ad on the right gets more than TWENTY TIMES as much traffic - and I could pull down my bid prices and get that for the same amount of money as I was paying before. Just think how much money we'd be leaving on the table if we didn't discover this!

This is just one of dozens of tricks I've found that let you push your bid prices down, down, down while your traffic goes up. (Of course you get all the secrets in my toolkit.)

Beat your best, and you can get more and more traffic for less.

I just explained how Google ranks your ad higher as your CTR goes up. Overture does not do this. On Overture, the highest bidder always wins.

That rewards people who have more money than brains.

Which means that for the smart marketer, Google is vastly superior!

Before I go, there's one other thing I need to tell you: This is precisely the thing that gets people all tangled up over keywords that Google suddenly labels 'inactive.'

While Google may tell you simply to bid more, the major reason that keywords get made 'inactive' is this: The message in the ad doesn't match what the person wanted when they typed in the keyword!

How do you fix this problem? By organizing your keywords into narrow themes and by testing different ads that match people's searches - like I described above.

Then watch as people's clicks vote on the words that actually sell. This is an absolutely foolproof method of getting your ad placed higher on the page, and my Definitive Guide shows you dozens of variations on this method that you can use right away.

Next tip is called:

"A Google AdWords Lesson from the Wall Street Journal."

Talk to you then.

- 21:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

14.03.2007., srijeda

Five Days to Success with Google AdWords

from Perry Marshall - Day 1

"The ONE Thing That Separates the Men from the Boys in the Google AdWords Game"

There is ONE central idea, one key concept that Google wants you to understand.

If you have this right, Google will literally reward you by giving you lower prices on clicks, and your customers will reward you by buying what you have to sell.

If you DON'T have this right, you'll pay way too much for clicks, your competitors will eat you up, and your whole Google experience will be very, very unpleasant.

The one thing that matters on Google is relevance.

You might think of this as "message-to-market match."

This will make complete sense once you understand a bit of Google's history.

Google started in 1998, after the "big boys" in the search engine game like Yahoo and AltaVista were already well-established.

At the time, few people would have bet that Google would overtake them all - but in less than five years they did exactly that.

What's even more remarkable is they did so without a bunch of hype and loud marketing. They literally built a better mousetrap and the world beat a path to their door.

So what happened?

Google's mission in life was to build a search engine that would give people exactly what they were searching for, as fast as possible. If you were searching for "California butterflies" they wanted to give you the very best and most popular California butterfly websites on the very first page of results.

They developed an amazing mathematical formula for figuring out who visited websites and why, and using that information in their search engine.

So ... when they began to sell Pay Per Click advertising, they were extremely concerned that advertisers should also put out messages that were highly relevant.

Google rewards you for being relevant, and they let people who are searching vote for you. If your ad gets clicked on, it's relevant. If it doesn't, it's not. It's that simple.

The higher your clickthrough rate - i.e., the more folks who see your ad and click on it - the less you have to pay for the position you want. But if you write lousy ads, Google will make you pay more to get your ads to show at all.

So this creates a "Darwinian" effect, a deliberate natural selection that weeds out bad advertisers and rewards good ones. What's good for Google's customers is good for Google and good for you.

When all the dust has settled, what really matters is that your ads and your content be relevant to the keywords you're bidding on. Your message must match what the person is thinking.

So ... what were they really thinking when they typed in "California butterflies?" That is the question! Figure that out and put it in front of them, and you'll win at Google. Write an ad that matches exactly what they're searching for and you'll beat your competitors by a country mile.

A Valuable Little Piece of Customer Psychology for You:

Here's a little mental trick to help you write Google ads.

Imagine that you are not you. You are your customer.

You're not the dude with the cool solution. You're the guy or gal with some stupid problem. You've got an itch and you want to scratch it.

And you're not in front of your computer. You're sitting in front of their computer. What do you type into the search bar on Google?

And what do you hope will come up?

Answer that question and you'll be successful marketing online.

Tomorrow's installment is called:
"How with One 'Trivial' Change You Could Cut Your Bid Prices NINETY PERCENT - Plus a Permanent Solution to Keywords Made 'Inacti

- 20:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

12.03.2007., ponedjeljak

You will love this FREE program... honest!


It's not often that I am elated by something I find online. And it's even more rare that I stumble upon
a payplan that causes me to literally stop what I am doing and write a letter to everyone.

This is simply amazing! The potential is staggering!
You MUST see this to find out why everyone is talking about SFI - FREE !

It's free and easy to join so don't miss out on this!


Maria Victoria Condecion

- 21:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Pregnant and Stylish

Being pregnant does not mean you have to look like bag lady because you bought your maternity clothes at men’s wear or at garage sales. Being pregnant does not mean you do not have to prime yourself or be less attractive. For most women, pregnancy can bring about a beautiful, natural glow on their cheeks; others do not have it as easy. But fear not, you can still be stylish while waiting for your baby’s birth, and it does not have to be expensive either. Just shop and pick out clothes that will last – durable maternity dresses that you can use on your next pregnancy, or you can lend to your sister when it is her turn to get pregnant.

Buy maternity pieces for work in basic colors so you will not have to worry of mixing and matching stuff; black, white, beige, grey, and earthy colors will do. Go for the solid colors and not the designs for your office expecting-mommy wardrobe. You might want to invest in cool, comfortable and loose fabrics like silk and cotton that will still look flattering and at the same time offer a maximum range of movement and comfort. Also, do not get into the habit of buying what is in fashion especially with maternity clothing. Invest in classic pieces that you can use on your next pregnancy. Keep it simple too. Maternity clothes for a two-week supply are enough to cover you for every phase of your pregnancy. Remember, you still have hospital bills and other costs to think about after the baby comes.

Also, if you have friends and relatives whom you can borrow or swap maternity clothes with, go ahead and share!

Recommended: Plug-In Profit Site - Complete Money Making Site Setup FREE!

- 21:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

10.03.2007., subota

How Many Sites Do You Have?

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is, "How many sites do I need in order to make money with AdSense?"

The answer is simple... just ONE site can do it!

The truth is, I make the majority of my AdSense income from just one of my sites, though I do enjoy a little here and a little there from some of my other sites.

With that said, I know of several people who are making more than I am in AdSense revenue with just ONE site!

The site must be content-rich and it must be quality.

You must update it regularly and take steps to get traffic to its pages.

Toss "time" in the mix, along with consistency in building the site, and you've got a great recipe for success.

Please recognize that there is nothing wrong with having many sites. I have to have many sites in order to keep my sanity. I'm easily distrated by bright shiny objects, so I need new sites and projects to keep it insteresting. ;-)

So how many sites do you have?

Please take the poll on and let me know!

How many sites do you have?

- 11:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

09.03.2007., petak

Insider strategies to dominate AdWords...


Would you like to learn the next wave of secrets that you can exploit to always turn a huge profit from AdWords?

With these strategies, you can ensure the AdWords gold-rush lasts long into the future...

And even continue to generate a stream of income without your own product, list, and minimal start-up funds!

The rules of the pay-per-click game are changing fast. If you haven't already been affected by sky-high bid prices already, it's not going to be long before you are.

The Internet is the wild west. And just like every gold rush in history -- the "Big boys" have discovered the goldmine of our day and want it all for themselves!

If you think MSN and Yahoo are safe new alternatives, you're in for a rude-awakening...

Just like Google, the executives are thinking about how they can capture their piece of the pie no matter who's wiped-out in the wake.

However, with every storm comes opportunity:

Discover How to Earn Thousands With Google AdWords

All the best!

- 11:47 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Dallas Texas man exposes internet Gurus

We've been mislead!

I just read this report about why so many people are struggling with AdSense, and why so many "Gurus" are still pushing making money with AdSense courses, even though all the profit has been sucked out of the program!

I'm mad as hell!

The good news is, this report outlines a far better way to make income online.

I only wish I had know about this last year. I wouldn't have wasted so much time, money, and effort, trying to win at a game that shouldn't even be played!

Check it out and let me know what you think.

Do it quick though, the author is pulling the information soon, I think you'll see why!

Go here:
The Death of Adsense

- 11:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Ordinary People, Extraordinary Income Review

Ordinary People Extraordinary Income: How Ordinary People Are Making Real Money On The Internet

In an age where "everyone" is claiming to have the right answer, finally there is one. A solution for ordinary people looking to make an extraordinary income… without the hassle and hype normally associated with these types of offers.

Ordinary People Extraordinary Income does just what it promises… teaches you exactly how anyone can create financial freedom and independence no matter their current income, education or experience.

Look at Here !!

These days most people find it virtually impossible to locate a book, course or any other product that delivers on its promise. How often have you seen ads for books, e-books or full courses written by so-called "successful" marketers claiming they have the solution to all your financial woes? How often do they deliver?

I have to admit going into this book with a lot of skepticism. Too many books claim you can make money on the Net, but then fail to deliver. Others are too complicated to read or simply don't provide the right information at the right time. Ordinary People Extraordinary Income is different from the rest. Why? I'll tell you.

The author, Stone Evans, is well-known as the World's #1 Website Conversion Expert. This guy dropped out of school and created his own Internet Empire. The man pulls in millions as a successful entrepreneur, marketing expert and mentor to others. People pay him thousands of dollars for his advice and time.

Look at Here !!

What's unique about this program is it reveals real success stories of people that made mad money within hours of carrying out the secrets in this guide. Imagine making $17,000 in 24 hours. What if you could make $350,000 a year working 10 hours or less each week? Find out how one reader made over $5 million in one year using the simple direct marketing secrets and strategies revealed in Ordinary People Extraordinary Income.

One last point… the success stories in this book are not crap. They are real. Real stories about REAL people just like you and me. People who had nothing, who started from scratch… but acted on an important secret… and now make seven-figure incomes.

Find out word for word what other ordinary people are doing to make their lives extraordinary. Here are just a few things you'll discover when you start reading Ordinary People Extraordinary Income:

* How anyone can create money out of thin air in just 48 hours or less, even if they've never sold anything online or offline before.

* How anyone can use low cost, free advertising to promote his or her site to millions of prospects every day.

* How anyone can easily create a product in a few days instead of months, then turn around and sell it for hundreds of dollars.

* How anyone can build a mailing list so big they will never worry about working again.

The skills and tactics addressed in this program are real… they can teach anyone what it takes to succeed.

Look at Here !!

What's even better about this tell-all program is it's written in plain English. Ordinary People doesn't jump around the bush. It tells you the secret. What's the secret? Just find someone who's already successful at what you want to do, and then copy them. Can it really be that easy?

Just ask the thousands of people making six and seven figure incomes. Their stories are all revealed in this interesting, one-of-a-kind guide. So find out how you can make the big secret work for you. Find out how to select your model and start making a six-figure income today.

I could go on and on, but you get what you pay for. Ordinary People, Extraordinary Income is a program I would recommend to anyone that feels ordinary, but wants to start realizing extraordinary financial income. Finally, a program that delivers on its promise.

3 Steps to earn Your money , SFI - # 1 on the World , FREE Book , Advice site

- 09:17 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

08.03.2007., četvrtak

Free website that will help you make it in your business

Dear readers,

If you are reading this message it is because you haven't find what you have been looking for. Well you have come to the right place because I have a home business that you will love to belong to. When you log in and you will see for your self that I'm not lying to you. Stone Evans - PlugIn ProfitSite will advertis your business to 10.000+ people do the follow up and the only thing you have to do is ad your URL business to it. You will not find an other place like this any where. I have three other auto responder and this Stone Evans - PlugIn ProfitSite beat them all !!! I'm getting no less then 350 to 500 hits a day to my business. Just think what this will do to yours.

It is FREE, yes FREE and you will see a big change in your business !!!

Earn $100/day !

Everyday is coming In this FREE system about 1200-1500 people !!

- 23:15 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

15 Reasons to Become an Affiliate Marketer

- by Chris Carpenter

There are HUGE benefits to promoting affiliate programs
with your own home-based Internet business, and I've come
up with a list of 15 great reasons to become an affiliate

Let's look at each reason separately:

1. No Production Costs - The cost to develop and produce a
new product is prohibitive for almost anyone who wants to
start a home-based business. With affiliate programs,
production costs aren't an issue. The product has been
developed and proven - all on the merchant's nickel.

2. Low Cost Set-up - Compared with building a brick and
mortar store, starting a home-based Internet business is
relatively cheap. You probably already have a desk,
Internet-connected computer and word-processing software,
which is all the equipment you may need.

3. No Fees for Joining or Licenses to Buy - I often
compare doing business as an affiliate, with distributing a
line of products in the real world. The biggest difference
is that the distributor must often pay for a license to
distribute products within a limited geographic region.
Affiliate programs, on the other hand, are usually free to
join, and geographic market reach is limited only by the
affiliate's ability to promote his web site.

4. Choose From Thousands of Products and Services - What
isn't sold online? That list must be shorter than the one
describing all that IS sold online. There are thousands and
thousands of affiliate programs selling every product under
the sun. That makes it easy to find products related to
your current or planned web site.

5. No Sales Experience Needed - When I started my affiliate
business, I had absolutely no sales experience. That wasn't
a problem, however. The companies I affiliated with
provided excellent marketing material. Using their sales
copy, I was able to get my first affiliate site up in less
than a day.

6. No Employees - The largest expense of most businesses is
employee salaries. Although there might be times when you
need or want someone to work for you as an affiliate, it's
doubtful you'll ever have to worry about hiring full or
part-time employees. When you have a project you want to
hire out, it is easy to find specialists in every computer-
related field who can work for you from the comfort of
THEIR own homes. You pay only for the project, and never
have to worry about ongoing employee-related benefits and

7. No Expensive Merchant Accounts Needed - Setting up a
merchant account for any business is a time-consuming and
costly business. It's even more tedious for Internet
businesses. However, merchant accounts aren't a concern
when you're an affiliate. The merchant bears that cost and
handles all processing of payments. You never have to lose
sleep over potential chargebacks, fraud or losing your
merchant account when you're an affiliate.

8. No Inventory to Carry - Even if you live in a small one-
bedroom apartment, as an affiliate you can sell large items
without storage concerns.

9. No Order-Processing - Forget the problems associated
with collecting and storing names, addresses, credit card
numbers, etc. The merchant does all that!

10. No Product Shipping - The cost and hassle to prepare
and ship products to customers worldwide could be
staggering. Affiliates never have to worry about packaging
supplies or postal rates.

11. No Customer Service Concerns - Do you hate the prospect
of dealing with nasty people or customer complaints? Don't
worry about it! The merchant handles the snivelers.

12. Make Money While You Sleep - What other business allows
you as a sole proprietor to keep your doors open and keep
making money even when you take breaks or after you go home
for the night?

13. The World at Your Doorstep - The Internet is the
world's largest marketplace. You can drive more visitors to
your online store in a day, than many small-town merchants
sees in his or her brick and mortar business in a year.

14. Minimal Risk - The product you chose isn't making
money? Dump it. Take down your links and promote another!
It's that easy. There are no long-term contracts binding
you to products that don't sell.

15. High Income Potential - If you have a job, your salary
or hourly wage is probably pre-determined. Maybe there's
not much, other than working overtime, that you can do to
increase your income. With your own affiliate business on
the Internet your income potential is limited only by your
desire, effort and imagination.

There you have them - all the good reasons to start your
own online affiliate marketing business. Start today and
benefit from this incredibly simple, cost-effective
business opportunity known as affiliate marketing. The time
is right, and the time is now.

Article excerpted from Chris Carpenter's "Super Affiliate
Handbook: Google Cash Last Year Selling Other
People's Products Online". Chris is the 'Net's most
recognized expert on successful online selling as an
affiliate marketer.

Visit her site by: Clicking Here…

Brought to you by:

Ales Orlic

The Best on Internet
My site # 1
3 steps to Earning money !
Business Site !

- 10:12 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

07.03.2007., srijeda

Develop The Winning Entrepreneur Mindset

People are so impatient nowadays. Fast, faster, fastest... instant gratification is the name of the game. They want overnight success ("before breakfast" preferably!). But that is simply not part of building a business from scratch. A real business takes time and effort.

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Yes, even online ones. So many Netrepreneurs somehow think that the Internet suspends fundamental laws of the business world. While building a business online does involve less risk (you don't have to mortgage your house!), it still takes real "sweat equity" to build a business that generates long-term, evergrowing profits.

Elad Shippony, a successful SBIer, says it so well in this 1-minute video.

Even seasoned business people succumb to "the lure of the speed of the Web"...

SFI The # 1 !
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3 Easy Steps And Launch An Automated Internet Profit System

- 19:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Jon Olson and Mike Paetzold

Introduce the Affiliate Funnel

Jon Olson and Mike Paetzold have been working for over a year to create a new downline builder that is designed to help you funnel new prospects into your marketing system.

Affiliate Funnel was introduced a few days ago and most of the traffic exchange pros are promoting this program everywhere they can.

It is free to join and the pro upgrade is very reasonable.

Affiliate Funnel will not generate traffic to your site; it is not a traffic exchange. However, it is owned by Jon Olson and very few, if any, people know more about building a business using traffic exchanges.

This program is not for everyone, but if you are using traffic exchanges to build your business, you should look into Affiliate Funnel and give serious thought to including it as an important part of your marketing toolset.

Join the Affiliate Funnel today.

- 19:01 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Multilevel Marketing is Here to Stay

Multilevel marketing is picking up a lot of steam. This is due in large part to the amount of people online that are hyping multilevel marketing, and all of the profits that go along with it. And if you are interested in multilevel marketing, you should not have any problem finding information online to help you get started.

TIP 1: How Millions of people all over the world are making money On-line ??

The bottom line is that multilevel marketing is here to stay. As soon as a decent amount of people started to cash in on multilevel marketing, the number of interested parties began to increase. And with this has come the notion that multilevel marketing is not going anywhere.

TIP 2: Get your FREE PlugIn site on Internet !

If you are not familiar with what multilevel marketing can do for you, you should bone up on the details as soon as possible. Generally speaking, multilevel marketing is a way to make money when you sign people up for a certain service or product. And to take this a bit further, with multilevel marketing you can also make money when the people that you sign up recruit members of their own. So in general terms, you will make money with a pyramid type effect.

TIP 3: You Can read the Best book on NET about MLM, here, is FREE !!

For people that are interested in multilevel marketing, the best place to start searching is online. There are hundreds of companies that you can sign up with in order to make money with multilevel marketing. Just make sure that what you are doing is legal. There are multilevel marketing schemes out there that are not legal in the majority of the states. You can avoid this without any complications by getting hooked up with a multilevel marketing campaign that is run by a reputable company.

TIP 4: One of the Best company about MLM on Internet is SFI !

If you are not sure if multilevel marketing is right for you, look into the benefits that it offers. There are many online forums devoted to multilevel marketing. By becoming a member you can ask questions of more experienced multilevel marketers. They will be able to give you advice on where to start, and how to progress.

TIP 5: You can sand me Mail :

Simply put, you will want to read up as much as you can on multilevel marketing before you get started. Just like anything else, the more that you know about something the better chance you have of being a success. Since multilevel marketing is relatively new, it is very important that you are familiar with the industry as a whole.

TIP 6: Read again !

Multilevel marketing is definitely here to stay. There are enough people out there making money with multilevel marketing that the popularity will always be high. For people that are searching for a way to make cash online, multilevel marketing is always a good option.
Overall, try out multilevel marketing if you are interested in a new way to make money online.

Ales Orlic

The # 1 - SFI !

3 Step to your Money !

Advices about Earning money on NET !

- 09:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Uz skorašnji Majčin dan američki mediji objavili su priču o 41-godišnjoj ženi iz Arkansasa, koja nosi svoje 18. dijete koje bi se trebalo roditi na 1. siječnja.

Michelle Duggar majka je sedam djevojčica i desetorice dječaka, a među njih 17 dva su para blizanaca. Najstarijem djetetu je 20 godina, a najmlađem devet mjeseci. Brzorastuća obitelj živi u Tontitownu na sjeverozapadu Arkansasa u domu od 650 četvornih kvadrata. Imena sve djece počinju slovom J i djeca ne pohađaju školu već nastavni program prate u vlastitoj obitelji.


Istraživanje će dokazati trebaju li žene u menopauzi jesti čokoladu svaki dan

Čokolada bi mogla spasiti život nekim ženama, kažu znanstvenici. Oni, naime, vjeruju da bi određena vrsta čokolade mogla biti korisna određenom tipu žena.
Ova će teorija biti ispitana posebnim istraživanjem tijekom kojeg će 150 dobrovoljki jesti čokoladu svaki dan, i to godinu dana.

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Znanstvenici Sveučilišta East Anglia vjeruju da bi čokolada bogata posebnim biljnim spojem mogla pomoći ženama koje su prošle menopauzu, a imaju dijabetes tipa 2. Njima bi čokolada mogla pomoći očuvati srce.

Flavonoidi, biljni sastojci koji se nalaze u kakau i soji, dokazano smanjuju rizik od izloženosti srčanim bolestima. Stručnjaci za dijete uposlili su tako belgijskog proizvođača čokolade da proizvede čokoladice bogate flavonoidima. Klasičan postupak proizvodnje čokolade, naime, uništava većinu flavonoida.

"Postoje neke stvari za koje smo sigurni da smanjuju rizik od bolesti srca. Jedenje čokolade nije nešto za što bismo mogli pomislili da ćemo raditi svaki dan", rekao jedan od sudionika istraživanja.

Potvrdi li teorija, dakle, čokolada bi mogla biti uvrštena među obveznu hranu za zaštitu srca žena nakon menopauze. Ovo bi, konačno, bio "recept" koji bi sa zadovoljstvom poštovale mnoge žene.


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