srijeda, 19.10.2011.


Piston ring world of wheels : Wheels magazine back issues : 4 wheels for sale.

Piston Ring World Of Wheels

piston ring world of wheels

piston ring world of wheels - Powerbuilt 648450

Powerbuilt 648450 Piston Ring Groove Cleaner

Powerbuilt 648450 Piston Ring Groove Cleaner

This automotive specialty tool from Power built will help make the job at hand easier and quicker whether you are a seasoned professional or a casual weekend mechanic. This unique tool will help you get the job done right the first time, saving you time, money, and frustration in the process. And, of course, all Power built tools meet or exceed the standards set by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI).For removing carbon from piston ring groovesAdjustable for pistons 2-Inch to 5-Inch in diameterWill not come out of grooveCutter pressure is controlled for an even cutIncludes 3 cutters with the following size blades: Cutter No. 1: 1/16-Inch, 3/16-Inch, 5/32-Inch, 1/8-Inch, 3/32-Inch Cutter No. 2: 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 4mm, 4.5mm, 1/4-Inch Cutter No. 3: 1.2mm, 1.5mm, 1.8mm, 2.8mm, 5mm, 5.5mm

85% (10)



The Grumman G-164 Ag-Cat is the first aircraft specifically designed by a major aircraft company for agricultural aviation and is one of the most successful as well. Following World War II, agricultural aviation (aerial chemical, fertilizer and seed application) rapidly expanded with the growth of food production for the post-war domestic and export markets. The Grumman Aircraft Company saw the need for a special purpose "duster" design and, after consulting with agricultural pilots and companies around the country, introduced the Ag-Cat in 1957. In 2008, piston and turbine powered Ag-Cats are still performing this critical and dangerous duty.

Dusting crops with insect-control chemicals began in the south in the early 1920s as a tool to combat the cotton industry's boll weevil nemesis. The venerable war surplus WWI Curtiss JN-4D Jenny was put into service, but it soon became apparent that a more "purpose designed" crop duster was needed. The Huff-Daland Manufacturing Company of Ogdensburg, New York modified its Petrel 5 military/commercial biplane into a practical duster with a chemical tank and spreader system and formed the Huff-Daland Duster Company in Louisiana. C.E. Woolman soon took over the faltering company and with entomologist Dr. Bert Coad built a pioneering insect and chemical research and aerial delivery business throughout the country. Woolman also expanded the business to include passenger and freight carrying and renamed it Delta Air Service, which became Delta Airlines. With the deep Depression years of the 1930s and then World War II, further development of crop duster airplanes was shelved until after the war. Delta Airlines later restored one of the only two remaining original Huff-Daland Dusters and donated it to the Smithsonian's National Air Museum in 1968; it now hangs at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center near this Grumman G-164.

After World War II, surplus Stearman military biplane trainers were pressed into duster service to fulfill the urgent need, many of them structurally reinforced and equipped with surplus Pratt and Whitney 450 hp radial engines to handle the rigors of the very low altitude, high "g force" crop dusting maneuvers. The Stearman was a good airplane; however, it and other civil aircraft such as the DC-6 and Antonov AN-2M were never designed for sustained flying in this type of environment. Crop dusting is flying swaths of fields at extremely low altitude (8-10 feet), performing procedural turns at low altitude, and climbing and diving expediently for position and to avoid wires and trees. The field of flight must be exact to ensure precise, even application and contain drift of the load only onto the field and not onto homes or roads. Power management, maneuverability, and changing weight and balance combined with wind drift and specific application characteristics of the load add to the ever-changing equation for the pilot. Consequently a number of airplane companies began to consider an airplane design to meet these specific requirements.

In 1955, Grumman preliminary design engineers Joe Lippert and Arthur Koch proposed the design for a "purpose built" crop dusting airplane as a means of fulfilling a pressing need by the agricultural community as well as the perceived need for Grumman to diversify its product lines. A major consideration for their rugged and maneuverable biplane duster concept was the availability of thousands of inexpensive war surplus 220 horsepower Continental radial engines. The aircraft structure would have to be very strong to accommodate the large hopper, payload, and accompanying spray/spreader equipment and sustain safe flight. For expediency, prototype construction began at Lippert's home as Roy Grumman approved their plan for experimental test prototypes in 1956 and also provided a hanger and a limited number of personnel and funding for building and testing at Bethpage, Long Island.

The Ag-Cat's first flight, made on May 27, 1957, went exceedingly well with the second prototype following one month later. Three senior crop dusting pilots were brought in from various parts of the country to test the airplane and, in the summer of 1958, an extended east coast demonstration tour allowed well over 100 duster pilots to put the two prototypes through their paces. The pilots were delighted with its handling qualities and its low stall speed of 67 mph as stalling an aircraft, i.e. loss of lift, while entering a turn at low speed and low altitude was a major crop duster pitfall. Pilots were also impressed with the cockpit that offered good visibility and was designed to withstand a 40 g impact. One of the pilots, Dick Reade, suggested the name "Ag-Cat" in keeping with Grumman's practice of using the word "cat" in its military aircraft nomenclature, i.e. Hellcat; Reade's name is painted on this NASM aircraft.
Upon their return to Bethpage, Lippert and his team found that an u

The Luxurious New Plymouth with Floating Power, 1931 - Promotional Sales Brochure [Page 4]

The Luxurious New Plymouth with Floating Power, 1931 - Promotional Sales Brochure [Page 4]

The Luxurious NEW PLYMOUTH

The Extraordinary Mechanical Excellence of the New, Finer PLYMOUTH

QUALITY has always been the first consideration in designing and building Plymouth cars. And the quality which was high when Plymouths sold for two hundred dollars more than they do now, has been surpassed in this new, finer Plymouth which is one of the lowest price cars in the world.

The new, finer Plymouth is a four-cylinder car with Floating Power engine mountings which provide the smoothness of an Eight with the economy of a Four. The Plymouth engine is of the L-head type which is the simplest type of engine and used by 68 out of the 82 cars built in America.

Plymouth was the first low price car using precision type main bearings although all expensive cars use them. Plymouth has for three years been the only low price car with Full-pressure Lubrication. This is a long life feature which only five American cars have seen fit to do without.

The list of quality features Plymouth gives the low price car buyer is long: aluminum alloy pistons for long life and better engine performance; two air cleaners; crankcase ventilator; steel ring gear on the flywheel, and manual type start which will not stick or break flywheel teeth; more anti-friction bearings than on any other low price car; a heavy rigidly mounted counterweighted crankshaft --

And Hydraulic Brakes, with Centrifuse Drums; Safety-Steel Bodies; Silent Second with Easy-Shift Transmission; Silent U Spring Shackles; Rigid-X Double-Drop Frame; Automatic Clutch; Free Wheeling, 65 Horsepower and FLOATING POWER, which has been hailed as the greatest automotive engineering achievement of recent years.

Automatic Clutch

Next to Floating Power, the most talked-of recent development is the Automatic Clutch. Plymouth introduces it to the lowest price field in all the fineness that has made is so popular on higher price cars. It relieves you from using the clutch pedal. With the engine idling you have only to put the car in gear, accelerate and the clutch takes hold automatically. Shifting gears becomes now merely selecting the speed range required, with a flick of the finger.

70 Miles an Hour

In terms of performance this fine Plymouth quality means certain very definite advantages to the owner. The engine develops 65 horsepower with a top speed better than 70 miles an hour. Its acceleration is little short of phenomenal.

50 in Second

So efficient is this new Plymouth engine and so perfectly have the gear ratios been selected that you can drive at 50 miles an hour in second. Combined with Plymouth's Free Wheeling this fast, powerful second speed is of tremendous value in traffic. This second speed is a marvel of quietness, practically as quiet as high gear operation.

New Comfort Provisions

Many new comforts unusual in low price cars are offered in the new, finer Plymouth. The long wheelbase results in a larger, more spacious car. The Rigid-X Double-Drop Frame produces utterly new sensation of solidness and firmness on rough roads. The new Silent-I Spring Shackles produce a new soft spring action. The Steering Shock Eliminator introduces you to an altogether new ease of steering.

So with the advent of the new, finer Plymouth with Floating Power, your dollars can buy more than ever before -- more performance, more safety, more style and comfort, more economy of upkeep -- more quality.

Promotional Brochure
Date: 1931
Form P-17

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