četvrtak, 20.10.2011.


Alima mineral makeup. Eye make up smoky. Make up artists nyc.

Alima Mineral Makeup

alima mineral makeup



Today I tried Alima's Dove matte eyeshadow as a cheekbone contour. Above the bone is highlighted with M*A*D*Mineral's Fair foundation. Over everything, I dusted a little of bareFacedMinerals' CinnaBear blush.

I've been playing with different colors for contouring a while now. Once upon a time Lumiere's Cappucino matte eyeshadow rocked it for me, but I've gotten a little too tan for it. Bronzers or blushes are usually too colorful. Most darker shades of foundation just don't look right. Contour shadows need a little grey to look like natural shadows.

I think Alima's Dove is a great contour color.

FotD 92309

FotD 92309

Foundation: Lumiere's VeenaVelvet in Light/Medium Neutral
Concealer: LaurEss Neutralize color corrector underneath a dotting of foundation
Blush: Alima's Desert Rose, but I thought it looked too orange so I tried to rub it off and put some Earthen Glow's Strawberry Sherbert on
Eyeshadow: highlight--Alima's Prosecco; crease & lid--Silk Naturals' Quartzyte; liner--Abbey St. Clare's Sultry Heather
Mascara: L'Oreal's Double Extend, step 2 only.

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20.10.2011. u 12:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Acne scar make up - Cargo makeup sale - How to set makeup.

Acne Scar Make Up

acne scar make up

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants 2 vol. with DVD $120.00

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants 2 vol. with DVD $120.00

"Discover The Complete And Up-To-Date Encyclopedia That Shows How To Use The Healing Power Of Plants With Scientific, Accurate And Reliable Accuracy"


The Encyclopedia Of Medicinal Plants With a List of Medicinal Plants That Heal
Over 470 plants botanically described and classified by diseases.
From: James Luke
Tuesday, 11:24 a.m.

Dear Friend,

Inside of this encyclopedia is a large number of natural treatments described in a simple, clear language, correctly illustrated, placing the healing virtues of medicinal plants and their practical application methods within the reach of everyone. Experienced advice for the therapeutic preparation of fomentations, infusions, ointments, baths... Many charts describing the most frequent disorders and the plants endowed with the active agents that can heal them.

In each chapter the most important plants for the treatment of the diseases of a certain organ or system appear. When a single plant has several applications, as often happens, it is included in the chapter corresponding to its main application.

"Look at what people are saying about these Encyclopedia's"

I wanted to personally thank you for sharing those incredible encyclopedia books "THE FOODS WITH THEIR HEALING POWER and MEDICINAL PLANTS". They are an awesome source of reference especially when I talk about lifestyle change and health to my listeners. Praise 97.5FM is the #3 rated station in Atlanta so image how many thousands of listeners are blessed by the information they get from these books.

They and you are truly a God sent.

-Mellissa, Atlanta

...There is detailed information on the use and preparation for each plant.

In this encyclopedia you will find...

Plants for the eyes

The ___, raw or in juices is very good for the sight and for the skin in infusions and poultices.

Plants for the nervous system

___: The flowers and the leaves of this plant taken in infusions help to control and heal stress, insomnia, depressions, alcoholism, and drug addiction.

___: This plant also calms the nerves, beautifies the skin and protects the heart, using its flowers in infusions, or adding an infusion of it to bath water is very effective for insomnia or nervousness. Steam baths of its flowers also soften and beautify the skin.

Plants for the throat

___: Its flowers and its leaves in infusions, mouth rinse, mouth gargles and compresses are medicine for tonsillitis, pharyngitis and laryngitis.

___: Anti-inflammatory and astringent, the decoction of ___ or crushed ___, may be applied in any of the following ways:

Mouth rinses and gargles for ailments of the mouth and the throat.

Eye washes or blocked up noses

Vaginal irrigations

Sitz baths, for ailments of the anus or rectum

Arm baths, for chilblains

Plants for the heart

___: In infusions and under medical supervision, all the parts of this plant have properties to strengthen the heart, increase the strength of the cardiac contractions and to fight angina pectoris.

___: The infusion of its flowers and also its fruit are very effective for the treatment of palpitations, hypertension and other nervous cardio circulatory ailments.

Plants for the arteries

____: The decoction of the leaves of this plant is a powerful vasodilator of the arteries to the brain, to fight senile ailments, ageing and memory loss. ____ that is extracted from this prodigious plant is one of the most frequently used drugs today in the treatment of failure of the blood supply to the brain, migraines, hemorrhages, etc.

____: In mexico, and many other parts of the world, infusions of ____ and their young stems are used for bronchial colds and respiratory ailments. The oil from its seeds is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, as well as in vitamin E, A, and B. Therefore, it is particularly indicated for reducing the cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as for diabetes, kidneys and skin diseases.

Plants for the veins

___: A decoction of ____ nuts or wood is indicated to fight varicose veins, hemorrhoids and the disorders of menopause, using it in decoctions. In sitz baths it also alleviates urination disorders, pertaining to the prostate syndrome, cystitis or urinary incontinence. Likewise, it can be highly advisable for cases of hemorrhoids.

____: The oil of this plant is recommended for oily skin and for cases of acne. A decoction of the bark of the young branches and the leaves is used as a medicine in the case of heavy legs, varicose veins, phlebitis, in tisanes, compresses, hip baths and friction massages.

Plants for the respiratory system

____: The decoction of the leaves and the flowers has extraordinary properties, using it in infusions or essences to calm coughs, respiratory and digestive ailments. In baths, rinses, gargles, compresses and friction massages, it heals mouth and anal ailments, rheumatism and headaches, depression, asthenia and exhaustion.

____: Infusions of the dried leaves and flowe

Solomon’s Seal ......Polygonatum biflorum

Solomon’s Seal ......Polygonatum biflorum

Magical Attributes:

Solomon's Seal aids one in making difficult decisions and accepting and seeking change. Helps in spell work to aid changing/breaking habits and helps in smooth transitions for changes beyond our control. It is also used in love potions to amplify commitment between partners and to "seal" a spell or a sacred oath or promise.

An infusion of Solomon's Seal, or incense made of Solomon's Seal root can both be used to drive away negative vibrations and malicious spirits. It can also be used to summon helpful spirits and elementals.

The root can be carried as an amulet to ward off malicious spirits and to increase wisdom.

Solomon's Seal is appropriate for use during Autumn Equinox rituals.

Although this plant is not……… Currently……. listed as endangered, the usual warnings about responsible wild crafting apply.

(I fine them to be very rare and I don’t harvest them except to propagate)

Young shoots harvested in early spring can be prepared and eaten like asparagus.
The roots should be boiled with three changes of water before being roasted and eaten.
All parts of the adult plant, especially the berries are poisonous and should not be consumed.

Solomon's Seal is named for King Solomon of Hebrew lore who was granted great wisdom by the Hebrew God and had a special seal that aided him in his magical workings, allowing him to command demons without coming to harm.

According to herbal lore, King Solomon himself placed his seal upon this plant when he recognized its great value. Those with imagination can see the seal on the root stock in the circular scars left by the stem after it dies back.

Solomon's Seal has also been traditional used to "seal" wounds.
You can estimate the plant's age by examining the rhizome. Each year the stem leaves on scar, or "seal" on the rhizome. Counting these will give you an idea of how long your plant has been alive.

Some areas list Solomon's Seal as an invasive weed.

Because this plant is so easy to grow in a shady garden bed, wild crafting is usually not necessary.

Gather the rhizomes in the fall and lay on a screen to dry in a warm, dry location with good circulation free from humidity and sunlight. Once dry, store in a cool location away from light.

Healing Attributes:
The fresh root, pounded and applied topically helps fade bruising. A decoction can also be used as a facial rinse to help fade blemishes or for poison ivy and similar skin problems.

An infusion can be used for profuse menstruation and internal bleeding, indigestion and other stomach and digestive complaints including ulcers, bowel problems and hemorrhoids. It is also said to speed the healing of broken bones. Used as a mouthwash, it is said to help strengthen gums.

Solomon's Seal root tea is a good tonic acting on the kidneys, heart and sexual organs as well as soothing the digestive system.

Oil infused with Solomon's Seal root is good to keep on hand for first aid treatment of sprains, strains and broken or bruised bones. (Not to replace, but to enhance traditional medical intervention.) Solomon's Seal root tea or tincture aids in the repair of broken bones and may be drunk after a doctor has set the break. It is also great for torn ligaments, dislocations and other issues with joints.

American Solomon's Seal, King Solomon's Seal, King Solomon's-seal, Small Solomon's Seal, Lady's Seals. St. Mary's Seal, True Solomon's Seal, Sow's Tits, Sow's Teats, Drop berry, Seal root, He Shou Wu, Mahmeda, Meda, Sealwort, Yu-zhu
Solomon's Seal is a lovely woodland perennial with native varieties in North America, Asia and Europe. It can grow up to two feet tall. (Greater Solomon's Seal is much larger than True Solomon's Seal, but they have identical properties.)

The plant consists of a single stem with many broad, ovate leaves with parallel venation arranged alternately along the length of it and clasping the base. The plant often grows in a slight arc and the flowers dangle from the leaf axils beneath the arc of the stem. (This gives the plant its folk name "sow's teats")

The flowers are small, white to pale yellowish green and tubular and occur in drooping clusters of two to five. Blooming begins in April and continues through midsummer. The berries appear as the flowers fade and resemble a hard black pea.
The root is a rhizome and it is said that the circular scar left by the stem after it breaks away from the root resembles the seal of Solomon of Hebrew folklore. (Also known as the Star of David.)

Solomon’s Seal Polygonatum biflorum is an elegant plant that is Native to North America. The slender, arching stems have alternating lance-shaped leaves that are either green or tipped with white. The small, tubular white flowers dangle underneath the leaves. More mature plants tend to have more flowers and are a bit showier. But it’s the plant form that makes Solomon’s Seal such an interesting plant.

"Solomon's Seal”, especially the root, i

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20.10.2011. u 11:40 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



88 Makeup Palette

88 makeup palette

Coastal Scents 88 Shimmer Palette

Coastal Scents 88 Shimmer Palette

I recently treated myself to one of the Coastal Scents 88 shimmer colour palettes and I have to say its AMAZING!

88 highly pigmented colours which look absolutely great when applied to the eyes - all for the bargain price of around ?13 plus postage from the US.

For those who love their make up especially experimenting with different colours I would strongly recommend this.

Coastal Scents 88 Palette / Shimmer

Coastal Scents 88 Palette / Shimmer

...just a quick snapshot of this palette. I need to just use them instead of 'saving' them for who knows what!

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20.10.2011. u 11:40 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



American Beauty Makeup

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Model: Monique Serrell

Hair: Chere Brame

Makeup: Shauna Smith

Photo shoot for a hair magazine contest and I cropped this down to a beauty shot because well... she's beautiful!

Lighting info: 1 AB800 high camera right with octagon softbox, gold reflector under and waist high, 1 AB800 back camera right (was for nothing now that the shot has been cropped down!)

Erika, Fall Arts Preview cover, SF Bay Guardian.

Erika, Fall Arts Preview cover, SF Bay Guardian.

Model is choreographer Erika Shuch, makeup by Jimmy Gale, Art direction by Mirissa Neff, photography and post-production by me. It was intended to be a straight parody of the American Beauty shot but we changed things a little more.

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20.10.2011. u 11:37 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Celebrity Make Up Ideas

celebrity make up ideas

Beautiful European Heiress Sabrina A. Parisi is the new TV Tycoon

Beautiful European Heiress Sabrina A. Parisi is the new TV Tycoon

Who is the new European TV tycoon? Cute, charming face and sharp brain, and we all know we are talking about Sabrina A. Parisi. Queen of the red carpets, socialite, heiress, entrepreneur, author, designer, this multi talented lady deserves the status of TV genius or TV tycoon sky rocking to the largest TV broadcasting’s constellation. Along with Don’t call her Paris just add the I that makes the Parisi’s quote for the new creative and unique TV reality show, reported to be released spring 2010 and that has been anticipated by a series of mastermind online vignettes. Recently there was a new stepping up breaking news in Ms Parisi’s booming career, the unpredictable and surprising new project called Hollywood Confidential or Sabrina's Hollywood Undisclosed exclusively and directly from the city of the Stars and the Walk Of Fame. Most likely the idea of such a new project was developed from 2008/2009 Sabrina’s flourishing and notorious column “Gossip Girl” on the prestigious Rouge fashion magazine. So definitely an anticipation of this 2010 mega idea that is proving to be the Mega Success of this beginning of the year, signing for her new Entertainment News TV Show on high rated Club News on NTV part of the 2nd largest network in Europe. Now Ms Parisi opened a tycoon gate for the new frontier of a Hollywood never seen before, celebrities’ news, gossip, an unleashed new city made not only of stars and statuettes; untreated, unrevealed, star’s chasing and breaking rules, that’s what “Sabrina’s Hollywood Confidential” is! This TV show is predicted to be soon followed by a much demanded Ms Parisi’s new book named as well as the TV show: Hollywood Confidential.



I need to take more photos of myself, I've realized of late. Jason and the cats are mini-celebrities, while I am notably absent from our collection of photos. Putting on even a hint of make-up might be an idea from now on - I never realized how pasty I am. Also... I need a haircut.

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20.10.2011. u 11:36 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Beauty makeup blog - Make up bars - Hair style make up.

Beauty Makeup Blog

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HAUL: Target Finds

HAUL: Target Finds

ECOTOOLS Mini Travel Brush Set $7.99
Sonia Kashuk Spring Awakening Palette $19.99
E.L.F. Brush Shampoo $3
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E.L.F. Professional Foundation Brush $3

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AVON Eyeliners

From L to R:

Feeling Fine Ultra Thin Eyeliner in Topaz Jewel
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20.10.2011. u 11:36 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Cosmetics for african american skin. Green makeup. Cosmetics powder blush.

Cosmetics For African American Skin

cosmetics for african american skin

hannah's henna hands

hannah's henna hands

Mendhi is an ancient Indian art form which has been performed for generations in the Middle East, India, Pakistan etc, but has recently been popularized by United States celebrities (e.g. American pop music icon Madonna's "Ray of Light" music video).

Women in India are traditionally painted henna on their hands and feet, insides of their arms and up their shins most often for a wedding, or other special occasion. Sometimes the chest, neck and throat will be tattooed. The subject matter is rather abstract, and often incorporates religious and auspicious symbols.

Used to pay homage to the body, cosmetics and perfumes were also essential to the Indian woman, whose duty it was to appear alluring to her lover. Staining the nails, skin and hair with henna is the favorite way of enhancing beauty amongst women in the Middle East also. In the famous Indian treatise on love, the Kama Sutra (compiled between 100 and 600 C.E.) women are advised to learn the arts of tattooing and of "coloring the teeth, garments, hair, nails, and bodies." Cosmetics also served as an emblem of class rank or caste; the placement of facial adornments separated the upper castes from the lower. Many Indian women still use cosmetics in the ancient way; eyelids are tinted with an antimony-based dye, the face and arms are stained yellow with saffron powder, and the soles of the feet are reddened with henna.

Hennaed skin is not tattooed as the practice does not require any piercing. Henna paste is a dye that leaves a more or less durable stain on the outer layer of the skin alone. Henna contains hennotannic acid that binds with cells, so the henna paste must stay moist and in contact with the skin for a while. When applied, the henna paste is always black, but the resulting pattern with natural henna varies from light orange to dark brown.

Heat makes the dye darker. Black stains are the result of additional dyes and compounds added to the paste. The henna stain will last until the top layer of the skin exfoliates. All skin on the body gradually exfoliates and is replaced by new skin in 1-12 weeks, depending on individual factors. The henna, then, will last as long as 8 weeks on the thick soles of your feet, or go away as quickly as 3-4 days on very thin parts of your skin.

There are three principal design styles in henna painting: firstly, the Arabic designs feature large patterns on the hands and feet; secondly, the Indian designs are more fine-lined and paisley patterned; and thirdly, the Sudanese designs are large and bold with geometric angles.

It is very unusual for anyone to have an adverse reaction to natural henna as it is one of the safest cosmetics ever used, but if one is concerned then a patch test could be the answer.

The application of henna to the body is neither painful nor poisonous. When used in body decoration, henna can be thought of as an organically-derived temporary tattooing. Henna simply a method of drawing various designs on the skin without the use of needles. As the skin absorbs and reacts with the henna powder, the skin is actually stained for a period of up to four weeks. Because henna is a natural stain, it can't be rubbed off or removed with soap and water.

The dye, which is permanent on fabric or wood, lingers anywhere from 2-12 weeks on skin, depending upon the quality of the henna, its reaction with an individual's skin and the care taken to preserve the design.

Henna's traditional decorating purposes vary from culture to culture. The most popular traditional use is tied closely with weddings and bridal preparation; these designs tend to be the most ornate, covering the most area. Other uses include the celebration of circumcision, pregnancy, birth, el Eid (the end of Ramadan), for good luck and protection from the evil eye and djinn (malignant desert spirits, or "genies"), female camaraderie and beauty. Depending on the culture, men may use it as well as women, usually for more symbolic purposes; masculine designs are generally very basic, simple and small in design.

In the 12th century, henna painting spread to India. It is on this continent that the art really blossomed.

Traditional Indian and Pakistani designs tend to be very intricate, with dense design and detail. These designs are most often abstract, involving paisley shapes, lines, dots, etc. The non-Moslem wedding designs, pictures of fish, peacocks, and people can be found.

People here normally adorned themselves during auspicious celebrations, particularly marriage ceremonies. Traditionally, friends would apply the intricate designs on the hands and feet of the bride-to-be and her cortage. Hidden among the tangled, intertwining patterns would be the initials of the bride and groom.

Traditional Middle Eastern henna body art is more abstract and less dense with designs featuring graceful floral and vine patterns. These are much less complex than the Indian/Pakistani designs. Northern African designs are usua

My Skins

My Skins

Looked fun so i jumped on the band wagon :D

I didn't used to have but one skin i would wear every day with everything... I always got neutral make ups so that was easy to do. But then this friend of mine *cough*voshie*cough* Showed me the joys of having variety in skins ;P

So I bought different make ups in the same skin (I really branch out) that was the celestial studios skins... I wore them only for over a year and a few months ago i discovered the new Gala skins and went nuts! they are pretty much all i wear now... that's why there are so many.

I do have some other skins... a bunch of freebie things I never wear and most like never will... also a bunch of older skins that I will never wear again and that look really dated, so didn't add them.

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See also:

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20.10.2011. u 11:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Cheerleading Eye Makeup

cheerleading eye makeup



Photoshop is our everything. It owns our bodies, faces and souls.

Inspired by my cheerleading team and one cute little Asian girl named Saule.

My mom told me I was beautiful :D Should have went out like this.

Portraits: Cloe

Portraits: Cloe

1 of 4
I love this Cloe doll, for me, this One of the prettiest Cloe doll amomg Bratz. Her hair is so soft, i love her eyes with glittery makeup. Her lips is gorgeous too. Shes a Playsportz Cheerleading Cloe.

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20.10.2011. u 11:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


I want make up right now now now lyrics : Foundation make up brushes : Hot hot heat make up the breakdown.

I Want Make Up Right Now Now Now Lyrics

i want make up right now now now lyrics

This is how much I love Gruff

This is how much I love Gruff

I’ve got a problem. You see, about five or six years ago, I discovered the fantastically weird world of the Super Furry Animals, led by Gruff Rhys and I can’t get his songs out of my head. It was spring in the year 2000 and everywhere, things were starting to grow again. I found Mwng first while on the streets of NYC. I read in a mag that it was one of the only albums being released completely in Welsh. Intrigued, I picked this up and loved the sweet melodies the likes of I had never heard before. It didn’t sound like anything being created in North America or anywhere else for that matter.

I immediately fell in love and it was deep but it was about to get worse because soon after picking this one up, Rings Around the World (2001) came out. It felt more rock and psych influenced and immediately filled me with happiness. I had picked up the dvd edition so I was able to enjoy all my favorite songs on video like “Juxtapozed with U” where a giant microphone dances around with a video camera. If hostile aliens were about to attack Earth and I could only choose one song to play them in order to convince them to halt, I think I’d probably play this one. I don’t know how anyone could destroy such a place while a person like Gruff was living on it.

Weirdest of all in the video collection was “Receptacle for the Respectable” with it’s twisted and strange animation. It was almost like Wales was its own world the way Gruff thought. Probably the other song that changed me is “It’s Not the End of the World?” It gets stuck in my head at the most random moments and makes me smile sometimes even when that’s the last thing I feel like doing. My love grew again even more while listening to Phantom Power two years later in 2003. Gruff was clearly a man who could rock out with “Golden Retriever” and be gentle again with “Piccolo Snare” as well as “Venus and Serena.”

But nothing in heaven and Earth could prepare me for the intensity of love I’d feel after listening to 2005’s Love Kraft There are some days when I put it on in the morning and can listen to nothing else. I’ve listened to “Zoom!” on repeat for several hours. If time is a landscape, then in the desert of my days, the music has been played loud and has influenced every cell of my body to become a fan of this band as well.

Now, I should mention that I do like the newest one Hey Venus! even if I am not experiencing the same passion with it that I did for Love Kraft. I love the psych rock of “Into the Night” and “Baby Ate my Eightball” especially. But what I really wanted to talk about is Gruff.

Do you know the feeling you get when you just love music so much and you literally fall in love with songs, lyrics, melody lines. It’s like everything in this whole world could be obliterated but as long as the songs were there, you could drift along in the wasteland that was left and play it to the dead rocks and the tainted seas. It’s like, people weren’t born before this music because how could they have survived without it’s creation? Or, on the first through 7th days God created the Earth and all that other stuff but somewhere down the line, he created music and musicians and Gruff Rhys and there was much rejoicing.

Perhaps I’m going a little overboard. I’ve always been slightly over the top and melodramatic. It’s my way. When I love something, I really love it. When I dislike something, I really hate it. That’s simplified but you get the idea. Anyhow, I’m always afraid that the people behind the music are going to be snotty or full of themselves or just aloof. Then, you worry you won’t be able to connect with the music anymore on an emotional level because you’ll be thinking about how bad the interaction went.

But Gruff isn’t any of those things. He’s sweet and charming and even though he’s very much a man, he’s pretty much downright adorable. Nine times out of ten, I would rather take photos of a woman than a man. The tenth time, the man is Gruff.

I’ve always had a theory about concert photographers. There are alot of us and as the years have gone by, I’ve met more and more. They usually vary between fans of the music and people who are just doing this because they are paid to do it. But, my feeling is that if you aren’t connecting with the music, it will show. As for me, with a couple of exceptions, most of the photos I take are for bands I really love. I’ve done a couple of favors here and there but I’d say a huge percentage of the bands I take photos of, I am there on purpose.

That said, I am done with my brief (yes, brief!) autobiography of my love affair with the music of The Super Furry Animals. There are few bands that if I could I would follow around the world. Caribou is one as well as A Silver Mt. Zion. Super Furry Animals is definitely another, because they are one of the best bands of our time and undoubtedly put on one of the most thrilling live performances I’ve ever seen. So, I hope you enjoy these photos and hopefully it shows how much I love the S

multi reflections

multi reflections


Look at your face
When all I could see was myself looking back at me
And all I could do was think about sleeping next to you

What would it take to make a women like you
View a wolf like me for what I really might be
Listening to the lyrics only here's what I allow
You gotta try and make me testify for here and right now
Lets have a confrontation over a cold one
I'll give you conversation just to see if you can hold em
I play so dumb
Because I know some of these star struck small talk art fucks is no fun
I'm the blood type that goes straight for the guns
Like before you even spoke already knew what your loves like
So what you thinking?
Because I'm thinking we should jump into your ocean
Let's go girl this ship is sinking

Look at your face
When all I could see was myself looking back at me
And all I could do was think about sleeping next to you
Now there's no reason to lie, I've had a lot of lovers
In my reality its impossible to avoid it
But theres one reason for life gotta provide some supper
Gonna build a family just to watch some one destroy it
Do you really think you really wanna get to know me better
Don't you see the drama
Don't you feel the pressure
Don't get me wrong it would be my pleasure
To sing a song that could remove your shoes and your sweater
Bartender let me get a shot of bean
Cause this girl over here is trying to get me out my jeans
And she doesn't seem to believe I'm just another thief
Came to take a piece and make you stutter when you breath

Now girl you to smart to be a tour mark

Set to play correct from the start with your pure heart
And when your all alone ill sing into your phone
If you don't know the words you can make up your own

The first time she met the devil was at first avenue
Went back stage with him into the dressing room
Sexy ego trip
Taller than expected
About six foot three
Seemed to thrive on his misery
Critical observant big words
Sweaty hair sunken eyes and thick nerves
She said ill make em smile for the simple fact that he needs it
I'll make him smile just so I can kill it an eat it

You look like you were built for me
You talk like you want to steal my drink
You kiss like you already came
And that's a Lifter Puller line for those with out any game

It's like damn baby
You know you can't save me
But you should still tell your people that your leaving with the band
Maybe you can show me your hustle
Neither one of us would be so lonely
If only you would come over here and hold me
I caught you trying to hide your smile behind your glass
But all of your secrets become a swing set when you laugh
And all of your regrets that you're carrying a burying
Don't mean a damn thing if there's nobody to share them with

We've been following each other all night now
We ought to be all over each other like right now
I don't like crowds lets take flight now
Cause that face that you make
Reminds me of my life now

Look at your face
When all I could see was myself looking back at me
And all I could do was think about sleeping next to you

"Only trying to find myself inside of you"

i want make up right now now now lyrics

See also:

black bride makeup

makeup artist license

foundation makeup primer

makeup tips for fair skin

brass lighted makeup mirror

cute eye makeup tips

kat von d makeup line

kids pretend makeup

20.10.2011. u 11:34 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



High School Musical Make Up

high school musical make up

Work This Out

Work This Out

Work This Out
High School Musical 2

Composicao: Indisponivel

How did we get from the top of the world to the bottom of the heap?

I don't recall you mentionin' the boss is such a creep.

We still have the ingredients to make this summer sweet.

(Well,) I got rags instead of riched,

And all this dirty dishes.

Just wish I had three wishes.

(Okay guys, break it up.)

We've got to work, work, to work this out.
We'll make things right; the sun will shine.
If we work, work, there'll be no doubt.
We can still save the summer.
If we work this out.

(Dude, what have you gotten us into?)

(Come on, we can totally turn this thing arround.)

I'd rather face a seven footer straight up in the post.

That sure it's hangin' here

Taylor & Martha:
And burnin' someone's toast.

I needed Benjamins, but this ain't worth the stress.

Zeke & Kelsi:
Maybe there's a better way to fix these greasy mess.

There's a champion team a weel-oiled machine,
and we've faced tougher problems than this.
I know it's a grind, but I'm sure we can find
a way to have fun while we get this job done.

We've got to work, work, to work this out.
Troy & Gabriella
We'll make things right; the sun will shine.
Got to work, work, there'll be no doubt.
If we all come togehter
Troy, Gabriella, Zeke & Kelsi:
We can work this out.

(Let's work it!)
Tell me what you want.

Tell me what you need.

A little bit of sugar,

A little bit of butter.

It's the perfect recipe.

Pay day!

It'll taste so sweet.

Pay day!

Good enough to eat.

Gonna make some motion pictures.

Hit the mall with all my sisters.

Get tickets to the Knicks and Sixers.

Kick it with the music mixers.

Buy a ride that suits my style.

Lounge around the pool a while.

Make a date with my favorite girl.

Troy & Gabriella:
We've got it made.

We've got to work, work, to work this out.
We'll make things right; the sun will shine.
If we work, work, there'll be no doubt.
We can still save the summer.
If we work this out.
(work this)(gotta work this)
We can work this out!


Work This Out (traducao)
High School Musical 2

Composicao: Indisponivel

Trabalhar Nisso

Como nos fomos do topo do mundo para baixo do monte?

Eu nao me lembro de voce dizendo que o patrao era como um calafrio

Nos ainda temos os ingredientes para fazer esse verao ser doce

Bom, eu tenho farrapos ao inves de riquezas

Todos esses pratos sujos

So desejo ter tres desejos

Ok, pessoal, vamos la

Nos temos que trabalhar, trabalhar, trabalhar nisso
Nos vamos fazer as coisas do jeito certo, o sol ira brilhar
Se nos trabalharmos, trabalharmos, nao restara duvidas
Nos ainda poderemos ter o verao
Se nos trabalharmos nisso

Cara, no que voce nos meteu?

Vai, nos com certeza podemos virar o jogo

Eu prefiro encarar um cara de dois metros no meu lugar

E melhor do que ficar aqui

Taylor & Martha:
E queimar a torrada de alguem

Eu preciso do dinehiro, mas isso nao diminui o estresse

Jason & Kelsi:
Talvez exista um jeito de arrumar toda essa bagunca gordurosa

Somos um time vencedor, uma maquina bem engrenhada
E nos ja passamos por problemas piores do que esse
Eu sei que e duro, mas eu sei que podemos encontrar um meio de nos divertimos enquanto fazemos esse trabalho

Nos temos que trabalhar, trabalhar, trabalhar nisso
Troy & Gabriella
Nos vamos fazer as coisas do jeito certo, o sol ira brilhar
Se nos trabalharmos, trabalharmos, nao restara duvidas
Se nos ficarmos juntos
Se nos trabalharmos nisso

Vamos trabalhar!
Me diga o que voce quer

Me diga o que voce precisa

Um pouco de acucar,

Um pouco de manteiga

E a receita perfeita

Dia do pagamento!

Tera um sabor muito doce

Dia do pagamento!

Bom o bastante para comer

Vamos fazer alguns filmes

Ir ao shopping com todas as minhas irmas

Comprar os ingressos para os "Knicks and Sixers"

Nos divertir com os musicos

Comprar um carro que combine com meu estilo

Descansar um pouco na piscina

Sair com minha garota favorita

Troy & Gabriella:
Nos ja acabamos

Nos temos que trabalhar, trabalhar, trabalhar nisso
Nos vamos fazer as coisas do jeito certo, o sol ira brilhar
Se nos trabalharmos, trabalharmos, nao restara duvidas
Nos ainda poderemos ter o verao
Se nos trabalharmos nisso

Trabalhar nisso
Temos que trabalhar nisso
Nos podemos trabalhar nisso!

Bazar da Música - CDs Originais

Bazar da Música - CDs Originais

Five – 5ive
1. Slam Dunk Da Funk
2. When The Lights Go Out
3. Everybody Get Up
4. Got The Feeling
5. It's The Things You Do
6. Human (The Five Remix)
7. Until The Time Is Through
8. Satisfied
9. Partyline 555-on-line
10. That's What You Told Me
11. It's all Over
12. Don't You Want It
13. Shake
14. Cold Sweat
15. Straight Up Funk
16. My Song

Five – Invincible
1. If Ya Gettin' Down
2. Keep on Movin'
3. Don't Wanna Let You Go
4. We Will Rock You
5. Two Sides to Every Story
6. You Make Me a Better Man
7. Invincible
8. It's Alright
9. Serious
10. How Do Ya Feel?
11. Everyday
12. Mr. Z
13. Sunshine
14. Battlestar

Pop It, Rock It CD & DVD
1. Hoedown Throwdown - Miley Cyrus
2. Burnin? Up - Jonas Brothers
3. Fabulous - Sharpay & Ryan
4. This Is Me - Demi Lovato & Joe Jonas
5. The Best of Both - Hannah Montana
6. The In Crowd - Mitchel Musso
7. Everything Is Not What It Seems - Selena Gomez
8. Now Or Never - High School Musical
9. The Climb - Miley Cyrus
10. Sneakernight - Vanessa Hudgens
11. One And the Same - Selena Gomez & Demi Lovato
12. La La Land - Demi Lovato
13. Speed of Light - Corbin Bleu
14. So Far So Great - Demi Lovato
15. Live To Party - Jonas Brothers
16. Dance Me If You Can - The Cheetah Girls
17. We Rock - Camp Rock
18. We?re All In This Together - High School Musical

Ashlee Simpson – Autobiography
1. Autobiography
2. Pieces of Me
3. Shadow
4. La La
5. Love Makes the World Go Round
6. Better Off
7. Love Me for Me
8. Surrender
9. Unreachable
10. Nothing New
11. Giving It All Away
12. Undiscovered
13. Harder Everyday

Madonna – Ray of Light
1. Drowned World / Substitute for Love
2. Swim
3. Ray of Light
4. Candy Perfume Girl
5. Skin
6. Nothing Really Matters
7. Sky Fits Heaven
8. Shanti / Ashtangi
9. Frozen
10. The Power of Good-bye
11. To have and Not to Hold
12. Littler Star
13. Mer Girl

Celly Campello – Colecao Bis CD Duplo
1. Banho de Lua
2. Tunel do Amor
3. Hey Mama
4. Isso e Amor
5. O Jolly Joker
6. Broto Ja Sabe Esquecer
7. Muito Jovem
8. Presidente dos Brotos
9. Tchau Baby Tchau
10. Meu Pranto a Deslizar
11. Marquei Encontro Com Voce, em Meus Sonhos
12. Belo Rapaz
13. The Secret
14. Canario

1. Estupido Cupido
2. Lacinhos Cor de Rosa
3. A Lenda da Conchinha
4. Broto Legal
5. Eternamente
6. Querido Cupido
7. Grande Amor
8. Nao Tenho Namorado
9. Hey! Ex-Amor
10. Mal-Me-Quer
11. Unchained Melody
12. Little DEvil
13. Bonnie e Clyde
14. Diz Que Me Amas

high school musical make up

See also:

how often should i clean my makeup brushes

real hair makeup brushes

lancaster make up

japanese cosmetics brands

becca cosmetic

benefits makeup

sheer mineral makeup

makeup for acne skin

i want make up right now lyrics

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20.10.2011. u 11:34 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Kim kardashian too much makeup : Eye makeup technique.

Kim Kardashian Too Much Makeup

kim kardashian too much makeup

(Too much) Thinking

(Too much) Thinking

I spent the whole day thinking too much about the purchase of the flat and the relocation in Novi Ligure (province of Alessandria, Italy), I see it closer now and I'm scared.

Jan. 12th, 2008

too much, too young

too much, too young

4 images from my 'body image' project.
Showing how the media is affecting our younger generation, and forcing them to grow up at such a young age, and is teaching them too much, too young.

kim kardashian too much makeup

See also:

tila tequila with no make up

how to give yourself a black eye without makeup

makeup removal wipes

how to apply natural looking eye makeup

fashion fair makeup

prosthetic make up

cheap benefit make up

make up doos

20.10.2011. u 11:33 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Learn makeup application. Hair and makeup ideas for prom.

Learn Makeup Application

learn makeup application



One of the things I have learned here is to use gems, pearls etc. I never used to use anything blingy on my cards but now I can't wait to place them and see them enhance a card. Here I used a couple of pink pearls. I don't think I have a card on which I don't use bling nowadays. Un thinkable! This is the Real Dill stamp.
(Thanks to Suzz for her beautiful scraps used on this card)

Potential Lip Shades

Potential Lip Shades

Yes, I am going to wear lipstick, of some form. I've employed a trusty friend to help me select the perfect one...for now, just experimenting with colors, and re-learning makeup application strategy. ;-) April 2006.

learn makeup application

See also:

lighting for makeup application

cosmetics online

mineral makeup eyeshadow

cover up a tattoo with makeup

fluorescent lighted makeup mirror

baby oil to remove eye makeup

glam couture make up

20.10.2011. u 11:28 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Make Up For Asian - The Best Airbrush Makeup - Occ Airbrush Makeup.

Make Up For Asian

make up for asian

Desiree S. - Make Up for the Fashion show of Hannover (Germany)

Desiree S. - Make Up for the Fashion show of Hannover (Germany)

There are some pictures that i took during the Make Up of the models who were preparing for a fashion show for the Le Vu Lan in Hannover.

Model: Desiree S.
Fashion by Natha-Ly TRINH
HMC Hair and Make Up Company Team

Tram N. - Make Up for the Fashion show of Hannover (Germany)

Tram N. - Make Up for the Fashion show of Hannover (Germany)

There are some pictures that i took during the Make Up of the models who were preparing for a fashion show for the Le Vu Lan in Hannover.

Model: Tram N.
Fashion by Natha-Ly TRINH
HMC Hair and Make Up Company Team

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See also:

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make up for models

where can i get free makeup samples

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top ten makeup tips

smokey eye make up pictures

20.10.2011. u 11:28 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Make Up Games With Real People

make up games with real people

Tilt shift Arirang mass games Pyongyang - North Korea

Tilt shift Arirang mass games Pyongyang - North Korea

Canon 50mm Tilt shift.

All over the capital, the Arirang adverts (« Grand mass gymnastic and artistic performance », « Welcome to Pyongyang » and so on) warn the profane…Between August and October, takes place one of the biggest and most impressive performances in the world. The tone is set : even the Beijing Olympics ceremony can’t compete with the mass games organized by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). The show is held several times a week and welcomes tourists from all over the World, including the US, in one of the most isolated and despised country on earth. The well-called « mass games » are designed to emphasize group dynamics rather than individual performances as the supreme emblem of communism. Prepared by hundred of thousands performers all along the year, after their classes for the youngest of them, they are entirely dedicated to the NK’s leader Kim Jong Il and his deceased father Kim Il Sung, considered as the « Eternal president » and « sun of the 21st century »…

In the surroundings of Pyongyang's May Day giant Stadium, two girls are running to perform for the Arirang show. They are already dressed in their gymnastic outfits, as well as some 100,000 others who participate to the performance. They all come to honour their self-proclaimed « dear leader » Kim Jong Il, after a very hard and gruelling training, since their earliest age. Yet, it has been many years that Kim Jong Il has not shown up, formally for business reasons. But officials now admit the western medias’ assertions of illness. Anyways, Kim Jong Il or not, the mass games are held every year in Pyongyang, as a means for the regime to show to the entire world the country’s strength and good shape. To reach this sole purpose, not less than 100,000 people are involved in a choreographed show of simultaneous dancing and gymnastics. Many symbols are displayed by thousands of trained athlets, whether they are adults or even children. Hand over their heart, the young pupils sing in chorus "We are the happiest children in the world", one of the famous propaganda songs in North Korea. Many dancers make movements either with ribbons or colourful flowers named « kimjonglias » after the leader Kim Jong Il. All along the show, a live band plays a ceremonious music.

On the background, some 20,000 young koreans sit on the terraces, facing the spectators. They flip coloured cards at a high speed to form a fresco of animated and detailed images, changing from one to another. Each time they turn the page to create a new giant picture, they cry out. It creates a awe-inspiring atmosphere, as the shout is mixed with the noise of thousands of pages turned at the same moment. The figures are stunning : to compose these images, 2000 children are needed to make only one soldier, 20,000 for a north korean flag. Hiding a much more grim reality, the panels represent Pyongyang enlightened by night, wheat fields ready for harvest, scientists at work, atoms as symbols of the nuclear bomb and others for the reunification of two Koreas. One of the North Korea’s myths (history according to them) is recounted by the means of a huge image made by thousands of children. It represents the two pistols reportedly used by Kim Il Sung, when he founded the Anti-Japanese People’s Guerrilla Army in 1932. When the pistols appear, the audience applauses loudly. Among them, many soldiers attend the show as the ultimate award after years of good and faithful service.The thousands and thousands of boys and girls involved create a giant mass movement in the stadium which leaves the public stunned. These talented performers are used to that kind of performance: in North Korea they have to dance, sing, jump and spin around as many times as there are celebrations, always in praise of their leaders. There are mainly two sorts of shows. The first one is the classical artistic show, named "Arirang" after the famous korean folk song (whose story sometimes changes, but most often recounts the legend of a disappointed woman who hopes that her lover will return to her –metaphor of the break-up with South Korea). The second one is a more political show, which was untitled in 2008 "Prosper our country" and intended to show the country’s greatest achievements and its struggle against the foreign oppressors.

The show continues in the same way for one hour. Thereafter, the thousands of people present vanish in the dark and silent streets of Pyongyang, which contrast with the flood of lights and music in the stadium. Within the space of a few hours, it gives us a a strange feeling, between the real and unreal, of another universe both terrifying and fantastic.

Dans toute la ville, les publicites d’Arirang (« Grande representation gymnastique et artistique de masse », « Bienvenue a Pyongyang » etc.) mettent le profane en garde …Entre aout et octobre, a lieu l’une des plus grandes et impressionnantes representations au monde. Le ton est do

9/16/2006 - Alvin Gibson

9/16/2006 - Alvin Gibson

When I read this story in the local newspaper earlier this week, I decided to add him to my collection of 1000 faces... Here's the story:

A long journey
From community college to the Marines, Gibson is at home with the Bears

Record Sports Correspondent
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

HICKORY - If you are sitting in the stands at Moretz Stadium on Saturday night for Lenoir-Rhyne College's 7 p.m. game with Davidson, you'll see him, but he won't seem much different than the others suited up in a Bears uniform.

He will wear No. 24, and he'll be the only freshman starting for the L-R defense, but at 5-foot-9, 195 pounds, his dimensions are hardly distinguishable.

But to be sure, Alvin Gibson is no ordinary freshman, and how he matriculated to the L-R campus and onto the Bears team is no ordinary story.

"Alvin is a very unique guy," said L-R head coach Wayne Hicks, "and his being here has been a real blessing for our program."

When it comes to blessings, however, it is Gibson who is the one counting them. Life is good these days, and the fact that he is on a football field, or in school at all, is the culmination of a long and winding, and at times perilous journey.

"Now, I just appreciate everything," the former Newton-Conover High standout said. "If you go through the situations I've gone through, you learn to take advantage of the opportunities you have, and you learn not to take things for granted."

To appreciate where Gibson is today, you have to look at where he was yesterday - or six years ago.

Upon graduating from Newton-Conover in 2000, Gibson was like a lot of others in similar circumstances. He was 18-years-old and in need of direction.

He enrolled at Catawba Valley Community College for a few classes, but performed miserably. A year later, though, he decided to make a change in his life and turned to the Marines to point him the right way. In January 2002 his stint in the corps would land him in Iraq for a six-month tour of duty.

Midway through his tour, the fears that befall almost every soldier were realized. On March 23, 2002 his company came under attack from insurgents.

After eight hours of continuous fighting had finally ended, 18 of his Marine brethren were killed, including a friend from Gibson's boot camp days, and another acquaintance he met in Iraq.

"That whole day, we were in situations that were pretty close calls," said Gibson. "You could hear bullets tapping against our AAV (Amphibious Assault Vehicle), and it was just an intense day."

"After getting through that, I wanted from then on to learn to cope with things pretty good, and I still wanted to live a normal life."

And upon his discharge three years later, he was determined that he would begin the next phase of his young life fulfilling a dream of playing college football."

"I knew when I got out of the Marines I wanted to play football somewhere," Gibson said. "I wanted to see if I could compete with 18-year-olds coming right out of high school."

It would be his high school coach who would help Gibson take that first step in living his dream when he put in a call to the L-R coach.

"Coach (Nick) Bazzle called me and said he had a young man who had played for him, and that he was getting out of the military, wanted to play football and he (Bazzle) felt like he (Gibson) could help us."

That led to a meeting between the potential player and coach, and after completing some classes at CVCC, Gibson enrolled at L-R in January of this year.

It wasn't long before his work ethic caught Hicks' eye.

"In January he got in our weight room and began working hard," said Hicks. "We saw he was a kid with athletic ability, but he was strong and could move."

Gibson walked on to the team for spring practice and another attribute quickly surfaced.

"If there is one quality he does have, Alvin will hit," said Hicks. "He wanted to be close to the line of scrimmage, and instinctively he's more comfortable there."

The performance in the spring netted Gibson a scholarship, and on Aug. 26, just 12 months after his final days in the corps, he found himself starting in the defensive backfield in the Bears' season-opener against Livingstone.

Now, learning the responsibilities that come with his "bandit" position (a mesh between linebacker and strong safety) is his challenge. But it is a more welcome one than the battle for survival from day to day.

"I'm just trying to get better every day. I'm trying to learn the defense and get to the point where it's second nature," said Gibson.

The learning curve, he admits, can be a little steep, but Gibson, now 24, adds that his military days and time spent with his wife, Wanda, and 2-year-old son, Gavin, keep things in perspective.

"In high schoo

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See also:

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make up to bring out blue eyes

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20.10.2011. u 11:27 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Make up song. Makeup that's good for your skin. Loreal age perfect makeup.

Make Up Song

make up song

19/52: cat make-uped crossed eye

19/52: cat make-uped crossed eye

Alright this is really not my type of music, but I liked this song I listened at the weekend while drawing my grave restoration Project and yes I am actually quoting an Eminem song here!
***Insert surprise and disapproval here***
Well… There always is a first :) and the photo is not flawless anyway.

Just gonna stand there and watch me burn
But that's alright, because I like the way it hurts
Just gonna stand there and hear me cry
But that's alright, because I love the way you lie
I love the way you lie...



Alexa and I went to the mall today. I slept really late, and woke up to find the fashion haul youtube videos calling my name. After that I decided I was going to go buy cheap stuff.
I got an adorable sweater dress from forever 21 for $9.99, and the Hey Monday disc on sale.
Good stuff.

Anyway, Now I'm listening to music, and wondering how I'm going to get this make up off.

Song of the Day: Hurt - Cover by Johnny Cash

make up song

See also:

how to apply face make up

cosmetics mineral make up

theatre makeup artist

make up tips for redheads

permanent makeup colors

makeup mirrors with lights

mya cosmetic artistry

no more make up

20.10.2011. u 11:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#


Where to buy urban decay makeup - Makeup artist classes - Wholesale cosmetic brushes.

Where To Buy Urban Decay Makeup

where to buy urban decay makeup

urban decay 2

urban decay 2

Urban decay in the hill district of Pittsburgh. Take a wrong turn down a street and the city life turns into a dump. The remnants of a building that used to stand is left imprinted on the one next to the site.

88 Shimmer Palette Urban Decay, NARS, Stila equivalents

88 Shimmer Palette Urban Decay, NARS, Stila equivalents

Hover over each shade to see it's NARS, Urban Decay, and Stila equivalents. These shades are not exact matches, but are very similar in color.

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See also:

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20.10.2011. u 11:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#



Professional Makeup Photos

professional makeup photos

Fix Strategic Media Communications 4 1t

Fix Strategic Media Communications 4 1t

(top Left )Lou Fernandes posing at Fix Strategic Media Communications studio set using a tourquaise vest on top of a black vintage dress, black vinil gloves,black stiletos and a picniki basquet.(top right) Brenda Ribeiro using a yellow dress with color details at the bust and at thge skirts, Sehe also uses a yelow sandal. (bottom Left) Elvis Lesivle posing outdoord on a vintage jean, brow jacket, beige with stripes on the midle set sweatyer, and a colorful scarf. (bottom right) Sonia Sutherland poses at Fix Strategic Media Communications set. She wear a black vintage dress,black vinil gloves. Photo + Makeup + hair styles - Adriana Motta Fix .

Fix Strategic Media Communications 2 S L

Fix Strategic Media Communications 2 S L

(left) Model / Actress Sonia Sutherland uses a black vintage dress with red spanish scarf and a pair of black vinil gloves.
(right) Actress Lou Fernandes uses a tourqouisevest on top of a vintage black dress, with black vinil gloves. Photo +makeup + hair style - Adariana Motta Fix

professional makeup photos

See also:

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mineral make up companies

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buy eye make up

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special effects makeup

20.10.2011. u 11:18 • 0 KomentaraPrint#
  listopad, 2011  
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Listopad 2011 (17)



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