

- 21:52 - Kritika (1) - Isprintaj - #

el machor

el machor

- 21:51 - Kritika (0) - Isprintaj - #

after long long, 2 long period ... but here i'm again :D


- 22:41 - Kritika (2) - Isprintaj - #

I can see your suffering ...

i can understand them, talk to me and you will be free!
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najteže je spoznati sebe, zato otvori se drugima da spoznaš sebe u očima prijatelja

- 01:30 - Kritika (3) - Isprintaj - #

Bosya Kopovka

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kažu da ih ima 400 vrsta, ja ufotkao jednu ;)


Nearly ALL cultures believe that a Ladybug is lucky.
Killing one is said to bring sadness and misfortune.

In France, if a Ladybug landed on you, whatever ailment
you had would fly away with the Ladybug.

If a Ladybug is held in the hand while making a wish,
the direction that it flies away to shows where
your luck will come from.

If the spots on the wings of a Ladybug are more than seven,
it's a sign of coming famine. If less than seven, it means
you will have a good harvest.

In Belgium, people believed that if a Ladybug crawled across
a young girl's hand, she would be married within a year.

People in Switzerland told their young children
that they were brought to them, as babies, by Ladybugs.
(...and we thought Storks did that)!

In some Asian cultures, it is believed that the Ladybug understands
human language, and has been blessed by God, Himself.

In Brussels, the black spots on the back of a Ladybug indicate to the
person holding it how many children he/she will have.

According to a Norse legend, the Ladybug came to earth
riding on a bolt of lightning.

The Victorians in Britain believed that if a Ladybug alighted on your
hand, you would be receiving new gloves.....if it landed on your head,
a new hat would be in your future, and so on.

In the 1800's, some doctors used Ladybugs to treat measles! They
also believed that if you mashed ladybugs (ewww!) and put them
into a cavity, the insects would stop a toothache!

During the Pioneer days, if a family found a Ladybug in their log cabin
during the winter, it was considered a "Good Omen".

In the Spring, if numerous Ladybugs are seen flying around,
British farmers say it forecasts many bountiful crops.

Many Bretons believe that the arrival of Ladybugs will bring fair weather.

Folklore suggests if you catch a Ladybug in your home, count the number
of spots and that's how many dollars you'll soon find.

In Norway, if a man and a woman spot a Ladybug at the same time,
there will be a romance between them.
( c/p )

- 19:04 - Kritika (1) - Isprintaj - #

[fajer srkls]

kao i inače, ponovo sam zapustio blog, uvjek neke izlike, ovaj put ta izlika je posao ... napisao bih nešto pametno, ali neznam šta da napišem ... možda: "hvali more, drž se hlada" :) cyaPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

- 12:30 - Kritika (1) - Isprintaj - #


nije me neko vrijeme bilo .. ali tu sam ja negdje uvjek ... malo mi je sve u magli pa nemam vremena za slobodne aktivnosti :(

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- 01:03 - Kritika (1) - Isprintaj - #

po želji VK ...

evo VK, pretežno na tvoju inicjativu odlučio staviti koju slikicu sa maturalca ... možda nije neka super slika, ali je zato super osoba koja je na slici, tako da to popravlja sliku ;) hehePhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

- 00:00 - Kritika (5) - Isprintaj - #

žućko ...

proljeće skoro prošlo, a dolazi ljeto ... između starijih fotkica našao jednu, ovako, meni, zanimljivu ... ;oP a kako nisam odavno slao, rekoh, ajde da pošaljem koju slikicu ...
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- 16:28 - Kritika (2) - Isprintaj - #

balerinke ...

molio bih lijepo, nemojte biti perverzni ;oP jer nije to takva slika ... pogledajte samo kako stoje ukršeno ta stopala ... čuo sam da ovakve slikice nisu baš popularne ... :( šteta
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- 19:41 - Kritika (3) - Isprintaj - #

crno-bijeli svijet

baš me zanima da li uspije ovo netko pročitat? :) hehe teško se skuži ali OK, baš sam razmišljao da bih ovdje (inkognito) mogao svašta pisat a da se ne skuži :) pa tko prvi pročita nek se javi pa dobije original slikicu po izboru?? OK?
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- 11:20 - Kritika (3) - Isprintaj - #

<... nužak <-

... mala istarska kamena "kućica" u koju su se pastiri i težaci sklanjali u slučaju kiše i gdje su nerijetko ostavljali svoje oruđe! napravljena bez vezivnog materijala, kamenje only!

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- 15:35 - Kritika (2) - Isprintaj - #

proljetni cvijetić jedan

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- 22:08 - Kritika (0) - Isprintaj - #

pramaliće jene jurljavice

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- 22:21 - Kritika (0) - Isprintaj - #

u predvečerje

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- 17:31 - Kritika (1) - Isprintaj - #

nije dugo od apstrakcije ...

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- 01:35 - Kritika (1) - Isprintaj - #

proljeće je i dalje ...

evo jedan klasični primjer mendelova nasljeđivanja ;)
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- 23:50 - Kritika (5) - Isprintaj - #

jedna pomalo apstraktna ...

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- 00:04 - Kritika (4) - Isprintaj - #

malo proljeća ...

... proljeće je ušlo u naš kraj,
zemlja sada - kao da je raj,
tratinčice i maslačci žuti,
livade i djevojke svjetlije puti,
u proljeću uživaju
i snove o ljeti snivaju!

nije neka, al me uhvatila nekakva inspiracije


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- 18:37 - Kritika (4) - Isprintaj - #

proljeće je, a u meni nemir ...

miriše trava (mmmm) sve je zeleno, mada bolje da je suha!

zeleno lišće na krošnjama, ptičice počele da cvrkuću, pada snijeg, puše bura, hladno je, al' sunce sija, tipično proljeće? HMMMM? kako god, evo jedna proljetna

pozz svima

od sreće bih zagrlio svemir ...

- 20:43 - Kritika (2) - Isprintaj - #