10.11.2011., četvrtak


New Tyre Price List - Cheap Car Tyres Online - Compare Motorcycle Tyres

New Tyre Price List

new tyre price list

    price list
  • (Price lists) Lists of all buyers, sellers and sales prices issued by the JSE at specific times during the day. These constitute the official records of prices.

  • a listing of prices for different goods or services

  • An itemized list of funeral goods and services.

  • A list of current prices of items on sale

  • A port on the Mediterranean Sea in southern Lebanon; pop. 14,000. Founded in the 2nd millennium bc as a colony of Sidon, it was for centuries a Phoenician port and trading center

  • Tyre (Arabic: , '; Phoenician: , , '; ????, Tzor; Tiberian Hebrew , '; Akkadian: ???? ; Greek: ', Tyros; Sur; Tyrus) is a city in the South Governorate of Lebanon.

  • tire: hoop that covers a wheel; "automobile tires are usually made of rubber and filled with compressed air"

  • Sur: a port in southern Lebanon on the Mediterranean Sea; formerly a major Phoenician seaport famous for silks

Let's start!

Let's start!

We are in 2008.
No, because I, maybe it's the weather, maybe because I'm getting older, I don't feel different than a couple of days ago. On the contrary, maybe I'm also a bit more tired...
Then, between us, I don't expect nothing special from this new year... Maybe I'm a little cynical, but I think it will be a rubbish as the last one.
But, with a minimum hope, I write this wish/good proposal list:
a. I want (and not "I would like") to finish the school and start something else. I'm not talking specifically of university or a job, but, more generally, of the life. After high school it really begins. And that's another kettle of fish.
b. I want to make me thin and become handsome and charming!
c. I'd like to start a radio show.
d. I'd like not to miss European LC Championship on TV, because I miss them everytime..
e. I'd like to take the driving license.
f. Oh, yeah, I would als like to find love. Also if it happens while I'm looking at the price of Podda's mozzarellas at the supermarket.
g. I'd like to become a better person. To be honest, sincere and less self-centered.
h. I want to free myself from these damn chains.
i. I'd like to change a lot of things. To change.
j. I'd like to shout at the top of my voice "VAFFANCULO!!"
k. I'd like to learn how to translate "Vorrei che tutti ci volessimo bene." : )
l. I'd like to (re)start to study russian language.
m. I'd like to hear no more: "Japanese music is cartoon music.".
n. I'd like to talk to a lot of people whom I don't know.

With this list, certainly uncomplete, I want to wish to all of you an exceptional (and fotogenic) 2008.
I want it to be more beautiful than beauty.
More amusing than the amusement.
Wealthier than the wealth.
Because sometimes we deserve it. And because this is a leap year.

Siamo nel 2008.
...e quindi?
No, perche io, sara il tempo, sara che sto invecchiando, ma mi sento proprio uguale a qualche giorno fa. Anzi, forse anche un po' piu stanco.
Detto tra noi, poi, non e che mi aspetti chissa che da quest'anno nuovo... Magari saro giusto un po' cinico, ma so gia che sara una bella cagata, esattamente come e stato quello precedente.
Ma, con un briciolino di speranza, faccio una bella lista di buoni propositi/desideri:
a. Voglio (e non "vorrei") levarmi la scuola dalle scatole, finirla, salutare tutti quanti e iniziare qualcos'altro. Non parlo nello specifico di universita e lavoro, ma proprio, piu in generale, della vita. Dopo le superiori inizia finalmente per davvero. Ed e tutto un altro paio di maniche.
b. Voglio dimagrire e diventare bono.
c. Vorrei iniziare un programma in radio.
d. Vorrei non perdermi gli Europei di nuoto, che puntualmente vengono trasmessi senza la minima informazione e me li perdo.
e. Vorrei mettermi a studiare e prendere la patente.
f. Ah, si, vorrei anche trovare l'amore. Cosi, all'improvviso, magari mentre guardo il prezzo delle mozzarelle Podda al supermercato.
g. Vorrei diventare una bella persona. Dentro.
Essere sincero, onesto, meno egocentrico.
h. Voglio liberarmi da 'ste dannate catene.
i. Vorrei cambiare un sacco di cose. Cambiare.
j. Vorrei gridare a squarciagola "VAFFANCULO!!".
k. Vorrei che tutti ci volessimo bene.
l. Vorrei ri-iniziare a studiare la lingua russa.
m. Vorrei non sentire piu la frase: "La musica giapponese e musica da cartoni animati.".
n. Vorrei parlare con tanta gente che non conosco.

Con questa lista, certamente incompleta, vorrei, anzi, voglio, fare a tutti voi gli auguri per uno strepitoso (e fotogenico) 2008.
Voglio che sia piu bello del bello.
Piu divertente del divertimento.
Piu ricco della ricchezza.
Perche ogni tanto ci vuole. E perche quest'anno e bisestile.

2009-11-15 New Pop-Up Camper - 3

2009-11-15 New Pop-Up Camper - 3

Came home from about the 4th uncomfortable, soggy, dirty campouts in a row and immediately hit Craig's List looking for pop-ups. Found this one for a good price. Clean inside but bad water leak in storage unit damaged front wall and floor. Needed all new tires and brakes but otherwise in good shape.

new tyre price list

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